Well, I've tracked this down to an issue being brought on to using classes within a LabVIEW library. The two kinds of libraries (.lvlib and .lvclass) just plain do not work together.
My little project's classes became plain uneditable, they were contained in an lvlib. In a fit of frustration, I dragged the entire lvlib hierarchy out of the library scope, and magically everything just works as intended. This is a shame, for lvlibs offered a lot of control and namespacing which really helps with code reuse. Please to any at NI who are reading this thread, fix this.
Well, it's a good thing I got this working. I'm literally down to the last hours, about to be gone for two weeks and this code has to work by end of day. Meanwhile, I just lost two hours trying to add a simple primitive to one of my classes.
Since there's no way I'm going to drop my use of .lvclass objects, I'm done with lvlibs for now.