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Everything posted by crossrulz

  1. Matt Pollock (an NI SE) has a really good presentation of what is expected for the CLED. He is free with hints as well. I also failed my first attempt, but I also was unable to test my system due to the sbRIO going into a constant reboot mode. NI found a defect and is letting take the exam again for free. But my main takeaway from that experience was to keep things as simple as possible. Do not make this as you would a real life system. Use Network Published Shared Variables to send update information (tags). Do not make a complicated communication scheme. Don't even worry about getting all of the functionality in there. You only need about 70% of the functionality to pass. So get the simple points.
  2. Ask in the NI forums. You are likely to get an AE to track it that way.
  3. The Version Conversion Board over at the NI forums is the place to make this request. But I'm feeling generous here. Relax 3.26.2 R&S phase.vi
  4. I've never heard of saying that a folder has X free space. It is always determined by the volume. But since your folder is pointing to a folder on the C drive, the Volume should be C:\ and it is telling you how much space is available on that disk. It is working perfectly.
  5. Error code 7 is File Not Found. Maybe you should pass in the file path to be used instead of trusting what the Express VI is setup to do.
  6. I would multiply by 10 and then wire the result directly into the case selector. You can then make ranges and proceed as needed in each case.
  7. In general, that is correct. But always check the documentation to be sure. This last year we got bit by the Destroy Stream Endpoint (for Network Streams) not executing on an error.
  8. Who is to say that one way is the best. It really depends on the developers and the requirements. There are plenty of debates out there between using an enum versus a string. But for a framework that is generic, you really have to use a string.
  9. TestStand can handle clusters just fine. But only make things clusters for those that are actually logically grouped. You can pick up a lot of things from this article from NI: NI TestStand Advanced Architecture Series
  10. Read Spreadsheet File and Write Spreadsheet File will get you half way there. Hooovahh told you what to do in the middle. Post back with some of your code if you run into issues.
  11. FOR loop with a shift register and ADD inside.
  12. Will it create a copy? It completely depends on the situation. And unless you know every little nitnoid of the LabVIEW compiler, you can't really say for certain if a data copy will happen. But as a general rule of thumb, a wire branch is a copy of the data. With your little example, I would not expect a copy in the wire. But each terminal is a data copy. Now what if you apply different gains and offsets to that input data before going to each output terminal? That would likely have a data copy so that the operations can happen in parallel.
  13. Nothing quite like starting the day off answering people's problems. And nothing sets that mood back like your boss yelling at you for not doing something even though you actually did it a week or two ago.
  14. This looks like a localization issue. Yes, please attach a sample file so we can get this figured out for you. Only a couple of lines will be needed.
  15. Isn't it the Release Manager's job to worry about changes at all times? Why should the lateness mean anything? As long as your process handles the regression testing and proves it didn't break other things, I say you have done your due diligence and throw it in. I agree the Release Manager's feelings should not matter.
  16. Personally, I keep an Action Engine for each communications queue I need. The AE is used to initialize the queue, close the queue, and send the messages. Besides, only one place should be doing the dequeue. Plus then nobody else cares how the message is sent; they just call that AE. You can look here to see how mine are typically set up.
  17. Pay does mean a little bit. The annual raise time is a good place to show how you appreciate your employees (a lack of raise will make people mad). The major things that I have at my current job that I didn't have in my previous job is a manager who actually stands up for me (ie doesn't arbitrarily yell at me because another manager/customer didn't like how I did something, even if it was exactly what was agreed upon) and flexibility (very similar to what Becky was saying). I can point to all kinds of things done wrong at my previous employer. Giving Engineering Excellence Awards to those do you did 90% of the job for and you get nothing; not giving promotions or even a decent raise after a laundry list of reasons why you should; writing up an employee for doing their actual job instead what another manager wanted them to do (which didn't follow procedures at all); changing design architectures in the middle of a project just because a higher up manager said to do it another way; giving all the credit to the person who refused to do anything the way they were told and then blamed you for their code not working; making rediculous schedules that everybody knows will never work but make you do it anyways, and then yell at you for not getting a 1 year project done in 1 month; asking you to do a job but not give you the tools/resources needed to accomplish that job...ok, I have said way too much. Good thing I'm not bitter at them.
  18. Well, I am noticing you are not passing your TDMS File reference from the Open TDMS to the TDMS Write. The other thing to be aware of is where you put the file. I recommend giving this article a good read: http://www.ni.com/tutorial/14669/en/
  19. Use VISA. DONE! Seriously! I took a project I did a couple of years ago that used GPIB for all instrument communications. Luckily I used the VISA drivers. Most of the instruments were changed to use Ethernet. The only part of my code that changed was the initialization.
  20. Make an wire up the i to the right border of your FOR loop. It should default to an indexing tunnel. You can right click on that tunnel and select "conditional". I think it came out in LabVIEW 2012. Very useful tool.
  21. That is different requirements from the Search 1D Array. If you want the all of the indecies that match, then still use the FOR loop, but use a conditional indexing output tunnel that is wired to the i terminal. Your condition should be if the current item matches the lookup item.
  22. Use a FOR loop with a coniditional terminal. Autoindex in the search array. If the current item matches the search parameter, you stop your loop and pass out the data.
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