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Ton Plomp

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Everything posted by Ton Plomp

  1. QUOTE(Partha @ Feb 26 2008, 12:01 PM) The mixed signal indicator has such a feature. It's hell to control via VI server (at least in 8.0). Ton
  2. Can't you do this with MAX? Ton
  3. QUOTE(Gavin Burnell @ Feb 27 2008, 11:27 PM) To get the reference of the owning control, it's available in the Container State. To import a subset of properties of a part of the properties use this http://forums.lavag.org/downloads-file74.html' target="_blank">tool Ton
  4. Hi Vugie, I miss some VIs. log.vi lv2gbl-log.vi Ton
  5. QUOTE(Zalon @ Feb 25 2008, 02:21 PM) Yes, otherwise they will be deleted. Ton
  6. QUOTE(minority @ Feb 23 2008, 11:49 PM) See sub-panels in the example finder. QUOTE I've attached my (horrible) code alog with this post. Well that is certainly true (sorry ) Do you have your monitor in portrait mode? In the main event you have 4 times the same code, that is not modularizing. Put the mathscript in a subVI, and learn the LabVIEW code that is representing this (shouldn't be too hard). In such a case you could consider locals, the use of the cluster is not clear. And if you want to use clusters type-def them. The array building is useless, you can just use 'concatenate array'. QUOTE Only the tab labeled "Linear" has any functional code in it. The button labeled "Linear" add a line in the listbox in the following format: lin(initial diameter, gradient, length). Use format into string for such an action: Is there still a specific reason that there is a second event structure? For storing of the items in the listbox you could use a shift register. Ton
  7. QUOTE(crelf @ Feb 24 2008, 02:57 PM) Yes, on a personal base I can feel our IT department very well. The management that is telling me (and them) limiting in our work is most of the time the reason of frustration. Ton
  8. Yours truly and Yen, are proud to anounce the release of version 1.0 of the Code_Capture_Tool. The release is downloadable here. The tool has undergone some major bug-upgrades comparing to the prior 0.9 released version. Major user improvement is the use of a textbox with autofocus as filename option. The preview of the picture is zoomable and panning is possible to move the image around. The path can be copied on any OS (including Linux/Mac). Bugfixes include: The install routine in Linux ready (and tested) Changing of capture type isn't represented in naming If nothing is captured the app crashed Capturing of a control failed Have fun in using and please provide feedback and improvements here. Ton
  9. QUOTE(rolfk @ Feb 2 2008, 10:19 AM) Why does (almost) everybody have such issues with IT? I think they should be serving not demanding... :headbang: Ton
  10. QUOTE(rolfk @ Feb 23 2008, 10:23 AM) The LabVIEW RTE installer is 32 23MB not that bad, a typical app I would mail to a client would just a few MB. Ton
  11. QUOTE(crelf @ Feb 21 2008, 04:50 PM) I tried to do it. But even using the PMS I can't find a method to store an image on a BD. This is just an exercise, but could become usefull to obfuscate programs. And since when can't you talk about scripting. It isn't april the first. Ton
  12. QUOTE(dbyers3 @ Feb 21 2008, 04:21 PM) You could store all the variables inside one cluster (just like a C struct) and use bundle and unbundle by name to get the items you need a specific point. Ton
  13. QUOTE(ASTDan @ Feb 21 2008, 05:11 PM) In Older LabVIEW versions the Array palette had an OpenG subpalette (for instance). In LabVIEW 8.x the OpenG palette aren't added under the other functions but in the root (next to programming, DAQ etc) You could recreate the old style and save it (and share) but it is quite some work. Ton
  14. QUOTE(dhuff @ Jul 17 2003, 11:04 PM) Did anyone have success doing this? I would like to create a decoration constant on the BD (a picture constant is OK as well). Ton
  15. QUOTE(dbyers3 @ Feb 20 2008, 06:58 PM) What is it that your after, and what is your problem exactly? http://lavag.org/old_files/monthly_02_2008/post-2399-1203578461.png' target="_blank"> Ton
  16. QUOTE(crelf @ Feb 20 2008, 06:55 PM) Well if you hover an express VI the help window will show the configuration... Ton
  17. Ton Plomp

    Cable rack?

    QUOTE(crelf @ Feb 20 2008, 07:48 PM) You had a spare room needing for your PXI/SCXI stuff and didn't had one of those? Ton
  18. QUOTE(tcplomp @ Feb 20 2008, 07:52 AM) QUOTE(Dirk J. @ Feb 20 2008, 10:41 AM) since you can edit the icon of a typedef in such a way that it tells you about its contents, it would be nice if there was a 'display as typedef icon' option for such constants. What's the functional difference between those two? Ton
  19. Instead of dropping a VI contant, you could drop a control, hide the FP-part and display it as an icon. Ton
  20. QUOTE(souske @ Feb 19 2008, 12:39 PM) 1: The wait on next MS node is a synchronization node. It will start every x ms. So if your code takes 3 ms, and x is 2 it will every loop wait 1 ms. 2: Run the loop a specified number of times and do a time substraction and division. Ton
  21. Well first to get all tasks from a project you could get all descendents and filter for DAQmx tasks as type. Then I think you can call most of the DAQmx functions with a string instead of a DAQmx datatype. I don't have DAQmx installed on my current computer but it should work. Ton
  22. QUOTE(vugie @ Feb 15 2008, 03:48 PM) Wohoayuhasyadf, drewl drewl :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: Very nice, (did I tell I am bazzled?) Please share! Ton
  23. QUOTE(Daklu @ Feb 15 2008, 12:03 AM) Private in this case means 'LabVIEW R&D only', but you can be upgraded as well. Read it all http://forums.lavag.org/VI-Scripting-Readme-First-t1207.html' target="_blank">here Ton
  24. QUOTE(i2dx @ Feb 14 2008, 11:09 PM) Well both your avator are big cartoonlike figures they reminded me of the main character of the movie, while my avator is just a drunk cartoon nut-job. Ton
  25. QUOTE(Yen @ Feb 14 2008, 09:08 PM) Can someone explain why I was thinking of Rolf of I2dx? Ton
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