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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/07/2023 in all areas

  1. No. That was my second error in two attempts, so I considered the experiment done for me for the time being. I had a similar experience with stabilityai (the graphic AI) where the outputs I got were complete garbage, so I suppose I am just not doing it right and don't have the patience to "play" with the thing. Apparently, for pure text stuff, you need to reiterate and massage the question to get something that is acceptable. For LabVIEW code, by the way, the latter tool might be more appropriate... or not (try it at https://huggingface.co/spaces/stabilityai/stable-diffusion). Here are the results of ("a LabVIEW diagram adding two numbers" - Negative prompt: "not a NXG diagram"): One more reason to switch to Python?
    2 points
  2. Very much the tail wagging the dog but it could certainly replace many of the managers I've worked with.
    1 point
  3. 1 point
  4. Here is the kind of response it produces for LabVIEW: The responses are impressive but it doesn't look like we are getting replaced any time soon...
    1 point
  5. I haven't used ChatGPT yet. But from what I've seen the power of it comes in the conversation like threads it can make. I saw someone ask it for advice on how to get kids to eat vegetables. It gave a list of things on how to eat them, but it was pretty general. They then were able to refine the request and say they needed advice specifically for children, and it came back much better. Any examples that seem very shallow and unimpressive, are likely just a single line of a request, and not a conversation asking it to refine or be more specific. I have been having fun with StableDiffusion and AI generated images. This too has the same problem that you most often can't just put in some text and get something awesome. Most of the time you need to refine it, over and over, tweaking things, making decisions about what you are looking for. Both in the prompts and in the parts of the image and how you want it to change. I made a thread on the dark side about some of my experimentations. In that thread is my new Linkedin profile picture. This stuff is moving so very fast. People are making changes to their work flow to have AI generate concept art, or inspire other things like writers block, alternate endings, or generating tiling texture for surfaces in a game. It isn't replacing industries, it is another tool to get jobs done. Of course you can combine these two things. Here someone asked ChatGPT to explain whey AI art isn't real. And then asking it again to say why it is superior.
    1 point
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