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Everything posted by PaulG.

  1. PaulG.

    Alfa String

    QUOTE (jcarmody @ Jan 20 2009, 07:13 AM) Bahhh Bahh Bah Baaahhhh Bah Bahhh Bah
  2. QUOTE (Ton @ Jan 19 2009, 04:08 AM) Neither could I. I downloaded the scripting tools OK but the examples are missing. Must have been taken down. :ninja:
  3. "Crayon Physics Deluxe?" If it can't replicate a black hole or a Higgs boson it's still just a toy. (scoff!)
  4. "Crayon Physics Deluxe?" If it can't replicate a black hole or a Higgs boson it's still just a toy. (scoff!)
  5. QUOTE (hooovahh @ Jan 13 2009, 12:50 PM) :thumbup:
  6. We should come up with our own "Most Dangerous LabVIEW Programming Mistakes". I would add: Failing to properly close references, using stacked sequences, using globals, messing with a fellow team member's code without permission ...
  7. Try over here on this thread.
  8. Back in the day of a few size choices of CRT monitors there used to be a "standard" (I don't even remember what it was it was so long ago) but not any more. There are simply too many LCD's with different sizes and resolutions now days. If there is a standard it's "keep the block diagram on one screen".
  9. QUOTE (crelf @ Dec 7 2008, 06:37 PM) Done. Alpha is bad enough.
  10. QUOTE (BobHamburger @ Dec 7 2008, 03:39 PM) :thumbup: State machines are the Holy Grail of programming, grasshopper ... in any programming language. :ninja:
  11. GodSpeed, Norm. Kudos. Wish you nothing but the best.
  12. 5.1?! That's the version of LV that I first learned 10 years ago. It has been my experience that NI will give you every older version of LV up to your licensed version for this very reason. Contact your local sales rep.
  13. I've built applications that used up to 128 serial ports with no problem. But you will need a multiport serial device. But they are expensive. Take a look at the "serial concentrator" crelf mentioned then contact him. Good luck. :thumbup:
  14. In my experience I have found that coming in 10 minutes early to get everything up and running works wonders.
  15. PaulG.

    Safety Tips

    Thanks for sharing. Very funny. And to think I get upset over password-protected VI's.
  16. You will probably spend at least one man day (or more) perfecting your report. NI Report Generator SUCKS. :thumbdown:
  17. QUOTE (BrokenArrow @ Nov 16 2008, 12:53 PM) I've learned to use User/Registered events in lieu of semaphores, locals, globals, notifiers, etc. Simple and elegant.
  18. Lately I've been doing a some equipment safety check coding. As long as there are operators there will be operator errors - and in our case a possible loss of an expensive UUT and wasted time and data if the operator makes a mistake. I'm sure there are dozens of ways to do it, and my application isn't that complicated, but in this situation comparisons and one button dialog error messages ("Error: test position already in use.") where the test software will not continue until the error is corrected seems to be working very well.
  19. QUOTE (crelf @ Oct 18 2008, 03:08 PM) Thanks mate. :thumbup:
  20. QUOTE (km4hr @ Oct 17 2008, 10:22 AM) I screwed up. Big time. I won't apologize for what I said, but all of you could have done without my sarcasm and the ugly way I said it. I was tired and grumpy, but that is no excuse for the lack of respect I showed all of you, especially you, km4hr. For that I sincerely apologize for the way I said it and ask for yours and everyone else's forgiveness. What I meant to say: Password-locked LV code is real pet peeve of mine. Unless you intend to sell your source code as "intellectual property" passwords are almost always a very bad idea. The code you lock with a password invariably is the code someone else will inherit and maintain. Years ago I inherited a huge application where numerous, critical sub-VI's were password-protected. Just a few weeks ago I wanted to look at that code in my archives to help me with an issue I was dealing with at the time. Lo and behold I had forgotten the password. If you are concerned with someone messing around with your code you have far more serious issues in your working environment and a password would be nothing more than a Band-Aid. Regarding a thumb drive: everything I do I save to my thumb drive at the end of every single day. Its main purpose is to take my work home, but also, if someone changes my code I always have my version ready to replace it.
  21. QUOTE (km4hr @ Oct 15 2008, 10:44 PM) ForCryinOutLoud! WTH are we doing here, guys? It's LabVIEW, not "labview". And if KM4HR wants to "protect" precious intellectual property ... ... just tell him/her to save their code onto their own personal thumbdrive. What are we doing here?? And why do I keep coming here??
  22. It's fun watching a master work. I don't get much of that. And a pretty good sales pitch for Jing. That might be useful.
  23. If you can no longer get in touch with the manufacturer for their recommendation the safe bet would be to get them re-certified. An ISO auditor can always ask: "How do you know the targets are still calibrated"? Can you re-certify them internally with another certified instrument?
  24. QUOTE (neB @ Oct 10 2008, 07:11 AM) I would pay to see that. :thumbup:
  25. QUOTE (mballa @ Sep 26 2008, 10:41 AM) Well done. I'll be using this a lot. :thumbup:
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