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Antoine Chalons

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Everything posted by Antoine Chalons

  1. the app does not constantly scan the file for changes, we ruled it out quite early. the app can receive request & commands via tcp, one of the command is 'reload config file'
  2. my usual sources : - https://fonts.google.com/icons - https://pictogrammers.com/library/mdi/
  3. It can make sense to have a dedicated module for settings. We have a single Toml file for our app, lots of dqmh modules pretty independent from each other. Each one has a section, if the file is modified, the 'settings module' will detect it and send a 'config changed' broadcast with the list of modified sections, then each module will act only if relevant section is in the list. So we can simply edit the file and modifications - if valid - will be applied.
  4. I never used it myself but found only this https://www.luaforlabview.com/ Last updated in January 2016 Let's see what Rolf says
  5. i believe there is nor difference, am i mistaken? basically you only connect if you need to change something about the registration.
  6. Je suis d'accord avec Rolf, pour qu'on puisse t'aider il faut que tu en dises un peu plus, je te suggère de faire une vidéo d'écran en montrant ton projet, en expliquant ce que tu souhaites faire et quels blocages tu rencontres. Il existe plein de soft gratuit pour faire ça, moi j'aime bien active presenter. Ensuite tu postes la vidéo sur YouTube et tu nous donnes le lien.
  7. I've create two VIs to read / write cluster formatted lines from / to a csv file. It's basic and has limited options, I use them to load 'expected results' for my unit tests (I use caraya). Feel free to use / comment / suggest improvements, if there is enough interest I'll create an open source repo on GitHub and post it on VIPM.io write to file.vim example.vi csv.lvlib load from file.vim
  8. If I was GPT and you asked me that, i'd say : are you sure you want to use LABview? why don't you use HPVee instead?
  9. Really? I haven't done any vision application in the last 4 years, but before that I was using IMAQ daily and i never had performance issues with the acquisition part. And I had a few industrial application that were quite intense in terms of image acquisition and processing. The processing was also acceptable in terms of perf, except maybe the pattern matching. Can you describe an application in which IMAQ perf is too low for you?
  10. I guess you don't care about supporting non-windows OSes, right?
  11. Possible : yes Good idea : well... Each framework will bring its scaffolding, resulting in a lot more dependencies, you might no care too much about that. It's more about your context, if you have existing dqmh modules and existing SMOs and want to use a mix for a new project, it could make sense. But if you're mixing the devs need to be proficient with both.
  12. Are you asking that in order to avoid NI vision dev module license for your vision product? If yes, you can install vision acquisition software (> no license for that, at least until 4years ago) and use the image display without needing vdm license
  13. NI's head of developer relation, Nancy Henson, said at a conference recently that it was not clear yet for NI how they were going to reallocate the c# developers who were working on NXG... Well, Emerson indeed wants to reduce R&D spendings, where will they start? As a reminder, a year or 2 ago NI laid off 9% (or was is 7%?) of their global workforce, mostly in sales and admin.
  14. it's official now https://investor.ni.com/news-releases/news-release-details/emerson-advance-global-automation-leadership-through-acquisition
  15. no one can blame you for that!
  16. in the past there was no way to have multi-pane front panel, so there was a FrontPanel.Origin i thought the change was front 7 to 8 though
  17. you have to keep track of the score for the goal-keeper and the score for the player independently, so one shift register for each, both shift registers initailized with 0 the while loop is running without any timing control, therefore 'as fast as possible, you'll see this if you create an indicator of the the iteration terminal (the blue square 'i' at the bottom left) of the loop that's why you never actually see the 'stop' turning on, it goes so fast that you don't see it, if you simply add a 1 second wait timer in the loop you'd see it. But there are better ways to do the 'processsing' of who gets a point only when you clic on the 'shot' button, take a look at the event structure.
  18. it's ok to cross-post, just notify when you do https://forums.ni.com/t5/Discussions-au-sujet-de-NI/Aide-projet/m-p/4297462#M35675 This sounds like homework, am I right? Have you started at all to create some code? My suggestion is you try your best effort to create something as basic as it may be and if you're stuck, post your code (the VI files in a zip) and then we have a base to start helping you. I'll give you a head start, here's a VI that will generate a random number ranging from 1 to 3.
  19. Any chance the Encryption Compendium ever supports Linux (Ubuntu)?
  20. Well James Truchard gave his opinion, is there really more than 50% owned by a few individuals?
  21. Switching a large project to a more recent version of LabVIEW is quite risky. Even when it's justified by a new feature the risk is high, arguably even higher as new features are rarely fully stable / bug-free on the first release. Basically by changing version you're trading a bug-set that you probably got used to - and hopefully worked-around - for a new - and unknown - bug-set. Highly risky.
  22. The error message is telling you that your "Axis" enum control doesn't have an item called "X" (upper case) You can edit the item list of your enum by right clicking on it on the front panel and select "Edit Items...." or change or simply remove the "X" in the case structure selector value on the block diagram
  23. you can find the description of all the VIs of the toolkit here : https://www.ni.com/docs/fr-FR/bundle/labview-advanced-signal-processing-toolkit-api-ref/page/lvasptconcepts/aspt_default_page.html
  24. It seems it's a VI from the Advanced Signal Processing toolkit : https://www.ni.com/fr-fr/support/downloads/software-products/download.labview-advanced-signal-processing-toolkit.html#411230 I'm not familiar with this product... but anyway, in the video, this VI is removed.
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