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LVOOP vs. Scripting


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I'm back from vaycay (a lovely week on the shores of Lake Michigan) during which I worked too much. As a kind of reward, I'm going to take a few days off from my regularily scheduled projects and do a little professional development. At this point, I can probably squeeze in a week of time (okay, some of it will be on my own time, at home, but my cow-orkers didn't get me a "Geek Goddess" mug for nuthin' laugh.gif ).

I am woefully uneducated on two topics(well, a lot more than 2):


2) Scripting

One seems more interesting (scripting) but the other seems more practical (LVOOP). Given a week, and given that I don't know diddly about OOP to start with, anyone want to weigh in on which of those 2 options might be a better use of my "professional development" time?



Do you want to be geeky or practical? rolleyes.gif

Practical: LVOOP. Besides all the LV coding I do I've been getting into trouble lately with C and embedded. I'm determined to finally get my head around OO programming because it will help me in all three and add to my skill set. The concepts of OO programming make perfect sense at face value but getting something that seems so simple into code is going to take some work. Someone at NI recommended a book: The Object Oriented Thought Process to get my head around OO thinking. After that I think it's just writing code and and peer review.

Aristos Queue had some links in LAVA 1.0 and hopefully he can repost them here.

... my cow-orkers didn't get me a "Geek Goddess" mug for nuthin' laugh.gif.



Depending on how you prefer to learn, you may want to grab a good book and stick to "low fidelity prototypes" (pencil & paper) rather than learning the oddities and corners of LVOOP.

Joe Z.



Depending on how you prefer to learn, you may want to grab a good book and stick to "low fidelity prototypes" (pencil & paper) rather than learning the oddities and corners of LVOOP.

Joe Z.

I would strongly suggest that you learn LVOOP. Tomi Maila has some good examples on ExpressionFlow


Scripting is "cool" but OOP is more practical and beneficial to learn.

just my 2 cents


You use some of your own time? Then do scripting. It's cool and geeky. Own some reputation for writing some JKI RCF plugin. Go for the self replicating code challenge. LVOOP is just a 'glorified cluster'. But how many 'Application Instance' are there? Non-pw protected vi's in the vi.lib?

If you can take some time off, then 'waste' it for the crazy stuff. Someone will sone enough ask you to do the OOP. Get the geek bonus by writing your scripting VI to UML-draft the accessor VIs.



One more vote for LVOOP.As others have said scripting is cool and you can do some really powerful stuff. However if you are building systems and not LabVIEW tools I believe that LVOOP will be much more useful to you.


I suggest UML, oh I meant OO of cause ;-)

These videos haven't been officially released but could been accessed here at the moment.







(soon releasing the new version of GDS with some UML updated)

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I vote for LVOOP.

A while ago on LAVA, AQ has recomanded this Book as a good start to learn OOP. After reading it cover to cover I can just agree with him.

Well if AQ recommends it... Luckily I have a well-stocked Barnes&Noble within walking distance.

Do you want to be geeky or practical? rolleyes.gif


Umm, I mean, practical, I guess...

Someone at NI recommended a book: The Object Oriented Thought Process to get my head around OO thinking. After that I think it's just writing code and and peer review.

I just got the "Drinking the OO Kool-Aid" book, uhh, "The Object Oriented Thought Process" book. I'm ready to pop open a bottle of zinfandel (red, not white), crack open the book, and have one heckuva night!


Smoochie! :D

Always the heathen :P.


Since your only putting aside 1 week, you'll have loads of scripting goodies at the end instead of just a headache.

Youuse some of your own time? Then do scripting. It's cool and geeky. Ownsome reputation for writing some JKI RCF plugin. Go for the selfreplicating code challenge. LVOOP is just a 'glorified cluster'.

I figured I could count on you two for the scripting vote!

Here's what I think I'm going to do... start with the OO book at home, and do the scripting stuff at work, where as far as all those sequential-programming ninnies can tell, I'll be doing something project-related.:lol:

I suggest UML, oh I meant OO of cause ;-)

These videos haven't been officially released but could been accessed here at the moment.

(soon releasing the new version of GDS with some UML updated)

Thanks for the links! I'm sure they will be quite useful once I learn the language...


Why choose? You could decide to study scripting LVOOP! tongue.gif

Ack! After a few chapters of The Book, my head is already hurting enough! Or maybe it was all the wine... laugh.gif

LVOOP is just a 'glorified cluster'.

Ummmmm, no it's not unsure.gif If you only think of OO at the level of encapsulation, sure you could consider it as a glorified cluster (and that's what I suggest when ppl are just starting to use LVOOP), but that's the very simple level of LVOOP. Once you get into dynamic dispatch, inheritance, etc, you'll find the glory of the glorified it more than glorious.

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Just out of interest to you program for NI on a Mac?
My work machine is a PC. My home machines & laptop are all Mac. My C++ development is always done under Windows where I have access to that wonderful tool MS Visual Studio. I haven't ever found anything for text programming that comes close to the usability of MSVS. On the other hand, most of my G development these days is done on my laptop where I can use my touchpad, which I find much nicer than a mouse for LV programming (easier to move back and forth from keyboard to mouse as needed).
  • Like 1

I'm back from vaycay (a lovely week on the shores of Lake Michigan) during which I worked too much. As a kind of reward, I'm going to take a few days off from my regularily scheduled projects and do a little professional development. At this point, I can probably squeeze in a week of time (okay, some of it will be on my own time, at home, but my cow-orkers didn't get me a "Geek Goddess" mug for nuthin' laugh.gif ).

I am woefully uneducated on two topics(well, a lot more than 2):


2) Scripting

One seems more interesting (scripting) but the other seems more practical (LVOOP). Given a week, and given that I don't know diddly about OOP to start with, anyone want to weigh in on which of those 2 options might be a better use of my "professional development" time?


Do scripting. Then come back here and teach me :D


Scripting and wine, that is fine...

Well, when I have some spare time (or just want to code G and no other work), I work on my reusable lib or some tools (which sometimes need private properties, not real scripting for now).


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