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Antoine Chalons

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Everything posted by Antoine Chalons

  1. Yep, boys play football, girls dance and men play rugby.
  2. LAVA 1.0 "subversion" free

  3. Relatively to what we had before the improvement is huge. In the absolut, the search stopped being crap and it now works. That's indeed a great news
  4. doesn't understand NI's strategy about Linux... secrets again...

  5. I don't think you can, but somehow I hope you can. I think someone had a try before you though, have a look it's interesting : Property Saver on NI Community.
  6. Text formatting in the VI description has been requested on the NI Feature Idea forum : see here but it is still tagged as "new" so I guess it's not in LV2009 and maybe not LV2010
  7. This is a great idea! If someone could knock the right door at NI maybe we'd get some info :-o
  8. I'm glad you could solve the issue. It is a wide-spread good advice to try to build application on a regular basis, it helps to detect issues early and not be stuck near the end of a project
  9. Hello, Your issue might be similar to the one exposed in this discussion. First thing to try is to close LabVIEW, re-open and see if it works. If it doesn't you can try to temporarily remove parts of your code to find out which VI causes this problem. Have you been able to build an exe from this source code earlier or is it the first time you try to build?
  10. well, you posted your question just a little over an hour ago... give people a chance to wake up.
  11. http://log.maniacalrage.net/tagged/cs4cr
  12. On a french version of Windows, I strongly recommend to disable this option just after you install LabVIEW. There are at least 30 threads on the french section of NI Forums for which the solution was this.
  13. Do you remember back in the days (up to LabVIEW 6i) what we had to code before we had the event structure? Surely anyone would be annoyed to have to code with LabVIEW Base since there is no "event driven programming".. wel in fact that not totally true, because if you download LabVIEW evaluation version, it includes the event driven programming and the code generated can be opened and run with LabVIEW Base, you just can't edit or add anything related to events but well a second computer is cheaper than the cost difference between LabvIEW Base and Full. So what's the point in falsely removing the event driven programming from LabVIEW Base? I think this is an extremely bad move form NI. Plus, let's say some potential custom gets the evaluation version, likes it, get a Base license, figures out he's been screwed and now has to buy LabVIEW full to use event driven programming because his evaluation period is over... isn't it lying to customers?
  14. Not that I know about. I agree the documentation is a bit light. If you have specific questions about VBAI custom steps you can of course post here, but also on the Vision board on NI forums, the developers of VBAI do answer questions there.
  15. Sure, here is the whole post :
  16. I quite like this blog.
  17. In fact it does but it's not easy to find, see here. And at the very bottom of the page, they give a trial code. To answer your question, I haven't tried. Hope this helps
  18. If you use a mac, I suggest you have a look at TotalFinder it's free and it really rocks! And if anyone knows about something similar on windows, to enhance the explorer, please let me know :-o
  19. I totally agree, one more vote for a VIPM package!
  20. I understand the frustration of having to pay for a bug fixing version. But to be fair I don't think NI (or any other company that ships such a big soft) can wait until the product is 100% bug free. If you want LabVIEW 2010 to be released only when it has no bug at all it will be released in 2020. Big soft are released not when they are bug free, but when the market needs the new feature they bring. It's always been like that, if you want to take advantage of the new features you also have to cope with the new bugs. That's for shipping a version that still has bugs. That said, charging for a bug fixing version... well... if you were happy until then with LV2009, maybe you don't need to get the upgrade :-o
  21. Hi PJM, what is pb? "pb" is a usual abbreviation for "problem", so I think that means "to isolate the lvclass that causes the issue" being french helps understanding other french << this is an off topic comment, please don't take it as a starting point for "thread hijack"
  22. Sorry I wasn't very clear. What I call utility VIs are VIs you can plan in folders such as <LabVIEW folder>\wizard or <LabVIEW folder>\project, they can be launched respectively from the "File" or "Tools" menu bar. When these VIs execute they are in specific LabVIEW instance(or context), not the same instance were your project's VIs are. When editing VIs in this specific instance, you get some strange behaviours (e.g. broken arrow but VI is runnable) and I have notice that when I play too much into this, I get the same error as you got. It's just a feeling I had, maybe this issue is totally disconnected from that... So I was asking this to see if it could be the cause, but apparently not.
  23. Are you using JKI RCF or are you playing with home-made VIs in another context than the main LabVIEW instance?
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