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Ton Plomp

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Everything posted by Ton Plomp

  1. QUOTE (crelf @ Apr 13 2008, 08:43 PM) I think the right click of LVOOP is full enough (using the Endevo toolkit): And does a 'Save As...' meet your requirements? QUOTE (crelf @ Apr 14 2008, 01:10 AM) Maybe we're both nuts? Definitely Ton
  2. QUOTE (crelf @ Apr 13 2008, 12:47 AM) After 4 whisky's I wouldn't even want to get near a computer. Unfortunately the weather isn't that good to program outside, in that case I would have for one of these, most likely this one. Ton
  3. Saturday night, is relaxing night to me. The wife is working, the kid is sleeping, the beer is waiting (kring's law) Should I put a disclaimer in my saturday night software, or is it just like Norm and his cleaning products? The author of this piece of code might be intoxicated while writing this code. Ton (7 and counting)
  4. QUOTE (Tomi Maila @ Apr 12 2008, 09:01 AM) QUOTE (orko @ Apr 12 2008, 11:01 AM) Tomi, I found that lightening up the font smoothing (in edit->preferences) helped this. As always, Joel is right. Ton (who enjoys Joel Spolsky more and more)
  5. Well what happens if you change the option? Ton
  6. If you double click on the Express VI you will see a lot of options including the following: You should change this to 'Append to file' Ton
  7. QUOTE (AutoMeasure @ Apr 10 2008, 07:43 PM) Since we all whined about the mass-compile duration of 8.0.1 NI has distributed patches as full blown installers (so it claims it needs 1 GB of HD-space and needs activation). This means the vi.lib doesn't need to be recompiled, the user.lib needs to be recompiled though, and Jim Kring's tool is most likely (untested by me) the fasted. Ton
  8. I tried to do something similar, have a first column with symbols+names, and a second column with symbols only. The following code failed: QUOTE (normandinf @ Feb 12 2008, 03:01 PM) I can't easily spot the difference. QUOTE (PJM_labview @ Feb 11 2008, 09:12 PM) Now I have to figure out how to change these glyphs. For info, here is a screenshot of NI VI interface that manage the listbox (Mikael, you might have been onto something with the 2d array of glyphs). Where can I find this 70....... VI? QUOTE (PJM_labview @ Feb 13 2008, 02:17 AM) Now that I got all the pieces together I am finally able to write UI like the one below. This MCL will really come in handy in many situations. $10 for the correct answer (well for LAVA). Ton PS is quoting of an image prohibited?
  9. QUOTE (alexadmin @ Apr 10 2008, 09:14 AM) Why do you sent the bytes one by one into the queue? Here's the same code rewritten (under the line): http://lavag.org/old_files/monthly_04_2008/post-2399-1207813579.png' target="_blank"> Ton
  10. QUOTE (alexadmin @ Apr 7 2008, 01:50 PM) A few things might speed up file operations: Write in disk-compatible sizes (eg. multiples of 512 bytes) Preallocate disc-space (set file size in advance) Another question, is the code you've shown representative? (one byte at a time) I get 1 MB after 30 seconds. If I write 1 KB per write action I have 306 MB after 30 seconds. With 1 MB per write action I have 514 MB after 30 seconds. I think the problem is in another part of your program, but without any code it is hard to tell. Ton
  11. QUOTE (orko @ Apr 5 2008, 12:23 AM) Build your own GSW window. Eyes on VIs from Christina has a lot of info. QUOTE 2) Has anyone ever messed around with the "Copy To/From Project" private methods? It looks like they should give me what I need, but I haven't been very successful in using them. No, only the add. QUOTE 3) Is there any way to programatically invoke that new nifty Project "Save As..." feature so I don't have to "roll my own"? It would be nice to have all the toolkits in their own project files ready to go...and just invoke a Project Save As.... based on their selection so they could chose where to save it and what to name it. I don't think it is avaible, I think it calls a sequence of functions. What you could do is have every TK VI in a lvlib in a separate folder. If a LVLIB is selected, you do a save as on the lvlib, copy it and the directory, add the lvlib to the new project and you should be save. QUOTE Let's say I want the Tk to open up a project from disk (remember, this is from the GSW...so there aren't any active projects open) and programatically pick and chose what I want to copy out of a project on disk into a new project in memory (without saving it yet). I could launch a VI which asks which toolkit to use, then opens up the project on disk, creates a new project in memory and copies stuff over...closing the original project after it is done. Is there any way to ensure that no changes are attempted to be saved to the original project on close? What I mean is, even if I make the template project read-only, there may be a chance that closing it may generate prompts to save changes. I don't want that... I think programatically closing a project will close it, without saving changes. QUOTE 5) Is there a better way to do this? Dunno. Good luck, Ton
  12. Wires! Wires are the LabVIEW equivalent of variables. Together with shift register and a lot of other stuff their the key to success (always). If you're starting LabVIEW look 3 hours LabVIEW and 6 hours LabVIEW. Ton
  13. QUOTE (orko @ Apr 4 2008, 06:01 PM) And it's faster. Somewhere in the archives of the internet (most likely on LAVA), their's a discussion on this. In the end the conclusion was that controls on the bare diagram are faster read than controls inside structure. Ton
  14. QUOTE (Yen @ Apr 3 2008, 07:24 PM) I have seen (and used) this in LabVIEW 8.0. It sucked. I think that's the reason NI removed it (or I can't find it anymore in LabVIEW 8.5) Ton
  15. QUOTE (vugie @ Apr 2 2008, 08:50 AM) This might be because you had non-reentrant VIs blocking execution? Ton
  16. Whoahawh. I just have to share this: My favorite RSS reader (Newsfox) can show the author of every message: Now I can see what everyone writes in a glimpse. Ton
  17. QUOTE (psiam @ Apr 1 2008, 12:50 PM) This can be done by loading the actual connection VI via VI server. If you do a dynamic load and close it all info (inside LabVIEW) about the connection is lost. That should do th the job. Ton
  18. QUOTE (dthomson @ Apr 1 2008, 06:32 AM) I think your at a loss here. I believe Vista is supported from 8.5 and up. In 8.5 you have the following options: http://lavag.org/old_files/monthly_04_2008/post-2399-1207034004.png' target="_blank"> Where the [CommonAppDataFolder]\yourprogram\yourfiles is what you need. Could you show what is available in 8.2? I couldn't locate a help screen for the 8.2 installer. Ton
  19. QUOTE (David_A_Moore @ Apr 1 2008, 05:59 AM) Does it work on PDA and the http://www.ni.com/news/releases/april0301.htm' target="_blank">head plug? Ton
  20. QUOTE (jcabrer @ Mar 27 2008, 04:53 PM) Hi jcaber, could you add your code (or a screenshot)? Ton
  21. QUOTE (tcplomp @ Mar 26 2008, 05:40 PM) QUOTE (PJM_labview @ Mar 26 2008, 05:57 PM) can't have the VI icon image and terminal name like you have natively when mousing over an SubVI/Primitive. Et voila: The Whisker info describes where the controls are located in the icon. Ton
  22. QUOTE (PJM_labview @ Mar 26 2008, 08:24 AM) Their is a private method to return the image of the VI icon including the wire descriptors (just as it is shown in the help window). I'll look it up tomorrow. Ton
  23. QUOTE (reemon @ Mar 24 2008, 09:25 AM) Well any gsm that can accessed through a serial interface (TCP/IP, Bluetooth, RS232 among others) can be interfaced with LabVIEW. Most of AT&T+ function directly from LabVIEW. There is a professional toolkit available at http://www.vitec.ru/en/engl.php?action=asolutions&subaction=library&param1=library4' rel='nofollow' target="_blank">VItech. Ton
  24. QUOTE (Aristos Queue @ Mar 19 2008, 10:35 PM) I know. I never said I wanted a template without a project. QUOTE (Darren @ Mar 20 2008, 12:48 AM) I agree with Stephen...the established method for creating new VIs from a template is the New... dialog. How many times in a LabVIEW editing session are you guys wanting to create a new VI based on a template that resides in the palettes? Ouch, the forces of NI join. :ninja: Well what if I create a super duper tool (you know real spiffy), and I want to show a great example of the toolkit that can be modified to fit someone's own wishes. I could put the example under exapmles (doh), but someone needs to change the example and resaves the example and can't revert easily. A VIT is IMHO the best way to do this. My reaction on the open VIT and save: If I put this VIT in a palette it is directly connected to the toolkit, but if I open the VIT from the palette (as proposed by Darren and Michael), I get a 'the VIT is already in memory and can't be initiated and the VIT is opened. If I hit save-as I get a regular save as dialog with much to many options, I select 'Open Additional copy' (I think 'substitute copy for original' will do as well). The browse dialog is in the path of the location of the VIT (deep down in the NI folder). Now I have to browse into my location of choice (which would have been directly their if I had opened a new VI from VIT). Way too much work. Ton PS Did I tell I am lazy?
  25. QUOTE (Anders Björk @ Mar 20 2008, 08:42 PM) Well that will be a nice experience when someone sits at your computer... It must be like sitting behind a german computer (entschüldigung) where I tried to type in my password, which contained a 'q' you know under the 1. Uhm, no that's where the 'a' is located... Ton
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