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Ton Plomp

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Everything posted by Ton Plomp

  1. QUOTE (tcplomp @ Mar 19 2008, 07:37 PM) QUOTE (Aristos Queue @ Mar 19 2008, 08:03 PM) File>> New... (not the same as File>>New VI). Select Browse and choose your template. We don't have palettes for nothing And it doesn't beat my drop, drag, rightclick, delete, delete sequence Ton
  2. That goalie (after 2:10) needs a firmware update. Ton
  3. This might be a dumb question but how in the world do I: Create a new VI from a VIT that is stored in a palette? While the project has excellent support for this: Right click, New from template. The palette does not have such a function. Please tell me I'm wrong. EDIT: My fastest workaround: Drop VIT onto an empty VI Drag VIT from BD of VI into project Right click projcect, new from template Create template Delete item from project Remove empty VI from memory Ton PS If you are looking for a palette with templates the OpenG, DEAB palette has one:
  4. QUOTE (tushar @ Mar 19 2008, 02:17 AM) QUOTE (TobyD @ Mar 19 2008, 06:04 PM) There are people who code in LabVIEW without OpenG!?! Well it is thoughtful, if you include OpenG software as part of your toolkit, to include it (namespaced) this ensures the code will not change! I haven't downloaded the toolkit so I can't say anything about the license that might been removed, but if you use an OpenG toolkit VI the license should stay. Ton
  5. QUOTE (fuzzycontrolfreak @ Mar 17 2008, 01:41 PM) On NI.com/certification you can easily lookup what a USB-6008 can do under what conditions. Ton
  6. QUOTE (mile @ Mar 17 2008, 12:26 PM) Most likely is the digital output not sufficient to drive the motor. You could use a mosfet to switch on and a off a more powerfull 5 V source. Good luck, Ton
  7. QUOTE (Jim Kring @ Mar 16 2008, 09:28 PM) No, LabVIEW 8.5 just had nothing new! (almost nothing) See my motivation http://forums.ni.com/ni/board/message?board.id=170&view=by_date_ascending&message.id=302282#M302282' target="_blank">here Ton
  8. QUOTE (Michael_Aivaliotis @ Mar 16 2008, 05:03 AM) Good idea! (and in 8.2 I have the option to create polymorphic VIs) But LabVIEW 8.0 is just 2.5 years old isn't that a little bit too early? Ton
  9. uhm, maybe ctrl-shift-run? Ton
  10. QUOTE (Neonuro @ Mar 12 2008, 06:25 PM) QUOTE (crelf @ Mar 12 2008, 07:23 PM) While control references give us a lot of power, with power comes responsbility. Control references make for loosely-defined unit boundaries which makes unit testing challenging. That said, it might not be an issue for you if you're just playing around with some personal projects Welcome, Well home projects, LabVIEW and power scream Domotica, I wouldn't tell my insurance company I am switching my dish-washer, lighting system and the vacuum cleaner with a home-built device. Ton
  11. QUOTE(i2dx @ Mar 10 2008, 10:10 PM) Nah, I saw Space Odissey 2001. Oh wait that happened already. QUOTE No no. It's LabVIEW. We spent most of LV8.0 working on the underlying artificial intelligence. It now mostly writes itself. It has been generating libraries that it thinks it needs for some time now. By now, it should've generated all the library VIs that people on OpenG, NI, LAVA and DevZone combined could think of to write. Unfortunately, it sucks as an artist. Its icons are all text or plaid and its dialogs make a Linux command line seem user friendly. We'd let it ship more libraries, but it does take time to clean up the UI. That's really all we programmers do these days. Oh, and fix the text. LabVIEW decided that most human languages sucked and only deigns to speak to us in Esperanto. Since none of us speak or read Esperanto, we spend hours studying diagrams so we can rename the VIs as whatever it is that they do. It's not really arrogant, more like a teenager out to prove it knows more than its parents. Really, the only disturbing sign so far is the 200 node VI that took hours to puzzle out. It generates a stereogram that if you stare at it long enough displays the words "Hal9000 is my hero." As a side note, LV's only comment when we asked it why it didn't have perfect automatic wire routing was, "The rat always complains about the path to the cheese. But the cheese is happy the path is not so direct." http://forums.lavag.org/Check-if-File-or-Folder-Existsvi-Returns-TRUE-with-empty-path-input-t5194.html#' target="_blank">Source Ton
  12. QUOTE(Daklu @ Mar 8 2008, 12:03 AM) Static References (those directly linked to a control) can't be closed. If you close the reference nothing happens. It would be like deleting the control itself. QUOTE Sending the reference to a sub vi. Should the sub vi send the reference back out for the calling vi to close? Is it okay to have the sub vi close it or simply leave it dangling? I prefer to close a refence in the same VI as where I create them. QUOTE References within references. If I use a reference to a cluster to get an array of references to all the controls in the cluster, should I close the references in the array as well as the cluster reference? If it's tied to a real control/indicator it has no use to close. QUOTE Aborting a vi. What happens to references during application development when I abort the vi rather than gracefully closing it? Don't even think about it! LabVIEW will try to garbage collect what you created, but sometimes you see window in the upper left corner: Resetting VI One caveat if you open a VI reference via 'Owning VI' from a control ref, you have to close the new VI reference. A good pointer is http://eyesonvis.blogspot.com/2008/03/vi-server-references.html' target="_blank">this. Ton
  13. QUOTE(arx7 @ Mar 7 2008, 03:37 AM) Hi arx7, welcome! Do you know what daq you will be using? Since you have LabVIEW 6.1 you won't have the ease of DAQmx (a daq driver) which can give you simulated devices. I don't think LabVIEW can add simulated devices, but you could write function that return a signal similar to the one from a simulate device. I mostly use simulated devices for checking the settings of my program (timing, triggering and synchronization), if you're not interested in those you can just make your own simple functions instead. Ton
  14. QUOTE(CamilloN @ Mar 4 2008, 07:33 AM) http://zone.ni.com/reference/en-XX/help/371361D-01/gmath/general_polynomial_fit/' target="_blank">General Polynomial Fit might be what your after: You can do searches for functions within the palette, just click the glass icon. Good luck, Ton
  15. Looks nice, although the Demo is a little bit counter intuitive. Could a similar approach be made with notifiers? Ton
  16. QUOTE(brent99 @ Mar 3 2008, 07:58 PM) The language part is not 30 MB, I have never looked into it but some countries/industries/people really rely on own-language apps. I hope you mean 10 MB, and otherwise you should get an FTP server (finally our company is thinking about such a feature after 3 years of complaining and throwing things through the office But I don't expect a 3k€ package to write simple programs! I expect such an expensive package to solve difficult problems in a simple way. Ton
  17. QUOTE(xtaldaz @ Mar 3 2008, 04:44 PM) We've seen issues with RT and Visual Source Safe Ton
  18. QUOTE(Thang Nguyen @ Mar 2 2008, 08:33 PM) The system (DAQmx) is constantly (continious) filling up the buffer with a rate of 200 samples per second. If you read it too slow (like you did), you will get the error you had. QUOTE But what is the relation between rate with samples per channel? If the buffer is full, will data be refilled from the start of the buffer. Where we can set the size of the buffer? You get the error because your buffer is full. If you open up the help for the 'DAQmx timing VI' you will see that the buffer is set automatically, but it can resized with the buffer settings. The standard buffer is OK for 5 seconds (if I recall correctly). QUOTE In the second picture, I use a timeout for the queue to make the data acquisition run continuously. Please verify how often you read out the buffer in your program. Ton
  19. QUOTE(Thang Nguyen @ Mar 1 2008, 05:14 PM) Normally yes, the samplerate is given in sampel per sec. What is 'setting time'? Another question how often is the Read daq case run? It should run every second once. Ton
  20. Hi Thang, Your timing is ultra critical. You wait one second to capture one second of data. If you remove the 'wait 1000 ms' primitive you wouldn't have problem. The Read function will force the wait for you. Good luck, Ton
  21. QUOTE(Jerry_June @ Mar 1 2008, 03:45 AM) If you have LabVIEW 8.x you can create an installer that can include the LabVIEW runtime. Ton
  22. QUOTE(Yen @ Feb 29 2008, 09:40 AM) Express VIs are reentrant, it was one of the major drawbacks during development of them. Because LV7 didn't have reentrant debugging, ask Jeff Washington for the full story. Ton
  23. As a LabVIEW developer, I try to store user settings to disc (a usefull tool from i2dx is here). If I use XControls I have no direct access over the contents of the Variant data that is stored inside the VI. If the XControl developer has exported all the possible changes and properties of all it's sub-types as XControl Properties, I could save and reload. It would be nice if there was an XControl method that would export the local data to a variant thould could be stored to disc. This could be prohibited by a setting in the .xctl file. Any thougths? Ton
  24. Could you add a poll? (or is that Premium only?) I'd go for answer 3! It could be possible that the thread calling the upper tone will be frustrated by Windows (since it calls some dll somewhere), and that the filter will go first and the lower tone might get a headstart. Ton
  25. QUOTE(vugie @ Feb 28 2008, 11:18 AM) Why? This can be done in LabVIEW normally. No need for tagging. If you show the label of a loop it will (by default) stick to the loop. And a loop can have a description as well. Ton
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