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Ton Plomp

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Everything posted by Ton Plomp

  1. I can't open your code, but have you set maybe the 're-initialize all to default on call' in the VI options active? Ton
  2. QUOTE (Michael_Aivaliotis @ May 20 2008, 09:45 PM) Nope, and a little bit commandline programming won't do you any harm. I use the PushOK plugin for SVN but the compare option isn't available for this provider. QUOTE Wow, this will do what I want too! Hmm, looks like NI has some code duplication here. QUOTE (gmart @ May 20 2008, 09:57 PM) Similar but different as they say . Maybe one is a wrapper around the other one? PS, does anyone know what PROCMPHIER means? Pro stands for the LabVIEW Pro edition, but CMPHIER??? Ton
  3. QUOTE (gmart @ May 19 2008, 03:31 PM) I'll keep trying, in my opinion, the Menu item triggers something. This something will test the project. QUOTE Programmatically closing and reloading a project could be a problem since you never know what a coustmer has opened at the time. That's exactly my problem. I found a VI that might do the trick: resource\Framework\Providers\SCC\PrjProv_SCC Refresh CORE.vi Here's some test code http://lavag.org/old_files/post-2399-1211265868.vi'>Download File:post-2399-1211265868.vi It will always generate the following error: Error -2976 occurred at ScanProject.vi $10 for LAVA for a working solution (and your name in a future CR solution) Ton
  4. And another option. The LabVIEW SCC VIs have an Compare VIs function. This one boils down into the following vi: vi.lib\SourceControl\support\SCCSup Compare Two VIs.vi: Looks like it is what you need. Ton
  5. QUOTE (Val Brown @ May 19 2008, 06:09 AM) Not sure, but I have the feeling the files are referenced in the hidden .svn folder (explore that). Have you copied/moved a folder including the .svn folder, this has caused similar issues on my side. Such actions should alway be done carefully. To deal with it I make a backup of my local working folder (without .svn folder), delete it and do a check out from the repository. Than I do a diff with Totalcommander (ignoring the .svn folders) and update the local working folder carefully and do a checkin. Ton
  6. QUOTE (gmart @ May 18 2008, 06:48 PM) Why? Why? Why? So I write a tool that solves a lot of problems for me (checking everything is in SCC, up to date and in the right place) after running this tool I have to inform my users to manually do a Tool->SCC->Refresh? A lot of items in the LabVIEW Tools menu have a http://zone.ni.com/reference/en-XX/help/371361A-01/lvdialog/application_item_tags/' target="_blank">application item tag why not this one? The one thing I can currently think of is closing the project and reloading. Not very sophisticated but it should do the trick. Ton
  7. QUOTE (gmart @ May 7 2008, 04:32 PM) Gmart, do you know a solution? Ton
  8. QUOTE (Jim Kring @ May 16 2008, 11:19 PM) QUOTE (Jim Kring @ May 17 2008, 03:02 AM) Hi Val, For a one person, such as yourself, I would recommend setting up a local subversion repository and regularly backup the local repository onto your external drive/server. A while back, I wrote an article about how do this, using TortoiseSVN: Creating a local Subversion repository with TortoiseSVN I am using Subversion and the LabVIEW integrated tool at home via the PushOK plugin. The repository resides on a local Ubuntu server. I have hardly a problem with the locked not-checked out items in the LV project. I am going to enjoy this, at work I created a tool that checked all the files in the project, and reported those that were either old, not checked in or not in SCC. If anyone is interested in testing, PM me. I will try to get it up to CR standars (shouldn't be too hard though it contains express VIs). Doe anyone know how to setup a https subversion repository on Linux? Somehow I can't get it right. Ton
  9. QUOTE (prads @ May 16 2008, 02:19 AM) Hi Prads, your questions (which look like some homework) needs a lot more information. For instance what is ASN.1? A path has alphanumeric info, how would that match to a numeric datatype? I cannot think of a valid conversion between path and numeric. What do you mean with the property node? Does your data-type have some specific meta-info you want to read? If that's the case you should built your own functions. Without any code you allready have it will be very unlikely that we can help you. Ton
  10. QUOTE (Michael_Aivaliotis @ May 15 2008, 09:59 AM) You had that hanging over your bed? QUOTE (orko @ May 15 2008, 10:30 AM) ...I'm sure I don't want to know where his "ouzies" are. PS. Yeah, I liked him too. Almost as much as I liked BA rocks! my nick somewhere is Mr T. Pronounce ouzie. I think it's a gun (invented in Israel?) I can't find a Wikipedia entrance. Ton
  11. QUOTE (Philip Orr @ May 15 2008, 11:24 AM) No, only because the call to the DLL is non-reentrant. QUOTE How can I implement the speed increase and make my VI use both cores fully - do I need to make two libraries with identical functions, or is there another way? You should try to make the call reentrant (or threadsafe), if you know the vendor of the function ask him. (or just try). Another tip, try to do the number crunching outside the for-loop, all of the calculations you do can be done on arrays as well. Ton
  12. QUOTE (thang @ May 15 2008, 11:10 AM) LabVIEW 8.2.1 is a bug-fix release for LabVIEW 8.2.0. VIs created with one version can run on the other (they are automatically recompiled). Executables from one version can run on a computer with a runtime version of the other if you don't use TDMS functions. I don't know think Vista is supported with 8.2.1 since it was released at the same time. Ton
  13. QUOTE (jasonw @ May 13 2008, 03:40 PM) A better solution is offered in the 'http://forums.lavag.org/Variant-To-Control-file89.html' target="_blank">Variant to Control' code repository part. The downloaded code contains an example to change an array of strings into a type-def. Ton
  14. QUOTE (Jaikanth @ May 12 2008, 05:54 PM) I have no experience with them (or labviewmastery), but if youu are looking into them, would you be willing to share your experiences (not content) Ton
  15. QUOTE (ragglefrock @ May 9 2008, 10:46 PM) Such a tool can be made quite easily, the scripting properties of the project return a lot of info about the builts inside a project, including a huge variant (debuggable with the Variant Browser) containing this info. Ton
  16. Hi Jaikanth, a lot of (good) questions on MAX. Basiccally MAX is the driver configuration tool of National Instruments. I use it as a configuration tool for Real-Time systems, DAQmx cards and ethernet cameras. I have used it for testing connections with serial devices and GPIB devices. Automatically MAX can't show RS232 and usb-devices, however it can function as a serial interface to those ports for testing purposes. MAX isn't directly tied to LabVIEW it is also used when using C++ with National Instrument drivers. For DAQ it has a lot of features, for instance you can create custom scales for special channels or modify tasks so you don't have to do this in LabVIEW. As I said MAX is a configuration tool for NI-DAQmx (amongst others). DAQmx is a driverset for NI data-acqusition devices. Good luck, Ton
  17. QUOTE (gmart @ May 7 2008, 04:32 PM) Is it? It functions the same when using MS SourceSafe and PushOK SVN. QUOTE When you said you use your own SCC functions, what does that mean? I use the SCC VIs: However when I do a checkin of a file the project does not update (unless I use the menu option). Could you tell us where the VI is located that does update the project? I think the private method 'SCC Get Info' might help (haven't tested it yet): EDIT: Additional idea, could it be that I edit the SCC status from another application instance provide these problems? Ton
  18. Does anyone know how to refresh the SCC status of the LabVIEW project? If I use my own (LabVIEW based) SCC functions the project isn't refreshed. It would be nice if I coul execute the same menu as the Tools->Source Control->Refresh status on the project window. Ton
  19. QUOTE (horatius @ May 7 2008, 08:37 AM) Could you add a screenshot of your code? Ton
  20. In the Source file settings of the 'Installer Builder' an additional boolean 'Overwrite?' should be added. This boolean should be 'True' by default. With this option it is possible to have preferences files that can be added in the installer. Ton
  21. Shameless plug: Variant Browser It will traverse through any kind of data-type (and it uses classes too). Ton
  22. QUOTE (silmaril @ Apr 30 2008, 10:55 AM) Some devices (M-series?) have tri-state digital lines, and I believe you can set the 'default' state for those. There was a change between E (6052) and M (6221) that changed the behaviour of the digital lines. Ton
  23. QUOTE (PaulG. @ Apr 23 2008, 07:53 PM) Here here. QUOTE (Cat @ Apr 29 2008, 06:07 PM) Guys, guys! Are we being just a tad bit sexist here?!? Yes QUOTE When asked why he didn't stop when he thought he might be going the wrong way, his response was, "I was making really good time." What's wrong with that? Seeing a little bit more of you country can never be bad. They are currently doing the drivers exam in the Netherlands with GPS navigation :headbang: I have recently driven with one of those guys, (I was driving) and let him read the map. Let's just say we were late. Ton
  24. QUOTE (vestman @ Apr 29 2008, 04:09 PM) This screams Express VIs. Norm Kirchner say they aren't that hard to program, so good luck! Ton
  25. QUOTE (PJM_labview @ Mar 26 2008, 10:13 PM) Thanks QUOTE I am not trying to rewrite the help window feature (although I may have to). And did you? Ton
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