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Antoine Chalons

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Everything posted by Antoine Chalons

  1. I couldn't agree more. My work experience with LabVIEW is half of yours but I felt the same after miserably failing my CLD-R. One thing that killed is that the questions are really focused on the latest version (I'm still on LV 8.6.1). (not so) Random thought : Feedback node are probably a cool new feature that everyone should learn to use but shift registers still do the job quite well - and personally their graphical representation is clearer to me. 4 questions about feedback node, this is silly.
  2. Glad it helps! Yes, all the VIServer parameters need to be carefully set, that's what took me the longest to figure out. Also as sachsm pointed out this is sort of an "old" way, I used it from LV 6.1 to LV 8.6 (and it might even work with older versions) but with newer versions you certainly have new ways.
  3. Yes, you can do that. I posted an example a while ago, it was in LV 8.20 if I remember well. See here, and this thread can be interesting too. The example was with FGVs I believe, I also have one with Queues somewhere... (maybe). hope this helps There it was! partager une FGV (queue).zip
  4. Hi, This little snippet should help you. Cheers
  5. Open the VI properties (by hitting CTRL + i) go to the "Execution" section and tick the option "Allow debugging"
  6. pictures or video anyone?
  7. Use google, restricted to NI website, to find a lot of information on that subject. Let me google this for you
  8. a geek doesn't get older, he levels up

  9. is going back to rugby tonight. After a broken fibula in 2007, an ankle+knee sprain in 2008 and a pubalgia in 2009... wander what's 2010 injury will be :-o

  10. One side question : Why can't you use IMAQ & Vision Development Module? It would really make your life easier... :-o
  11. Ufff, it's like saying : "I want to go from Paris to New York, but I don't want to take an air plane", it's technically possible but you're not really chosing the easiest way. Basically you have to know the format of your image, read the binary data and convert it to an 2D array of pixel (that will be your image), and then you have to redevelop the equivalent of the IMAQ analysis functions. Good luck! This is not "normal", can you show the code you use to load your image? By the way, what is the format of your image and how do you acquire the image?
  12. Yes, it had a strange life cycle. Not sure I miss it though. Looks nice. I use OmniGraffle, it's pretty cool (mac only though).
  13. Hmmm.. Well.. not so fast! LAVA search seems to work much better than before, but it's still far from being fine. If you go to the LAVA 1.0 section and do a search with "DLL" you get no result. Well it appears that 2 threads (see below) in the first page of the LAVA 1.0 section avec "DLL" both in their title and inside the thread as well and not just one occurrence. And same for "PID" and... oh well, just any word in fact. http://lavag.org/top...-after-restart/ and http://lavag.org/top...r-to-structure/
  14. Hello, I don't think you can define your "free shape" AOI, it has to be rectangular or circular or any geometrical shaped available in the palette. That said, if colour is homogeneous on the aera you can define a rectangular AOI that is smaller than the symbol, so you only have one colour in your AOI. Would that be ok?
  15. VIPM on mac, that rocks!

  16. For those who use scripting, you might want to support these 2 ideas : Expose "Replace With" LabVIEW Project Method via VI Server Expose all available LabVIEW Project Methods via VI-Server
  17. maybe there's hope for much more features soon :-o http://blogs.skype.com/devzone/2010/06/skypekit_beta.html
  18. LAVA 1.0 is "corruption" free

  19. LAVA 1.0 is "IMAQ" free

  20. LAVA 1.0 is "scripting" free

  21. Ok... Can you post your code or a screen shot of it?
  22. LAVA 1.0 is "inheritance" free

  23. LAVA 1.0 is "dynamic dispatch" free

  24. What version of VDM (Vision Development Module) do you have? I *think* the latest version includes an IMAQ Find Edge that works on most type of image. Your image is probably be RGB, the IMAQ Find Edge used to only work on grayscale images. If you read a JPG file containing a grayscale image it comes into LabVIEW as a grayscale image, you can use the "IMAQ ExtractColorPane" to obtain it as a grayscale image.
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