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Antoine Chalons

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Everything posted by Antoine Chalons

  1. It really does! Last week I was helping a customer to solve speed issue with an X-Control, activating the "synchronous display" option solved the issue.
  2. Vision Acquisition Software 2010.08 makes life sweeter

  3. I think this is a great idea, I do visit the idea exchange on a regular basis (once or twice a week) and when you go there you automatically arrive on the "hot ideas" and the "new ideas" button is quite small, so even going there regularly I miss some ideas I would have voted for. Publishing ideas by block every few weeks would make it easier for voters to follow, I think.
  4. Thanks for sharing that!
  5. If anyone is using Vision Builder AI and want a new Idea section vote for this idea : Create a new section for Vision Builder AI
  6. Hello, I'm not really sure about what you're trying to do, can you post your code please?
  7. This idea is not mine but I think it's great and everyone on the forums would benefit from it, please support it. Create Snippets for Previous Version
  8. I think they use splitters, here is a tutorial you might want to have a look at : How to create a window status bar in LabVIEW
  9. Hi, You can't use a property node to write the default value of a control if the VI in which that control is is running, you will always get the error 1073 coming from the property node (the description is : "This property is writable only when the VI is in edit mode, or this method is available only when the VI is in edit mode."). That means that a VI can set the default value on controls of another VI only if the target VI in not running and in edit mode (not in exe). To do what you are describing you should probably concider using a config file. Hope this helps
  10. Which version?? Apparently not in LV 8.6 ...
  11. I don't know about LV2010 because I haven't switched but at least in 8.6 I'm using this technique. I add the .msi to the project, include it in the installer, and have batch to launch it after installatio, works fine.
  12. You can create a small separate executable form the main one and get the installer to run this exe after installation. This "post install" exe can capture whatever you like to a text file. Hope this helps
  13. I think Mike is right, for many use cases having a small soft that adds a printer to your list and generates a PDF instead of printing paper. We've used PDF Factory ($50) with many different customer, they're happy with this solution.
  14. Well, fast answer + honesty diserves kudos, right?
  15. Yep, it's absolutely great to have someone that spend time and effort to explain, comment and help us with such dedication! Cheers!
  16. Hi all, How to make sure that the "you need to restart your computer to finish the install" dialog will show up at the end of the installer? As I understand it, this dialog will show up or not depending on which components the installer had to install, and if it just has to copy my small exe, then it won't show up. I'm running 8.6 - I'm saying this in case in the newer versions, the option "ask/force reboot after installed" appeared. The only way I could find for now is to create a small other exe in the project, and that small exe is launched after the installer finishes ; all it does is show a dialog to ask the user to reboot. Is there a better way to do that?
  17. Really true. And when someone's happy with one version, there has to be some good reasons in terms of feature to move to a newer version, not just the fun to have the latest version. That's a great piece of news!
  18. Here is my last idea : a crash report feature
  19. Done! http://forums.ni.com/t5/LabVIEW-Idea-Exchange/Crash-report/idc-p/1222062#M7162
  20. Yep, "Top Left Visible Cell". See this quick and dirty example : Hope this helps
  21. We're still using 8.6 and we're now looking to upgrade. Personally I really don't mind having a few crashes a day but ONLY if when I get one I have a cool "crash report" feature that lets me send a few words to the editor and then create a cool blog like this one http://log.maniacalrage.net/tagged/cscr
  22. Thanks for the feedback, I think I'm going a couple of them. Any other feedback?
  23. Hi all, I'm about to pick a Subversion client for MacOS X to use with LabVIEW, I read a couple of reviews (mostly from here on stackoverflow) but before choosing I'd like to have some feedback from LabVIEW users. Anyone can recommend one? Thanks in advance.
  24. I was suspecting this. I am about to upgrade VIPM, so that's fine.
  25. Here is the error I get when I drop it (v1.2.0.3) in VIPM 3.0. Any idea why?
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