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Antoine Chalons

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Antoine Chalons last won the day on January 24

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    Lausanne Area

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    LabVIEW 2020
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  1. i can't really answer your question but I suggest you watch this presentation :
  2. Totaly justified by productivity gains brought by all the amazing new features, right? Someone has to pay for the NXG failure I guess.
  3. 该文件中有四行头文件 (4 rows of header in this file) 下面是一个程序,它将读取四个标题行,然后每次读取其余的 100 行 read csv per chunk of 100 rows.vi
  4. 您可以按行读取文件 如果您提供文件的一小部分,我可以帮助您编写一个 vi 来逐行加载文件
  5. what is the size of you images and what's the max duration you need to save for? 180FPS is not that much, you could just save images to a SSD or if needed to a RAID drive just make put acquisition in parallel of save and pre-allocate enough buffers to store the acquired images. in 2007 (before SSD existed) I worked on an image streaming to disk system, up to 8000fps (images were tiny and monochrome), max duration was 30 seconds, but with a ggod SSD this is nothing.
  6. This bug has been fixed by NI in patch 24.3.2f2 of LabVIEW 2024 Q3
  7. When you search for a LabVIEW toolkit, you should start on www.vipm.io Take a look at this one : https://www.vipm.io/package/hse_lib_gitlab_api/ if you need support HSE has a discord server, they are quite responsive.
  8. 23.1 is between double quotes, which make it a string, not a numerical. if you remove the double quotes, then is will be a numerical value. hope this helps
  9. same here, I don't check the wiki every day, on average I go 2-3 times a month, I never had issues.
  10. I fully agree that anything, even smoke signals in the wind, are better that NSVs. I'm using Redis, I also started from an existing lib found on the interweb, tweaked a bit for my needs. We now have multiple golang services as well as LabVIEW services connecting to Redis for cache and using RabbitMq for messaging. For some small tests on my Windows machine I've used Redis on WSL, easy to use. At the next local user group meeting I might do a short presentation about it, if you have faced any issues, I'd be interested in your feedback. Cheers
  11. I could install it with VIPM 2022 and ZLIB Extract All Files To Dir (Path) successfully unzipped the lvappimg edit : and same with VIPM 2017 on a different Ubuntu VM Thank you so much for that!
  12. that would be great, if you send me 5.0.4 i can install and try
  13. I see that it's not trivial to handle properly all the cases, to avoid error 8 when installing the zip package the first time, my suggestion is to edit the post install vi like I did below, quick and dirty, works for me
  14. Indeed, in VIPM 2022.1 zeromq doesn't even show in the list as the default config is "only show installable packages" If I disable this, I see zeromq in the package list but can't install. Clearly a bug. On the VIPM discord Jim said that a lot of work is being done to release a new VIPM for Linux "soon" so I'll make sure to bring this to his attention. 99% of my issues on Linux are privileges issues. - on the VM with VIPM 2017, i need sudo to launch VIPM and after installing a package I always run a `chown user:user` on the installed package ; surely there is a way to fix this but I got used to it. - on my Linux runner VM (for CI) it's the same, VIPM 2017 with sudo needed, as I rarely change the packages, it's a tolerable pain. - on the other VM with VIPM 2022.1 I don't need sudo. Actually for zeromq, we have modified the package and rebuilt it, online version 3.6.2 is "Linux and Windows", the one we built is "all OS" so that's a work-around for the bug in VIPM 2022.1, set "all OS" and then you can install on Linux.
  15. and VIPM 2022 fails to install zeromq with error 5000, while VIPM 2017 could install it.
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