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Everything posted by ShaunR

  1. If you are sure, then will bow to your better judgment and familiarity with the API. It's such an awful thing to do in modern APIs that I would have only expected that sort of thing in 1990s 32 bit code to thunk down to 16 bit :D. It was (is) actually Aristos Queue's signature and it was C++ rather than C. Unless you are a masochist, you don't need write any C/C++ code in LabVIEW because ..... whats a pointer? I'm sure Microsoft said exactly the same thing right before their first "Blue Screen of Death" report.
  2. There is something wrong here. Constants don't change from 32 to 64 bit. Are you sure you are not looking at a pointer to a structure? .....later, after some googling.... #define VIDIOC_S_FMT _IOWR('V', 5, struct v4l2_format) It's not a constant, it is a macro expansion to a function.You re inspecting a function pointer.
  3. Actually you already answered your own question which was "No it isn't a bug" (the many surprises about typdefs?). Therefore you only have two options; put up with it or write a script. I'm guessing most of us don't encounter it at all (like me, although I know it happens) or it's just a minor and rare annoyance not warranting a script. So you can't really blame us for wandering off and musing the merits of enums (which would solve your problem). Good point. Breaking a VI so you know where to modify is definitely an advantage of enums but are you still writing systems with lots of cases that need to be modified everywhere? I thought we had retired those organic architectures years ago
  4. One of the biggest (but not the only) "pro" for enums used to be that case statements created readable case names when wired and for things like state-machines it was a lot easier to see what was happening-readability. That really became a moot point when cases started to support strings. Enums are overrated and overused now IMO and pretty useless in flexible messaging architectures. I was only recently turned on to the text combo box too which, when you consider string case structures, is an excellent enum replacement, I used it for the Encryption Compendium for LabVIEW since there is a predefined list of algorithms to choose from. Not only did it allow for using new algos if the user updates the binaries without having to wait for me to release a new version (they just type in the name) but it enabled paramterisation of the algorithms (like DH 1024 or DH 2048) for advanced uses. Catering for the different methods could have got real messy and much harder to use the standard set of algos without it.
  5. This also has other subtle implications such as you can change the ring strings at run-time whereas you cannot with enums. This means that if you want to translate a UI.......don't use Enums on the FP.
  6. Buy an SSD? Only load the sections that are not the same as the LabVIEW in-memory defaults? Only load what you need when you need it (just in time config)? Split out into multiple files? (diminishing returns) Refactor to to use smaller configurations? Lets face it. 15-30 seconds to load 10,000 line inifiles is pretty damned good for a convenience function where you are probably stuffing complex clusters into it. What is your target time?
  7. It's no worse than having to use the property nodes and callbacks for ActiveX/.NET controls or the external windows of the Vision toolkit and this is, or is potentially, cross platform.
  8. Well. you are sending a waveform as a block (array) of data which has a fixed dt so you need to know the start time, Prepend the date/time to your double array and read it the other end to set your x axis start. You can then compare that value with the time you received it to get a rough latency of transmission.
  9. OK. So you want to "pull" and like ini-files. Hell. there is a whole operating system based on ini files, eh Linux? So why not? Each "actor" (I hate that terminology) has its own ini-file, whos name is dependent on the actor, process, service or whatevers name Lets say you have an "Acquire_DC_volts" then you could have acquire_dc_volts.ini. Your "System config Engine" broadcasts a "UPDATE" message (event or queue list-up to you and your architecture) that prompts each actor that wants config info to issue a query message to the "System Config Engine" that says "I want this file". The "System Config Engine" then loads the file and sends it to the requester. Why do it this way instead of relying on each actor to load it? Because you can make an API and handle more than just config files, you can order the requests if there are inter-dependencies and you can swap out ini-files for a DB later once you have succumbed to the dark side .. You can see this type of messaging in the VIM Hal Demo. There is a FILE.vi [service] that does the actual reading and if you look in MSG.vi you will see the requests (e.g. MSGPOPUP>FILE>READ>msg.txt" and "MSGPOPUP>FILE>READ>bonnie.txt" ), It doesn't happen on config changes because there is no user changeable config, rather, when certain events happen - but it's the same thing.
  10. Yes. I use a different topology-I'm at the other end of the spectrum I talkedabout earlier. I only send UPDATE messages and whoever needs the configuration goes and queries the database for whatever they are interested in. You push; I pull
  11. Well. Messages are ephemeral and config info is persistent so at some point it needs to go in a file. This means that messages are great for when the user changes something but a pain for bulk settings. Depending on the storage, your framework and your personal preferences, the emphasis will vary between the extremes of messaging every parameter and just messaging a change has occurred.
  12. If you can use a LV2Global to transfer information then it isn't a separate process-in the operating system sense. May seem pedantic, but it makes a huge difference to the solutions available. Anyway..... I think most people now use a messaging system of various flavours so it's usually a case of just registering for the message wherever you need it. Usually for me that just means re-read the database which can supply you with the sharing like a global but without dependencies..
  13. Commented Out Diagrams? No Specifies whether LabVIEW returns dependencies that LabVIEW does not invoke, such as those in the Disable case of a Diagram Disable structure. Also, if you wire a constant to the selector terminal of a Case structure, LabVIEW considers dependencies in non-executing cases to be commented out and does not invoke them.
  14. Oooh. This is fun. http://www.indeed.com/jobtrends/q-labview-q-programming.html?relative=1 Python is far superior to PHP and IMO is why it is enjoying the attention. http://www.indeed.com/jobtrends/q-php-q-python.html?relative=
  15. I have access to all versions from 7 through to 2015 (32 and 64 bit as well as other platforms). Let there be no mistake. I am not calling into question LabVIEWs performance and stability - which has always been exemplary. My jocularity is that people still believe this is a valid excuse for shipping commercial software and proffering it as a feature. We have "software as a service" (SAAS) so I will coin the phrase "excuse as a feature" (EAAF) Also, to an extent, it's a case of "you have to laugh or else you would cry" to my disappointment that this myth is allowed to perpetuate when it was a single version (2011) that was supposed to be the "Stability and performance" release after the pain of 2010. I laughed then when they came out with it and I'm still laughing 5 years later (You can find it on LavaG.org) Try charging your customers for a "performance and reliability" version of your software and see how far you get
  16. It did. It was called "BridgeVIEW". They didn't sell many so decided to make it a toolkit instead .
  17. The same way you do from any DLL - PostLVUserEvent. Generating events for LabVIEW is trivial. Maintaining a DLL (especially multi-platform) is a right royal pain in the proverbial,however.
  18. I do this slightly differently (in Project Probe). Yours might be faster if you only look at link info from the file rather than loading the hierarchy but I have to look at lots of other VI stuff that require opening the VI anyway too (like re-entrancy, debugging enabled, icon, description etc). I also use it to sort VI refnums when force compiling hierarchies. I create the file list similarly to you then I open each VI and check if it has dependencies (Get VI Dependencies Method Node). The VI opened and its dependencies are added to a [found] list. If a VI in the file list is already in the list or in memory then it doesn't need to be opened and could be considered already processed (it has a parent that was previously opened). If a VI has no parent and has no dependencies then it is an orphan. It can also find VIs in conditional disables. So I deduce if it is an orphan from the dependencies of all the VIs
  19. Centos5 by any chance? This issue is (or at least TLS unable to support greater than 1.0 in Centos5) is the reason I have not moved to TLS on lvs-tools.co.uk yet even though I have the certificate. The problem is that it trains users to ignore privacy and security warnings.. When they are compromised for real, they just carry on without questioning instead of not visiting the suspect site and certainly not putting in user names and passwords..I'm sure there is a proper name for this conditioning but it is the same (but with possibly greater consequences) than T&C dialogues.
  20. It's not the certificate. It is because LavaG only supports TLS 1.0 ciphers and they have been deprecated in the latest Chromium (51?) based browsers.
  21. OK. So you have a number of processes that handle different IO devices/hardware/things that sit in the "Analog" directory. Most of these (I only looked at a couple) seem to be self contained applications in their own right with things like TDMS logging of data and in-line analysis. By "Applications" I don't mean executables, by the way, just that they can exist standalone. These applications share their data via some Functional Global Variables (FGV_Sensors, FGV_Can et. al.) which are used to collate and store the data for reporting and stuff. These are effectively the" Internal Process" you show in your images that your were talking about creating. Well. You already have them - sort of There were also some global variables in the "Globals" directory but these seemed to be concerned with UI state and list management so I didn't look too closely.. So the question is. Are you looking to bolt on a TCPIP interface on the existing software; changing as little as possible then walk away to do more interesting stuff. Or are you looking to refactor completely for reasons like future-proofing, identifying reuse, enlightenment, and other noble sacrifices of your time - and while you are at it, put a TCPIP interface on it? Or,put another way How bad do you think the current (working) code is and whats wrong with it?
  22. It's a classic symptom of upgrading to Windows 10
  23. Yes. But........ 3rd party APIs never create their functions with that in mind and may need more than one parameter or the pointer is passed back as a result rather than a parameter. You can't guarantee what order the multiple CFLN callbacks will be executed in so the "Close" may be before others (can only destroy it once there is no possibility it will be used). Can only populate it from within the DLL requiring special functions and handling in the DLL rather than LabVIEW. Cannot test to see if the pointer is valid (ok, so thats a hard one regardless but you can do stuff to mitigate it) Some of those aren't an issue for you since you use a wrapper DLL so you can write special functions to fit squares into round holes. You probably don't need it at all because you can make your DLL arbiter and guardian of the pointers.As you know,I choose not to write wrapper DLLs and the InstanceDataPtr doesn't quite cover it.
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