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Jordan Kuehn

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Everything posted by Jordan Kuehn

  1. To a degree, yes. You can read the data in from existing files. I suppose it depends on what formatting exists and if it is standard across the different documents on how much you would wind up doing with the toolkit and at which point you'd just grab the activeX references and do it yourself.
  2. exactly. if you want to do it easily in LabVIEW get the RGT, if not do the ActiveX work. You'll be better off in the long run with the RGT since everyone has a need to export to Excel and you'll just wind up recreating the toolkit.
  3. literally laughed out loud. Thanks for the info though!
  4. I think if you are looking for web hosting, you'll find mercurial and bitbucket to work much nicer for you.
  5. I use imgur.com for quick uploads of images.
  6. At risk of sounding insulting, are you certain the task is configured correctly? You mentioned that these are new modules to you so perhaps there is something that isn't configured correctly that is giving you your timing issues. It could even be a combination of both. What are the details for your task configuration? Also, here's NI's breakdown on that error: http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/allkb/FEF778AD990D5BD886256DD700770103 Of course, it's entirely possible everything is set up correctly, but it never hurts to double check the obvious stuff first.
  7. Here you go http://sine.ni.com/n...g/en/nid/208990 The ethernet ones take a little bit more set-up, but work great for longer distances.
  8. Exactly! So when a customer calls they can provide useful information about the problem!
  9. From the wiki page: http://www.linuxinsi...tory/38172.html "MySQL states on its Web site, "Our software is 100 percent GPL, and if yours too is 100 percent GPL (or OSI compliant), then you never have to pay us for the licenses. In all other instances, you are better served by our commercial license." They give away the software, yet they make money selling it." I'm not seeing the problem? Edit// Your "work for hire" scenario means the entity hiring the developer owns the license and is free to do with it what they want. This is different than posting your own code to the fora.
  10. Reminded me of this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lhwLj2qIT4k
  11. You could store these data paths on disk in a file. Quickest solution would be to have your data_viewer.exe monitor the file for changes and update itself as needed. Alternatively, without the add_file_to_data_viewer.exe you can use an event structure in your main program that monitors for a value changed event on a front panel boolean. When this event fires you can prompt the user for a file path dialog and update your path list as needed. If you want your list to persist between executions it is still good to save it to disk and load it during initialization.
  12. Completely agree, but I do like at least having the Properties option instead of having to modify every single thing individually. Gets annoying when the customer decides they want an extra decimal place on a few dozen indicators.
  13. In the Vision Assistant there is a 'Performance Meter' that will give you some timing information regarding each step in the process. That should at least get you started. If you pursue this, I would love to know what you come up with. http://i.imgur.com/R5DN1.png
  14. well considering I have just made one of these things and everything sports related is dominating it all I would respond: just fine could be more technical/descriptive fine by me, but I'm no expert just now
  15. I see that you are not a fan of the serial comma. That aside, thank you for the clarification.
  16. Thanks for posting these. Downloading now. If you are using firefox, fireftp is my preferred FTP client. Pretty lightweight and integrates within firefox.
  17. Regardless, there is an established behavior that would make this approach, well, approachable.
  18. While I do think you have a point, it does seem to me that this is at least an interesting topic to discuss, how to make a secure application. I have made some tools that have very simple authentication as it was more for simplifying displays and such rather than protecting anything important, but I could certainly see the need for a more robust authentication system. I wish I had answers, but I do like the questions.
  19. I believe in LAVA the image in a forum post is a thumbnail and you can either 'save target' like you did, or click on the image and then 'save image'.
  20. I didn't know they had moved on from the older RTAD. Thanks for the link!
  21. Thanks Omar! Glad you were able to sort through my pile of disjoint questions. I'll look forward to your post as well.
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