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Ton Plomp

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Everything posted by Ton Plomp

  1. QUOTE (TobyD @ Apr 28 2008, 05:01 PM) Our IT is talking about Windows XP and MS office 2003, welcome to my world. They are also talking about an interactive intranet site. So they wake up, call Microsoft who offers a package for 50K + installation and support fees. But to get a decent tablet I have to fake a RSI wrist :thumbdown: Ton
  2. I think your best bet is .net... There is some code on LAVA that shows only the browse tree. Ton
  3. If you go to the setting page, and select 'Source Code browsing', 'Directory tree'. And than go to the source tab, you can easily browse the current data in the repository: Good luck, Ton
  4. Ton Plomp


    QUOTE (reem @ Apr 22 2008, 09:33 AM) I believe I got your question: Do I have to provide all inputs with a 'bundle' primitive. The answer is no. However I would suggest a 'bundle by name' primitive. Ton
  5. QUOTE (farnoosh @ Apr 21 2008, 10:21 AM) What LabVIEW code do you have allready. VIs, controls etc. Have a look at the various LabVIEW tutorials. Ton
  6. QUOTE (ASTDan @ Apr 20 2008, 04:45 PM) Looking in retrospect I think the first solution is the easiest (no extra user events). QUOTE (Yen @ Apr 20 2008, 08:27 PM) The only real thing you should avoid when doing this is wiring the same event registration refnum into two different event structures because that will cause you to lose events. As you can see, Ton used two event registration nodes to avoid this. To understand a little bit what Yen is talking about. Ton
  7. QUOTE (prober @ Apr 20 2008, 10:27 PM) It takes a lot more to be banned from here (allthough I feel attacked). Feel free to stay, it is nice to have a totally different mind on these kind of forums. I missed the part that you allready have 2 years of LabVIEW experience, sorry. I thought you were asking for 'hello world' app. (if you want to introduce programming language and that is all you can supply the language is limited). Ton (hides under his rock again)
  8. Thanks Aristos for your broad description. QUOTE (prober @ Apr 20 2008, 12:22 AM) Prober, can you tell us a little bit more about your background? What is your previous programming history, where do you come from, do you have a direct application in mind or is this a mind-exercise? Orko is right that LabVIEW real-time comes the most close to what you want. You can even get LabVIEW embedded to write applications for any 32-bit processor (you will need the original compiler tools). My first reply was more of a redirection in the most plausible direction (the wrong one though) Ton
  9. QUOTE (ASTDan @ Apr 19 2008, 11:05 PM) Here's the easy route: And the hard route: QUOTE (ASTDan @ Apr 19 2008, 11:05 PM) My use case is I have a Custom User event I created. The user event is my device tells me I have data. When my device tells me I have data I fire my Custom User event. What I want is a timeout on this custom user event. Basicaly if I don't see data from my device in say 1 minute, ping the device to see if it is still there running. I don't want my timout reset by somebody clicking away on my user interface. I think you should handle this in the place you get your data, not in the consumer of that place. I would setup a design where my communicator waits for data and than sends data to the user event. If the timeout passes I ping my device. (a little bit like my second design from above). And yes two event structures in one VI/application is absolutly valid! Ton
  10. QUOTE (crelf @ Apr 19 2008, 05:23 PM) I think Dan wants a timeout not influenced by other events. This can be done by placing just two cases inside an event structure, one for the timeout and one for the event. Upon a 'event-specific timeout' you can trigger a user event in the main event structure. If the event doesn't timeout (eg. just happens) you could handle the code in the 'single event-event structure' or trigger another user event. Ton
  11. QUOTE (Jimbo29 @ Apr 19 2008, 02:40 AM) I would try a repair of MAX (or delete it's current database). Ton
  12. QUOTE (prober @ Apr 19 2008, 01:01 PM) DOS is dead, and LabVIEW has never worked in DOS. QUOTE (Gavin Burnell @ Apr 19 2008, 01:59 PM) The broader question is why? LabVIEW is great for many things, but writing console programs is not one of them. That's true, but I ask if prober is really wanting that? Here's my attempt: Ton
  13. QUOTE (PJM_labview @ Feb 11 2008, 10:12 PM) Thanks, for this serious hacking! QUOTE (PJM_labview @ Apr 10 2008, 10:28 PM) PS: Now, go give your $10 to LAVA I made it a 20 (a lousy €13). Does anyone have an idea why NI wouldn't release this MCL (as an XControl?) Ton
  14. QUOTE (farnoosh @ Apr 19 2008, 05:43 AM) (I removed all irrelevant info from your post) Now what code do you have allready? Ton
  15. QUOTE (orko @ Apr 18 2008, 10:47 PM) Yes, I will go this route (but with locals for performance). This technique is used by NI in the XY chart example. Ton
  16. QUOTE (Götz Becker @ Apr 18 2008, 09:28 PM) sorry, I thought the llb had two VIs QUOTE Edit: I hope I understood your question right. yes you did. QUOTE (rolfk @ Apr 18 2008, 09:37 PM) I think you misunderstood. And what you want to do is the classical use case of LabVIEW 2 style globals (Uninitialized shift register in a while loop with case structure inside). Yes, you are right, I was trying to outsmart a LV2/functional global. Thanks for correcting me. Ton
  17. QUOTE (overshot16 @ Apr 18 2008, 08:52 PM) What is 'True', and what is 'software'? Have you written your own LabVIEW CFP app? I think you can FTP to your CFP (this is all just guessing from my experience with CRIO RT devices) Ton
  18. QUOTE (Michael_Aivaliotis @ Apr 18 2008, 07:24 PM) Get a life, just support your (un)thankful LabVIEW buddies (as my wife calls you). Administrating an internet forum must be way cooler than programming robot with your kids. Ton Disclaimer: this post might be sarcastic, in reality I am Michael thankful for every second he spends to LAVA.
  19. QUOTE (overshot16 @ Apr 18 2008, 08:40 PM) The module should be visible in NI MAX (measurement and automation explorer), it has been a while since I used 7.1 realtime. Ton
  20. I thought I understood the meaning of the VI.Execution option 'clear indicator when called' EDIT: from the LabVIEW help: QUOTE I thought it meant that if a VI is called all indicator are reset, if this option isn't set the data in an indicator should be kept in memory. So I was about to exploit this for an implicit Functional global: I thought that if I called this subVI twice, with the first time a valid VI ref, the second time I could read out the indicators (Image and Current VI Ref): Horror: Picture 2 is empty Why? Did I misunderstood LabVIEW? Is there a compiler optimization that bites me? Here's the code: Download File:post-2399-1208543755.llb (8.5.1) Ton Disclaimer: the use of the sequence structure is only for demonstration uses, do not use it in your own code.
  21. Michael, it would be nice if the logo of LAVA is used in the group description. See the Benelux LabVIEW user group in my profile for an example. Ton
  22. Ton Plomp


    QUOTE (reem @ Apr 17 2008, 08:24 PM) Google is your friend and the LabVIEW help is quite good. Search google for '3 hours LabVIEW' and '9 hours LabVIEW'. QUOTE now i have added numeric for Gain and Sampling rate to the cluster, have i used correct controls?? for the port No. i do the same?? Seems OK, I just can't see the datatype (float, integer). The port number suggest you use the old(er) NI_DAQ device driver, is that correct? In that case you need a numeric, then right-click and select 'Data-Type->I32'. QUOTE and other thing is that, for other control blocks as shown in picture above for "Get Waveform Attribute" there is input /output ports, but for cluster there isn't any ..even when i add controls to it , so how can i connect it to other control blocks?? Look for '(Un)Bundle by name'. Ton
  23. QUOTE (Doon @ Apr 15 2008, 08:14 PM) You can just use a Symbol Setup with a string mine and theirs. In your code you use the same symbols with these values. Or just use mine and default. QUOTE (jdunham @ Apr 15 2008, 10:02 PM) ... there should most certainly be VI server access to the symbols. Well I don't think that's necessary, changing the Conditional Disable Symbol forces a recompile of the code. That means all of the code inside the project shouldn't be running, which can be a challenging task. The possibility to select another lvproj for a build is probably intended to cover this gap. But an additional page in the build settings is preferable. This item shows a problem in my developing workflow. I considered the lvrproj file as code independent. But now it seems like it is tied to the code as well, and should be checked in and out. Ton
  24. QUOTE (ASTDan @ Apr 15 2008, 01:55 PM) What kind of usage does this have over the current disable structure? Ton
  25. It would be nice if I could set the conditional disable settings in the build settings. This would allow for multiple build settings that could incorporate into a single project file. I have the feeling this can be done with separate lvproj files but that feels like a workaround. Any thoughts on this? Ton
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