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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/11/2020 in all areas

  1. 1 point
  2. I have updated this message, as after trial-and-error takes I've got success finally! As you can see, the VI is in runnable state and behaves without any errors. My steps to reproduce: 1. Unpacked lvlibp with 7-Zip unarchiver (as I'm on Windows currently) and pulled out "2" file (LIBPLBVW resource). 2. Extracted the inner resource blocks with readRSRC.py -x -i "2" command, got 2.xml, 2_DATA0.bin to 2_DATA4.bin and 2_LVzp.bin files. 3. Unpacked 2_LVzp.bin with an unarchiver, got NI_Embedded_Library.xml and Untitled 1.vi files. 4. Extracted the inner resource blocks from Untitled 1.vi with readRSRC.py -x -i "Untitled 1.vi" command, got Untitled 1.xml and a bunch of various resource sections. 5. Renamed 2_DATA0.bin (from step 2) as Untitled 1_VCTP.bin and placed it near Untitled 1.xml. 6. Added the following text to the end of Untitled 1.xml (before the last </RSRC> tag): <VCTP> <!-- VI Consolidated Types --> <Section Index="0" Format="bin" File="Untitled 1_VCTP.bin" /> </VCTP> 7. Packed the .xml and all the resources into a single VI with readRSRC.py -c -m "Untitled 1.xml" command, got Untitled 1.vi. 8. Extracted the inner resource blocks from Untitled 1.vi (again!) with readRSRC.py -x -i "Untitled 1.vi" command, got Untitled 1.xml and a bunch of various resource sections (is done to get VCTP processed correctly). 9. Opened Untitled 1.xml and removed everything from <LIBN> to </LIBN> (including the tags as well) changed the library name extension from .lvlibp to .lvlib (between <LIBN></LIBN> tags). To wit, this line <Library>Untitled Library 1.lvlibp</Library> should be turned into this <Library>Untitled Library 1.lvlib</Library> 10. Packed the .xml and all the resources into a single VI with readRSRC.py -c -m "Untitled 1.xml" command, got Untitled 1.vi. 11. Renamed NI_Embedded_Library.xml (from step 3) to Untitled Library 1.lvlib. 12. Opened Untitled Library 1.lvlib in a text editor and altered the lib URL to point to the new location. To wit, this line <Item Name="Untitled 1.vi" Type="VI" URL="Untitled 1.vi"/> should be turned into this <Item Name="Untitled 1.vi" Type="VI" URL="../Untitled 1.vi"/> 13. Opened the VI (LabVIEW did the library reload from the new path and reported), opened .lvlib. 14. In Project Explorer untied the VI from the library w/ RMB -> Remove from Library menu option, saved the both files w/ File -> Save option. Now the VI runs fine, so it might be a time to simplify this tutorial a little 🙃 If your tools could support lack of VCTP and recreate it automagically, that would be great for sure.
    1 point
  3. The whole IDE is unacceptably sluggish. Doing any kind of block diagram create/remove space feels terrible. Everything just takes a few hundred ms to a second longer than it ought to. Tearing out tabs into new windows feels so heavy. When I start NXG now from fresh I get a total system freeze where I cannot even interact with the OS for about 30 s. It does not happen on subsequent openings but is still quite disconcerting.
    1 point
  4. I've pointed out the sluggishness. It's actually the slowness of opening front panels and block diagrams and in opening right-click menus that is a bigger problem, IMO.
    1 point
  5. You guys lost me days ago, but I love reading this. Please continue to share 🙂
    1 point
  6. Yes James, I had one with Jeff and one of the dev team from India last week. We had a nice candid chat. He clarified the position that NXG is not really intended for advanced users at this stage. One of the problems is that NI is now such a vast organisation and everyone is clawing their way up the corporate food chain so there is no real consistency. The issues with the software is always because of the other guy who was in the position previously (my words, not Jeffs). Rinse repeat and now we are 8 years in with a GUI that looked dated three years ago and a UX paradigm that should never have made it out of wireframe design. Sad times indeed. The juggernaut that is NXG cannot be stopped or even steered at this point it would seem. Almost every single person who has used NXG has said how ugly and drab it looks, but because this goes against NI's "data" our opinions will be ignored. I will revisit it next year...
    0 points
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