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Everything posted by MikaelH

  1. I've added this feature in the latest OpenGDS(1.0.9). I'm not sure about the user interface, any feedbacks on it would be great. Cheers, Mike
  2. I've added the Rename function in the latest OpenGDS version. It's currently building and will be uploaded soon.
  3. I've not added this feature in GDS yet, but why not, give me a day or so :-)
  4. I don't agree , LabVIEW's OO is almost perfect, if we just had native interface, it would be perfect.
  5. When I like to run things in different thread, and don’t like to make a fixed amount of while loops on my diagram. I use Active Objects. I’ve created a demo application that does exactly what your Java Code is doing. To be able to do this quick I use GDS which will make 80% of the code for me. Cheers, Mike Threads.zip
  6. You can easily do this yourself by modifying the class templates located in this folder: LabVIEW 20XX\resource\Framework\Providers\XXXXXXXXX\ClassProviders\Provider_EndevoGOOP400\Templates In the latest release on OpenGDS, I have fixed this in the utility VI: LabVIEW 20XX\vi.lib\addons\GOOPUtility\GOOPUtil_IsValidReference.vi
  7. MikaelH


  8. MikaelH

    OpenGDS LAVA

    From the album: Icons

  9. Excellent work, thanks.
  10. Absolutely, but if you want to make it a Generic VI, it’s a bit harder. But if you don’t mind adding a VI like that in all your classes, that would be the easiest way.
  11. You can always check out NI's GDS. Look in VI: C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\LabVIEW 20xx\resource\Framework\Providers\Symbio_GDS\ClassProviders\Provider_LvNativeClass\ClassWriterNative_class\CreateMethod.vi
  12. Thanks Mark. We count on you as always.
  13. Darren, can you make a 2012 version f this?
  14. If I can't solve it easy, I just create a small Autoit(www.autoitscript.com) application, that always runs and closes any unwanted dialog boxes.
  15. Sorry I just saw that I use my own dialog VI, in the Door,Fan and Light classes. Replace the VI: LcDialog_AutoSizeDialog.vi, with a single One utton Dialog. The VIs you need to update are: GarageDoor_classOpen.vi Close.vi Light_classOn.vi Off.vi CeilingFan_classSetSpeed.vi
  16. ...but don't try this, it crashes my LabVIEW (2012P1f5)
  17. I'm working on it, you can try this solution, it looks likes it works in 2012 at least. But I'm not sure if it should work, we better ask NI. Make sure you convert the number string to U32, not I32 that is the default Cheers, Mike
  18. If you are new to OO, NI's GOOP Development tool, will make life easier fot you, BTW it's free. Check out the videos at the community page to see if this tool is for you. https://decibel.ni.com/content/message/44088#44088
  19. What class type are you using? If it's a GOOP3 type, you can use the Utility VIs (under Addons->GOOP Utility) GOOPUtil_IsValidReference.vi
  20. NI is uploading projects to GitHUB, so the LV community can help out in development. The GOOP Development Suite will be one of the first projects they will try out. I hope many of you will help NI, to make this product better. http://vishots.com/category/live/ http://youtu.be/abXD7M7-Y1Q
  21. Try this Data.vi
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