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Everything posted by ShaunR

  1. Ah Yes. Sorry. Kind of slipped off the radar what with Xmas and everything. Yes, yes, yes. I actually have a later version which updates Transport.lvlib shipped with the latest version (for Version 1.1). That gives dispatcher the compression (zlib) and compression/timestamp information like so. The Get Subscribers was removed as it was not intended for Users (more for internal use - which it never was) and just leaks information that could be exploited. There were a few more tweaks and bug fixes (including the one reported) so there will be an update. I'm just umming and arring about an installer (e.g. putting into a VIPM package) ATM. I've been burned badly by VIPM so am tempted to use my wizard instead. So once the grog has worn of and the hangovers have subsided; I'll upload (just after Xmas but before the new year).
  2. Be careful. The table is here. NI just say they haven't tested on those platforms. I know for a fact that even LV2009 works on 8.1 and it is difficult to see why any of them wouldn't although addons, toolkits and DAQ may be sensitive. Even 2014 is only listed as "Partial" so just be aware of the specific claims.
  3. You do know that your managers will probably read this, right? I think consolidation is your key argument in this kind of environment. The premise is that it is cost effective to rationalise/consolodate the myriad of versions into one version for production benfits. As NI don't sell any other versions than the latest, that means upgrading to 2014 at time of writing. Shame eh? First step. Talk to the NI rep and find out how much it will cost to consolidate all the versions and how much discount he can apply (important for the bean counters later). Push him hard as he will want the sale as much as you want to upgrade so he is a great ally here and you can use some of his sales BS when you argue later internally. Get him to give you two quotes. One with the prices for upgrading individually (which is a single seat full licence per person-don't forget all your addons) and the other with his best offer. This is the accountancy "saving" you can show the bean counters later Make sure an SSP is also included as an optional line item. Then onto the convincing Espouse the merits of a single platform and the advantages of having a single version in terms of maintenance, deployment and upgrading test facilities. A powerful argument here for production is downtime. Center the argument around cost saving in terms of product not being produced (rather than programmer effort -you are cheap, product is not ). Point out that whilst upgrades are being tested; they have to be tested for each version (multiplying test station downtime by LV versions). The corollary is that a single platform only needs to be verified and signed off once and can be deployed to multiple stations (Replication of effort across multiple disciplines). Really emphasise the effective cost of sign-off too. That multiple disciplines must be involved so deployment resource is multiplied outside of just a puny software engineer and may involve expensive resources like quality engineers, production and maintenance engineers as well as the great god Project Manager. Basically you argue that everyone (production, quality, management, maintenance, bottom line) will benefit if they upgrade and look what a fantastic offer NI have come up with for a one-time consolidation package (show the two quotes) I think you get the gist. Once you have argued those kinds of points with management and techie types, then you can woo the bean counters with all the free goodies you will get that they would have to buy anyway but you can get for free if they do this "one time consolidation" like "Database Connectivity, Desktop Execution, Report Generation, Unit Test Framework, and the VI Analyzer Toolkit." (thanks for the list Hooovahh ) Show them the quotes as what they have to pay if they do it now or when they have to later. Explain that if they get the SSP too, we will not have to worry about this again next year and we can roll it on ad-infinitum (this is a different budget ) . Any counter arguments, steer towards the SSP. This is your sacrificial "feature" which you may get if you are really smooth, but really not that bothered if you don't. Just make sure you steer all financial arguments towards buying or not buying that to deflect from consideration of the upgrade. I hate politics.
  4. Sorry Jack. Everything will be fine if only we had X,Y Z is just adding more goo to a sticky mess. I think this discussion needs to be taken to another thread so as not to derail the OP (any further?) as there are some very simple premises here that are being conflated.
  5. The source is available from sourceforge as well as the executable.
  6. @JackDunaway Great analysis with which I agree with 99.9% (except for your first sentence). You are skirting around a couple of fundamental issues, not directly to do with LVLibs but with LVPOOP and are the reasons why LVLIbs fall short of expectations. I think you have seen and hinted at, but not articulated, though. 1. it is impossible to create LVPOOP components with zero static linking (this is trivial with an open VI and a LLB full of functions which can be loaded and unloaded dynamically). 2. A function per VI is a purely semantic imposition for dynamic dispatch. 3. With the exception of namespacing with paths, classical labview programmers only have similar issues by bad architectural design rather than language imposition and can always avoid the issues by best practices and frameworks. Food for thought: If huge amounts of analysis and tribal knowledge is required to not write bloated, unscalable and buggy code with a certain tool. Is it not a better strategy to just not use that tool?
  7. Absolutely. I think most of the file stuff is in the Win32FileIO the only extra would be a Device IO wrapper for mounting and unmounting for which the c code gives the prototype. Might even be able to use memory mapping, I've never tried it with a raw image but it may be possible to map the device.
  8. From Windows? (I presume, since you mention Cygwin). Easiest is probably win32diskimager but it may be too manual for your test system. If you have gone to the extent of installing Cygwin, then I would try to figure out why dd didn't work (don't forget to unmount before trying with dd).
  9. OK. I'll take a look at the weekend.
  10. Well. If you abandon LVLibs, you will only have a directory of VIs which are very easy to cross link and not as easy to distribute or organise as well as no namespacing or private scope. If you want scope, put them in a class. For dynamic loading plugin distros, LLBs are great because they are monolithic containers that don't load everything into memory unless linked or loaded explicity . For identical to LVLib without the [arbitrary] bits you don't want-probably asking too much.
  11. They fell out of favour because they hide VIs from source control rather than any bugs or funny behviours. However, VIPM can pack directories into LLBs so it's not that much of an issue anymore for most people (can keep directories for development if its an issue). Your animosity towards them is unfounded
  12. Find the IE shortcut in the start menu. Right click on it and select properties. There is a field for you to define a shortcut key which is currently set to None..
  13. That was a little unfair, I know.The fact that firmware engineers did solve it for the rest of us doesn't acknowledge their difficulties in achieving it. Maybe they abstracted so we don't have to? Firmware engineers used to plan for serial and a MAX chip in front did the rest. That is why with so many devices the interface is an option. It depends on which daughter-board they install. So again; it was solved with hardware (did one myself, back in the day). With ARM and modern PICs coming with in-built UARTs, USB and TCPIP stacks, I don't really know but it may highlight the reason for your question. Once the comms interface has been pushed inside the System On A Chip boundary, how does the firmware switch interfaces? What if the device has an interface that isn't propagated to the outside world?. The solution will still be to get it into a character string and then define the SCPI command set that the firmware can work with but how you get the string may be a pain. Saying that.. The firmware engineers did do it and the major suppliers normalised it and for that, I am thankful because it makes my life so much easier.
  14. J1939. Wow. That's going back a bit. OBDII has been the standard for at least 10 years now (1998?). In response to both of you though.......... Not really. As I think I mentioned. The hardware guys & gals mitigated hardware interfaces with cables (and hubs). There used to be a few teething issues with things like USB compatibility, but they have pretty much disappeared now. If a device doesn't use TCPIP (most offer it as an option, you just need to spec it) Just use one of the many hubs or cables (Ethernet<->USB/RS422/RS485/SERIAL). It s not unusual to use a 20 port USB or 485 hub dangling off of a Ethernet cable, for instance. You can even connect wirelessly if you like, Combine that with standardised string messages (SCPI) and the worse you need for the OCD programmer who cannot abide odd messages is a lookup table from a home grown SCPI hierarchy for the legacy device to whatever ASCII or byte representations the old instruments use. Just copy and paste from their manuals. And testing? Well. That's a whole other area of ease of use. Just throw all the commands into files and squirt them at the devices in whatever order you want with whatever instruments you want. Just one simple VI that loads the file with commands and expected responses. Send them to one device/service/module to do a full factorial message test or to different devices/services/modules to do system tests. Simples. The hardware guys really have solved it, even if small manufacturers are still doing what they did from 20 years ago. I wouldn't be surprised if over 95% of those on the Instrument Drivers Network were SCPI compliant for instance (haven't counted, just saying). PS. We don't care about the instrument side, that's the firmware developers problem
  15. The thread seems to have run its course, so I will respond here as we are now way off topic and it shouldn't hurt Hardware abstraction (at least for devices) was solved years ago by hardware engineers. With the proliferation of boxed solutions, SCPI and robust comms converters, the purpose behind most peoples HALs was obsoleted. It reached critical mass about 6 years ago when to not be SCPI compliant became the exception rather than the rule, there was a large choice in comms-to-comms converters and all PCs came with high speed USB and TCPIP. VI drivers were designed to normalise instrument command interfaces. SCPI changed all that and things have moved on but still people write HALs around these (what I consider legacy) drivers instead of directly interfacing the devices to their messaging systems. If you don't use VI drivers, SCPI devices slot straight in to string based messaging systems and open up scripting and performance benefits. Even NI DAQ, Profibus and Modbus devices can be given a thin SCPI translation wrapper in a pinch if you have no control over device selection and laptops become viable test systems. Once you get that far, you suddenly realise that now the devices don't have to be in the same country, let alone hanging off the same computer, as hardware and device specifics have been completely removed from the software. The emphasis then becomes managing and routing the messages, security and scripting test harnesses - very little thought or indeed programming needs to go into how to talk to the hardware. So. The benefit of OOP for hardware abstraction is moot IMO and wasn't solved by OOP or even software, anyway. There seems to be a lot of trumpeting of LVPOOP for solving complex software problems that either don't exist or where created by using LVPOOP in the first place-singletons are a good example of the latter.However, I know what you mean about "vaguely implied benefits" and the evidence is never proffered. There is however evidence that the benefits are just marketing hype. spetep- printable.pdf
  16. sort or not.vi Measuring column widths seems a bit overkill if you are not auto fitting. A point of reference. A single click to sort is not usually a desired operation especially for sorts that can take some time because it's just too easy to accidentally set it off. A double click to toggle is IMO more desirable.
  17. Handle the resizing in "Mouse Move" rather than mouse down and use the Point to Row Column property node to get whether you are in the header or not.
  18. If it's here (or on my site), it's alive. It just does everything I need (so no new versions) and has had no bug reports. You won't be able to use compression (windows only) and it is untested on VxWorks because I didn't have that hardware platform back then but everything should be fine. If you run into problems just shout.
  19. Oooh. You are so close. Won't be long now until you're talking about services instead of actors
  20. Indeed. LVOOP is a bit like a religion - a dogmatic ideology that everybody seems to still accept, in spite of all the evidence. Well. That's a bit unfair. It's not just LabVIEW. I've been laughing my gonads off about the implementation of "namespaces" that were introduced in PHP 5.3. Another example of taking a perfectly usable language and making it worse to fit the doctrine.
  21. No. It's simpler than that. It is state. With State-machines (as the name implies) they control and own system state State is implicit and encapsulated. With a message driven AE, state is external and the interface is basically an API for encapsulation of discrete functions it's a classical action Engine with a message interface rather than typedefs.. I'm sure there are better academic labels for what I am describing because it's nothing new It is a designers choice and pretty subjective so I'm not going to say "do this one". There are advantages and disadvantages over both. When it comes to RT, the crowbar method becomes much more attractive than in desktops as it has better performance generally and tends to have superior jitter since execution can easily be made constant,deterministic and predictable. With any messaging in the acquisition, then you may not be able to guarantee that and jitter will definitely no longer be constant or predictable and you may even lose determinism depending on what you do when you respond to a control message. However, you cannot configure the former easily "online" (whilst it is running). It is a Configure-Start-Acquire-Stop-Configure-Start-Acquire-Stop type of arrangement (offline). 403? You're IP address is probably banned....lol. Been visiting without a user agent? (PM me with your IP and I'll unban it). later........ Nope. You're not banned. Your Uni must be blocking you.
  22. It depends. If it is a create/destroy type process then you don't need a queue at all (a service with no control interface). Just launch the service with a dynamic launcher and crowbar it (abort) externally using VI server. No queues, only the event broadcasting data and a while loop that you can stop dead in it;s tracks. If you need a bit more (Configure/Start/Stop/Shutdown) then untitled 1 contains a dynamic launcher itself and launches the acquisition when it receives Start, crowbars it when it receives Stop and complains when it gets configure whilst acquiring. So the acquisition is a sub-process of untitled 1 and untitled 1 is the acquisition "controller" that provides the system interface. If you cannot just crowbar it, then you must go the timeout route (zero on the queue timeout) and effectively untitled 1 is a state machine with message injection rather than a message driven action engine (it's an important distinction), There was a discussion on here a long time ago where we discussed these methods and Dalku and I compared notes with Lapdog. The only real difference was I used "->" as a message delimiter and case statements and Dalku used ":" and his Lapdog classes. The arcitectures were similar, it was the implementation that differed. You could also use the Actor Framework but then you are really getting complicated just to start/stop a VI (in fact, the AF always strikes me as complicated regardless of the size of task). If you think about it, you are asking for the same features as an Multiple Document Interface which is just a sub module launcher with event feedback which is what you have above if you include a launcher. Another example of the launch and crowbar approach can be seen in the Websocket server. When a connection comes in, the sub process is launched and runs asynchronously whilst the server listens for more connections and launches other services. If the server is closed, it just goes through the list of running services and crowbars them (abort then close FP). Each sub process is a service as described in my previous post but doesn't launch anything dynamically. So once launched, the client/user talks directly with the service (launched process) through a defined string API using their web browser. .
  23. I've been using the following topology for a long, long time now and haven't found anything better that suits my needs. It's just the next level up to your "cartoons" but gives you a complete message based service architecture (that transcends networks ). Mine is a little more complicated but not much - just deeper message decomposition and only replies if there is a question mark after a command ala SCPI. You can replace queues with events if you prefer. It's simple, easy to understand and scales better than any other generic framework in LabVIEW. When you hear me talking about "modules", I'm talking about the bottom half of that diagram. The only thing it's missing is a dynamic launcher for the service. You can also bastardise it with classes instead of the case statement if there aren't enough VIs for you All the comments are just saying that whats on the diagram is normally inside sub VIs but the guts are displayed for understanding. PS: You'll find the Queue VI used here in Dispatcher but it's nothing special - just a self initialising queue wrapper for strings that I use in everything!!.
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