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Name: Toolbar XControl

Submitter: gb119

Submitted: 13 Feb 2013

Category: *Uncertified*

LabVIEW Version: 2011

License Type: BSD (Most common)

lavag_lib_User_Interface_XControls_Toolbar XControl v1.0.0.3 by University of Leeds

Author: Gavin Burnell

Copyright: Copyright © 2013, University of Leeds

License: BSD

Compatible LabVIEW Versions: >= 2012.

Compatible OS Versions: ALL.


This is a native toolbar for LabVIEW implemented as an XControl. It supports a single row of square buttons which maybe latching (sticky) or transitory (command) style buttons drawn in one of 4 different styles (system, square, flat or rounded). The toolbar will report button clicks via a value change event, but allows the possibility for further integration into other messaging systems.

The buttons are represented as instances of a button base class that provides methods for drawing the button, updating tooltip text or responding to clicks. Overriding these methods in subclasses allows a greate flexibility of response. Included in the package is a 'vi-button' class that stores a vi reference with each button and executes it when clicked.

This Package depends on these other packages:

oglib_string >=

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New 1.0.1 version released that removes the errant XNode call + fixes a number of bugs in particular in the configuration dialog window + cleanup several other parts of the code to be a little less crazy and a little more like sane LabVIEW style (plenty more still to be done through) + add some more toolbar button themes.

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