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Ton Plomp

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Everything posted by Ton Plomp

  1. Ton Plomp

    Code Capture Tool

  2. I cannot upload a flash movie (*.swf) to the gallery. Is this by design? Ton
  3. Currently OpenG Package Builder only supports the <temp> folder outside the LabVIEW folder. And it is the Temp folder as specified by LabVIEW. The OSData dir is not supported nor is the LabVIEW Data dir. Adding such a feature would also mean VIPM needs to suppport it, and for such a thing you should deal with JKI et al. Ton
  4. An option might be to get all the control references of the FP, filter out the invisible ones and move them to a location behind the control you want to print. However if some of these control are made visible during your program be carefull about moving them. Another idea is to create a VI with only the controls you want to print, fill these with the correct data and print this little dummy VI. Ton
  5. With the Code Capture Tool you can capture a selection of the state VI, and copy this as an image to the clipboard. After pasting this on the SM you have a clear copy of the actual code. You could even adjust the CCT to resize to half of the actual code size if you want that. Well you could have saved a lot of time with the Code Capture Tool. Good luck, Ton
  6. Any easy way to add dynamic VI into a VI that is calling it is placing the VI inside a Static VI Reference Node: . This might be what you're after. Ton
  7. Jgcode, thanks for the info! This is very usefull. Could you share this code via OpenG or Lava CR? Ton
  8. I am starting to use inheritance and am facing the following problem: I would like to inherit from 2 classes. Here is my project: I have a GPS class that reads out a GPS device, using one of two classes: USB and serial. For storing the data I have two classes as well: TDMS and CSV. Here is my current hierarchy: Is this doable with one class or should I create an 'Input' class for the USB and serial classes and a 'Store' class for the CSV and TDMS classes? Ton
  9. Create .net interop assemblies! I think this means we can actual create a .net code! Ton
  10. Uhm, using the IDE for products?..... A project is A product (internal/personal/external) Client and server apps for the same product(project) go into the same project. Ton
  11. Name: Boolean XControl Submitter: Ton Plomp Submitted: 02 Jul 2009 File Updated: 03 Jan 2011 Category: X-Controls LabVIEW Version: 8.5 License Type: BSD (Most common) Boolean XControl version 2.2 Copyright © 2009, Ton Plomp All rights reserved. Author: Ton Plomp tcplomp@gmail.com Distribution: This code was downloaded from: http://lavag.org/ind...ads&showfile=34 Direct OGP download Description: This XControl has a configurable apperance, functioning as a boolean it can show a custom picture with a custom (formatted) text. On initial drop of the XControl it will show a browse window to load a picture (png, jpeg or bmp) as view of the boolean. After that the GUI configuration of the XControl is shown where the position of string an picture can be set amongst other things. The XControl has 3 possible boolean behaviours: -Switch when pressed The boolean value will change as soon as the mouse is down on the XControl -Switch when release The boolean value will change as soon as the mouse goes up on the XControl, the button will react on the mouse-down -Switch until released The boolean value will be changed when the mouse goes down and reverts as the mouse goes up The button itself can be a Modern, Classic, System or System Decoration style. Version 2.2.0 introduces nudging of the button, when the button is clicked the button (optionally) moves 1 pixel down, For the developer it has the following advantages: -Have a configurable boolean button with customizable interface and behaviour, all of the items can be controlled via VI-server Instructions: Unzip to a custom location. Explore the possibilites with the included Demo.vi which is linked to the XControl in XControl\BooleanXControl_LCR.xctl To reuse this XControl in mulitple projects install the OGP file with VIPM (http://www.jkisoft.com/vipm), after installation it will be located in: \_LavaCR\UserInterface\XControls\BooleanXControl\BooleanXControl_LCR.xctl You have to manually add it to your palette, since LabVIEW won't index XControls. To hide the use of the XControl to developers you should lock the facade vi (Abilities\BX.Facade__LCR.vi) so the 'Show diagram' options isn't shown. Addons: The zip includes a CreateIconVI.vi which will convert any given picture (preferably a 32x32 png) into a VI constant with the icon of the VI the same as the picture. This can be usefull to include some constant pictures inside code that is controlling the XControl Known issues: Do not apply multiple properties in one property node, this is a bug in LabVIEW 8.0/8.2 Support: See this LAVA discussion: http://forums.lavag....trol-t8869.html Version History: 2.2.0 (21 september 2009): Added 'Nudge' as an option Added different button styles (Classic, Modern, System, Decoration) Added a 'Show on Hover' option On initial drop the terminal is drawn as an icon Fixed dependencies of the OGP Fixed an 'Alwasy browse upon options' bug 2.1.0 (6 may 2009): Fixed a bug that closed up the project when it was closed when a VI with the Boolean XControl was still open. Added an MNU file Changed development version to 8.5 2.0.12: Changed the default lettertype to be the first one, size 10. Changed the default behaviour to show the 'Hilited' item Included a CreateIconVI.vi 2.0.11: Second upload to Lava CR Dependencies: Uses the following OpenG toolkits, which can be downloaded with VIPM (http://www.jkisoft.com/vipm) oglib_appcontrol >= 2.9.1 oglib_error >= 2.3.2 oglib_file >= 2.8.2 nirsc_html_help_common >= 1.0.1 oglib_array >= 2.7.1 aglib_string >= 2.6.1 oglib_lvdata >= 2.8.1 License: Distributed under the BSD license. Click here to download this file
  12. Name: XControl Inheritance Submitter: Ton Plomp Submitted: 03 Jul 2009 File Updated: 30 Jan 2011 Category: *Uncertified* LabVIEW Version: 8.2 License Type: BSD (Most common) Copyright © 2007, T. Plomp All rights reserved. Author: T. Plomp --see readme file for contact information Description: This tool allows XControl to (seemingly) natural inherit properties from their daughters. Version 1.1 includes better documentation (F1), and is better structured and more fail save.This program will allow the generation of Inheritance for XControls. It offers the option to generate new XControls fit for this tool. The programs are called via Tools->XControlInheritance The programs are located under \LavaCR\XcontrolInheritance Instructions: Installation via .OGP with OpenG Commander (http://commander.openg.com) or VI Package Manager (http://www.vipm.com/vipm). Or manual by placing the zip contents folder into %labview%\Project\LAVA\XControlInheritance Use: Start up from 'tools->LAVA->XControlInheritance' and pres F1 for detailed instructions Good luck, Ton Dependancies: The code uses the following OpenG libraries: oglib_array-2.3-1 oglib_time-2.3-1 oglib_file-2.8-1 oglib_lvdata-2.7-1 oglib_error-2.3-1 Downloadable with VIPM (www.jkisoft.com/vipm) Change Log: 1.1.1: Better structured, more internal control, better documentation 1.0.8: Update after CR feedback 1.0.7: Initial LavaCR release of the code. Click here to download this file
  13. Name: Truncate Path Xcontrol Submitter: Ton Plomp Submitted: 03 Jul 2009 File Updated: 21 Sep 2009 Category: X-Controls Version: 1.1.0 LabVIEW Version: 8.2 License Type: BSD (Most common) Copyright © 2007, Ton Plomp All rights reserved. Author: Ton Plomp --see readme file for contact information Description: It will truncate a path to fit inside a (multiline) string. Besides basic funtionality it has the following properties: Truncated string (Read only property that will return the truncated string) Button Visible (Read/Write, this property will show/hide the browse button) Browse properties (Read/Write, this property will set/get the browse options) Multi-Line (Read/Write, this property will set/get the multiline option of the truncated path) Methods: Truncate Path (this method uses the VIs to truncate a path to a string) Truncate Multiline Path (this method uses the VIs to truncate a path to a multiline string) For the developer it has the following advantages: Set the browse options with a dialog similar to the native browse options dialog Browse for a path Show/Hide browse button Control the multiline-ness of the control Known issues: No drag and drop Bounds of indicator/control include (invisible) browse button Version history 1.1.0Includes multiline truncation Distributed as LLB [*]1.0.0 Initial release of the code Click here to download this file
  14. So user.lib\LAVA\packageName is a valid folder for packages? For cross-platform compatibility (Linux) we should determine if LAVA is Caps or non-caps (lava). I think we should enforce packages posted in this location should have a good mnu file and not just let everything show up in the palettes. Ton
  15. Yes please!
  16. Well there is an official Templates folder under the LabVIEW folder. Why not use that? Ton
  17. I don't really see your problem but here are my thoughts: You have a templateVI: ReadInstrument.vit, with a subVI StoreToDisk.vi I can see two options: Place the StoreToDisk.vi as a template inside the ReadInstrument.vit, if a new instance of the ReadInstrument.vit is invoked a duplicate of StoreToDisk.vit will be invoked. Dropping a template as a template inside a template can be done by dragging the Connector pane icon on the owning template. Place StoreToDisk.vi inside user.lib, and place this inside ReadInstrument.vit, if a new instance of the ReadInstrument.vit is invoked StoreToDisk from user.lib will be loaded. Why exactly do you want to copy something out of user.lib? Another route might be is moving the user.lib branch, opening up the main VI, LabVIEW will miss the user.lib VIs and will look in subfolder of the main VI folder. After succesfully relinking the subVIs you can copy the branch back. Ton
  18. And here is an example of an RSS generator. Ton
  19. It were minor issues! I cannot reproduce Ton
  20. Yes, that's what I was expecting, but I notice 2 things: I cannot collapse (which was a I function I really liked) It shows 'Comment' when it should say 'Reply' Ton
  21. Could someone enlighten me about the Portal page? I see some posts about the site, but I was expecting the latest and greatest discussions. Ton
  22. This thread (http://lavag.org/index.php?showtopic=9341&view=findpost&p=56029) has missing download links. Ton
  23. From a security point, it is very bad to compare the actual passwords. Take an MD5 checksum of the (valid) password and compare this with the MD5 checksum of the entered password. By storing the checksum you have an authentication method that does not store the actual password. This is for instance done at the CR Class Object. What is the reason to compare the passwords letter by letter? Ton
  24. Did I really say that? Too good this one isn't tied to me. Ton
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