In terms of CPU there is definitely less resource consumption by an invisible control, quite independent on how it was made invisible (made invisible, on an invisible tab, window minimized or hidden). In terms of memory resources there is not really any difference, the control still is there and needs to manage its state and data. This also means that it is not 100% idle. If you change properties, or the value in any way, it will take some processing power to update the internal state of the control even if it is invisible. However this is typically significantly less of an effort than even just updating a single numeric control on a front panel. YMMV of course, updating a graph with a multi mega samples array will take some time as the data may have to be copied into a new data buffer, but the drawing of invisible controls is postponed until they get visible again (if LabVIEW knows that the control is invisible, that might be different for a control that is on a technically visible panel but outside of the bounds of your screen).