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The 5th dimension


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each point of 4-d space-time is replaced by a tiny circle whose radius is around 10-33 cm (Planck length).

...This means the Superstrings theory is not correct.

I tried doing this in LabVIEW


but my wire broke, so I guess it's wrong.

Also, I could only find the String palette, not the Super Strings palette. Is that only avilable with some INI keys (like ShowSuperStringPalette=True)?

I could only find the String palette, not the Super Strings palette. Is that only avilable with some INI keys (like ShowSuperStringPalette=True)?

:laugh: I just spat a mouthful of tea over my monitors!

...the real tragedy is that the beer here is a bit flat.

:o Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!

Also, I could only find the String palette, not the Super Strings palette.

Super strings and other super nodes are invisible with your current energy level, it's Friday agter all. You should retry on Monday after you have rested over the weekend. However it may be that the super nodes appear only so shortly that you are unable to see them although they really are there. Debug your block diagram carefully, a super string node may appear transiently as your data passes trough it. It may also make some sort of sound, so make sure your work mates keep quiet as you debug your diagram. :D

p.s. I really want NI to add animated as well as noisy icons. Imagine a VI which would make sounds as you debug, wouldn't it make life so much more exciting... (do we have a life?) :P

The problem is that the lines for the security checkpoints for teleportation are even longer than they are at airports, so it doesn't wind up saving you any time.

Yeah, and it is a drag when you have to wait FOREVER for them to get it to work!


-Pete Liiva

p.s. I really want NI to add animated as well as noisy icons. Imagine a VI which would make sounds as you debug, wouldn't it make life so much more exciting... (do we have a life?) :P

... and then imagine what the bull-pen full of debugging developers would sound like!

Quoting myself;

" ' We don't no stinkin' speakers' the only sound a computer should make, is the the sound of moving fans and relays opening and closing."



Have you ever read the writting of Carlos Castenada - Don Juan stuff?

Something tells me I will regret posting this. :oops:

If the name of Keats was writ in water, then the name of Castenada was writ in smoke...

and from alfa's "writtings" I'd say he's still passing his smoke through the waters and writs with a psychedelic pen(rose)



I think I must have entered that fifth dimension a couple of times. One seems to be able to enter it after some :beer: :blink: . From what I recall, things over there were not as logical as in the normal dimensions. It also seems you can start saying and doing things that you would no usually say or do, but I guess that's caused by spatial anomalies or something. But what you say is very interesting, I understand that I can theoretically step out of this fifth dimension at an other location then where I entered it ?


:laugh: Hoooooray everyone: alfa's back!

Yay! my first though when I was viewing "new posts list" :)

I think I must have entered that fifth dimension a couple of times.

I was stuck in it the complete thursday morning. I guess there were too many superstrings in my last beer on wednesday evening! :lol:

p.s. I really want NI to add animated as well as noisy icons. Imagine a VI which would make sounds as you debug, wouldn't it make life so much more exciting... (do we have a life?) :P

I have this horrible vision of high pitched noises leading to bug reports about "I was debugging my diagram and I kept getting attacked by my dog when the Divide primitive had a zero wired to the bottom. I have attached the VI in question and my dog." I think my response would have to be "LTTFM" -- "Listen To The Freaking Manual." :D


I don't know why anyone would want to settle for a five-dimensional existence. There is so much more out there.

Consider this small example that I picked up on a brief hyper-dimensional googling experience:

The Ninth Dimension and the Axiatonal Lines of Perfection

This spiritual response is similar to the activation of the kundalini energy within the physical realm. The axiatonal lines of perfection are energetic patterns that are specific and individual to each soul. They are like your cosmic link to All That Is. They carry the perfection of all that has ever been or ever will be you. They restore any and all aspects of the self that are perceived as less than whole. They are the true source of all healing. Any time you have been ill or close to death and have chosen to recover, it is because you have visited this dimension and chosen to align or realign with your perfection. It can never be otherwise and no other being can do this for you. The best healers will remind you of this and show you the way there. They will care for your body and your personality while your soul rediscovers its perfection.

Axiatonal lines are similar to the earth


A Google search for the Eighth dimension brought up this, meant for all those who like this exchange.

Unfortunately my comical existence only extends to 2 dimensions, the real tragedy is that the beer here is a bit flat.

Sounds like you should read Flatland, soon to be a movie by fellow LabVIEWer Jefferey Travis.



the Ninth dimension and the Axiatonal Lines of Perfection is not real, is more like a cooking book; I didn't find much in Castaneda's books.

I published my book in Romania(Cluj-Napoca city) at Cluj University Press.

it DOES exist, it IS NOT small, AND you can see, feel, hear and smell it!

I dunno - looks like the 5th Dimension qould be getting a little old right now, so maybe you wouldn't want to feel or smell it... ;)

It's a part of the control system of our Wind Tunnel that I am currently programing...

Whow! :thumbup:

pretty cool stuff - how long did it take to programm that?

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