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How to program after inputting text/excel file

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I am having trouble on learning what to do after you input a file into labVIEW. I cannot seem to find help on this topics. I have seen many videos and tutorials on how to read and write excel/text (.csv) files. But, I am not able to do anything after importing an text/excel file into labVIEW.


So, I was wondering if someone had a simple VI that they could share. In the end, I want to do some automation so it will read a number and a status from excel. And then that number and status will either turn on or off a switch which controls something else. 


Anyways, I would greatly appreciate if someone could share a VI as an example of how to manipulate the data to control something after you import a text/excel file into labVIEW.

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I'm not totally clear on what you are having trouble with.


After you bring in a CSV, you have an array. You need do some sort of array manipulation and comparison operations to trigger actions. I've attached a trivial example of what you can do with a 2D string array


If you want that data to affect something physical you need help with DAQmx


Here's a test CSV:






Edited by infinitenothing
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