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Antoine Chalons

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Everything posted by Antoine Chalons

  1. I suggest you take a look at the Tree Control API. Hope this helps
  2. Hello, Maybe you're looking for the function "rectangle to ROI"? Hope this helps
  3. Yep, I have to admit I hated it for a long time and eventually my dad convinced me that it was worth trying, I tried and never turned it off since. And now the few of my colleagues who (still) dont' use it get crazy at me when I turn it on on their computers
  4. Here is the code. Just extraxt to the Scripting Sandbox Scripts folder (~\LabVIEW 8.5+\resource\JKI\RCF\Plugins\Scripting Sandbox\Scripts) and get going. Any comment / suggestions will be very welcome. Of course RCF needs to be installed and the Scripting Sandbox plugin too. The only dependency is the CCT Enjoy Create Section VIs.zip
  5. I wish to change my answer, now that LV2010 takes about 4 times more time to compile my application it became my favorite feature, and this is why.
  6. icon editor
  7. scripting or event structure
  8. It all fits... :-o... if crelf had enough time on his hands to post 5k messages it must be true : he has the coolest LabVIEW job :-D Congrats!
  9. Hello, I think you forgot the attachment... I'm not sure exactly what you mean but for a start I suggest you take a look at the Tree Control API on the Code Repository, it is really usefull. If you can post your code it will be easier to help you Hope this helps
  10. hello, You can get it from NI website here : http://sine.ni.com/d...a/epd/p/id/4756 I recommend you read the page carefully, specially this part :
  11. Here is the video : http://www.vimeo.com/17700095 <iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/17700095" width="400" height="300" frameborder="0"></iframe><p><a href=" This is a work in progress of course, any suggestion is very welcome.
  12. I've had such an utility in mind for a long long time. Use case : When I start coding a new project, one of my first task is to create all the typedef clusters that will be necessary to store configuration settings, then I create VIs to read/write these "section cluster" from/to INI file (based on OpenG read/write section cluster). All this clearly can be automated. Using the following list as inspiration sources, I started to develop such an utility as a sandbox plugin. I'm planning to post it here sometime soon. Before that I was wandering if anyone thinks this would be useful for them :-o Inspiration list : the RCF plugin that creates a typedef cluster from a cluster constant, the create polymorphic VI example from the code repository vugie's scripting sandbox RCF PS: I have a video to show what it does know but it's too big to be posted here, I'll find a way to share it very soon.
  13. Dans sa boulimie de production, la modernité crée des produits sans avenir. Le capitalisme c'est la réduction de l'intervalle entre le moment où l'on achète un objet et où on le remplace.

    1. Francois Normandin

      Francois Normandin

      Sauf s'ils sont codés en LabVIEW... ;-)

    2. Antoine Chalons
  14. If you want to display images on a front panel you can use the OpenG functions, see here : http://wiki.openg.org/Oglib_picture and here is a quick example of how to load dand display an image file : snippet.vi
  15. is having a lot of fun with the scripting sandbox!

  16. Hmmm... this is weird indeed, I have only tried in LV 8.6 and I can't save the new sandbox VI... I think the best way is to use the "main application context" because my experience is that working into other "hidden" context creates problems (like the VI is not runable but you can't have the error list, etc...) I'm not sure what's the best way to get this context's ref though... Here's my first sandbox plugin "Horizontal align and distribute nodes" (saved in LV 8.6) it's quick and dirty but I'm happy with it and it took me about 10 minutes to make it... If I had tried to make a proper RCF for that I would have given up before the end. And this is why the scripting sandbox is really cool! great job Horizontal align and distribute.vi
  17. It maybe because the person first downloaded it from NI community and then rated it here on LAVA... just a wild guess The RCF Plugin is really cool vugie! One thing that bugs me a little though is that when I create a new plugin by using the context menu option "New Sandbox VI" the VI generated is in the JKI.LV.Extentions context and therefore not savable... wouldn't it be easier to place the new plugin in the main application context? I guess it is possible to choose the context in which you create a VI, but I was wandering how do you create your own context programmatically?
  18. is getting headaches with old style recursion in LV 8.6

    1. Grampa_of_Oliva_n_Eden


      take two upgrades and call me in the morning.

  19. I can't understand that... using 12.9.2010 to mean the 9th of december 2010. Seriously...
  20. When will this course be available in european branches?
  21. I suggest you create a thread in the mac section to discuss this issue. On a side note, I think there are some mac maniacs on info-LabVIEW, dunno if you use it...
  22. suggestion : make a performance comparison with other SQLite tools.
  23. today's new expression "to hold a grudge", learning languages is really funny

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