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Everything posted by MikaelH

  1. TortoiseXXX is great, but which one should I use today :-)
  2. I've noticed this in later version of LabVIEW, and never has the problem before. The same application, just converted to LV2012SP1 for example.
  3. Perfect, but why can't NI put these files somewhere else ;-)
  4. It's nice that you like it. Here is another example form the same book. CommandPattern.zip
  5. To start, have a look at my solution for the same example :-) It looks like you just forgot to set the Cost VI to reentrant. DecoratorPattern.zip
  6. Create a Base class for the Events and inherit it for all the different type. It’s lot of work but that makes it possible to destroy them using a for loop.
  7. This is an area where NI has done some modifications in. I've not yet gone through the AF changes they have done so I'm not sure if it's related to that. I'll see if I can reproduce it.
  8. I assume it makes sure all new files added to the class or library will have the Compiled Code removed.
  9. You forgot the file pattern *.lvlcass and *.lvlib :-)
  10. Sorry for the late response. You are using by reference classes therefor you need to use the Create not just the Class Constant. Cheers, Mike
  11. I did a quick example where the Duck class implements the FlyBehaviour like this (see attached file) But for the design you are looking for, I would implement it like this: This soution does everthing you want. Why Interface is used in the design you are looking at (page 22 in Head First esign Patterns), because Interface exists in Java :-) Duck.zip
  12. We have created a free licence key that unlocks Symbio's version of GDS in case people still like to use that: GOOP-GOOP-GOOP-GOOP-GOOP Cheers, Mike
  13. Thanks, I've only been working on this tool for the last 14 years
  14. Sure I'm still answering questions. And I will still do bugg fixes and add new feature in my local copy and publish them on the forum.
  15. That should cause a broken arrow. I vote for bug.
  16. Tomi, Your site have some problem. Cheers, Mike
  17. $341 incl GST, here down under (if you are a student). You can start ordering now, and it will be shipped in end of November.
  18. I'm the first in Australia to order my NI myRIO. Anybody else done this? Or maybe you already received yours? Is it as awesome as it sounds?
  19. No sorry, it still don't rename the class controls/indicators. I suggest you change the names to Object In/Out or Reference In/Out on all you classes so you don't have to rename the label when you clone/rename the class. Regarding the crash, I've only seen a few crashes myself, but I do get it to hang from time to time (i.e. never finish the clone operation). But after restarting LV it works again without any problem. But I’ll test your idea of changing application and having many VIs open to see if that could cause the crash. //Mike
  20. It would be nice, if I could block/filter out people's posts. E.g.: Nautankii1 MoviesNU lotus123 ...or have access to report these users.
  21. It looks like you haven't tried Symbio's UML Modeller ;-) //Mike
  22. I only add the important inputs and outputs to methods when they help me/others understand the design, but most often I leave them out of the class diagram. I use them more often in the sequence diagram. And regarding to: "You have to only use the 4x4x4 connector pane settings otherwise nobody can understand your code, and the world will go under", I just don’t get this. I’ve always used 6x8x6, for all my classes and I love it
  23. This looks nice, but should you really need to specify that the class method should have a class in/out value? I don't see you adding the Error-In/Out data to all methods If you like to have code generation from the UML, I guess it does make sense to add the class in/out value since the method could be static. But maybe it's better to always assume you're having the class in/out unless you wire. <<static>> MethodName (...) And maybe even: <<static>><<Error Less>> MethodName (...)<<static>><<Non Virtual>> MethodName (...)<<static>><<Non Dynamic Dispatch>> MethodName (...) Cheers, Mike
  24. I'm using <out> Sometimes I write it like this: Isn't LabVIEW the best, that can return multiple "by value" return values!?!
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