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Everything posted by JKSH

  1. Good find. I completely forgot that I posted that! 😅
  2. Even before this became available, the Hidden Gems palette would expose Split String.vi and Join Strings.vi which come bundled with LabVIEW (vi.lib\AdvancedString\) but which are not shown in the palette out-of-the-box. I'm not sure why NI created new VIs instead of exposing the Hidden Gems ones. I liked the Hidden versions better as they take less space on the block diagram. Note also that the out-of-the-box version has fewer features: The Hidden Gems version allows you to Ignore Case The OpenG version allows you to Ignore Case AND Ignore Duplicate Delimiters
  3. There are 2 separate sets of limits: Scale.Maximum/Scale.Minimum and Data Entry Limits.Maximum/Data Entry Limits.Minimum. The digital display simply shows the value stored in the Slide -- in other words, it shows what you'd see from the Slide's terminal, local variable, or Value property node. The underlying issue is that the Slide's value remains unchanged when you update the Scale limits. The Scale limits set the visible range on the GUI but they don't set the range of allowable values. To get the behaviour you want, you don't need to use a property node on the digital display but you must: Set "Respond to value outside limits" to "Coerce" instead of "Ignore" Programmatically update the Data Entry Limits
  4. Important: Make sure you sign up for a 4G service that does not use Carrier Grade NAT. If your cRIO is behind CG-NAT, then knowing its public IP won't help you. If your service gives you a unique public address, then the public IP address points directly to your modem. In this case, you're good to go with hooovah's method. If your service is under CG-NAT, then the public IP address points to your carrier's modem which is outside your control. In this case, hooovah's method won't work. Dynamic IP addresses are a fact of life now unless you're willing to pay up, or unless you obtained a static address many years ago and you've never cancelled the service since then. (Hopefully, IPv6 will solve the problem -- but it's not supported everywhere yet) I'll haven't used any of these before so I'll leave this to experienced people.
  5. There are multiple considerations: Public IP address: Your mobile carrier (or Internet service provider) assigns you a public IP address. STATIC public IP address: Be aware that this is an increasingly rare commodity. I don't know which country you live in, but I'd be very surprised if your consumer mobile carrier provides static public IP addresses anymore. You might find a commercial/enterprise provider that still sells static IP addresses, or you can use a Dynamic DNS (DDNS) service like https://www.noip.com/ -- DDNS allows you to connect to an address like neilpate.ddns.net which stays static even if your IP address is dynamic. Unique public IP address PER DEVICE: Unfortunately, if you have 1 SIM card, you will get 1 public IP address to be shared between your Windows PC and all of your cRIOs. This is the same as your home Internet: All the PCs, laptops, tablets, phones, and other smart devices that connect to your home Wi-Fi all share a single public IP address. This is Network Address Translation (NAT) in action. If you really want multiple unique public addresses, you'll need multiple SIM cards. Unique public IP address per SIM card???: Nowadays, you also need to double-check if your carrier even provides you with a unique public IP address at all! Carriers around the world have started implementing Carrier-Grade NAT (CG-NAT) for both mobile and home Internet users. This means your SIM card might share a public IP address with many other SIM cards. If this is the case, then DDNS won't work! Suppose you have 1 public IP address, and each of your devices host a web service at port 443. You can assign a unique port per device on your modem and do port forwarding as you mentioned: Dev PC --> neilpate.ddns.net:54430 (modem) --> (Windows PC) Dev PC --> neilpate.ddns.net:54431 (modem) --> (cRIO 1) Dev PC --> neilpate.ddns.net:54432 (modem) --> (cRIO 2) This means the client program on the Dev PC needs to know to use a non-standard port. You can do this easily in a web browser or a terminal emulator, but I'm not sure that LabVIEW can use a custom port to connect/deploy a cRIO. Alternative solutions You don't necessarily need a public IP address for remote access. Some modems can be configured to automatically connect to a Virtual Private Network (VPN). If you enable VPN access to your office and you ask your modem to connect to that VPN, your devices will be on the same (local) subnet as the Dev PC in your office -- we have done this for a cRIO that's deployed into the middle of a desert. If your modem doesn't support this, you could configure each device to individually connect to the VPN instead. Or, your provider might offer enterprise-level solutions that connect multiple sites to the same VPN. For example, they could offer SIM cards that provide a direct connection to your corporate VPN without the need to configure your modem or devices. Yes, these are commonly solved. The issue is that there are so many possible solutions, so you need to figure out which one works best for your use-case.
  6. My gut feeling says that a Mass Compile could make this problem go away.
  7. There's an Idea Exchange entry about this for LabVIEW CG, but it really should extend to NXG too: https://forums.ni.com/t5/NI-Package-Management-Idea/Install-the-same-package-to-multiple-versions-of-LabVIEW/idi-p/3965419
  8. If I'm not mistaken, this is a gray area because no court or judge has ever contemplated this question before. The general broad understanding is "No, it's not a strict requirement, but there are reasons to do so": https://softwareengineering.stackexchange.com/questions/125836/do-you-have-to-include-a-license-notice-with-every-source-file That's OK. It's a bit like the Ur-Quan Masters project -- The code is open-source, but not everyone can play it with the non-open-source 3DO assets unless they already own a copy: https://wiki.uqm.stack.nl/The_Ur-Quan_Masters_Technical_FAQ#How_do_I_use_the_3DO_intro_and_victory_movies_in_the_game.3F Anyway, by making your part open-source, you already make it much easier for others to achieve the object detection stuff! Here's an even shorter and blunter license: http://www.wtfpl.net/about/ (altough you might be less likely to receive a pint when someone becomes rich from your work) Note: "Public domain" has a specific meaning in copyright law, and it doesn't just mean "viewable by the public". If a work is said to be in the "public domain", that means either copyright has expired, or its authors have formally renounced their claim to copyright. As @jacobson said, a piece of code can be publicly viewable but the viewers might not have permission to incorporate the code into their own work. If you want to disclaim copyright (as opposed to using a license that says "I own this code, but you can do whatever you want with it"), see https://unlicense.org/ You can do it all in LabVIEW itself:
  9. That's what I meant by "write a bit more code" It's not a showstopper though, especially since we can put that in a VIM. Thanks for the video link.
  10. It makes me relieved that my fears were unfounded. In the beginning, I was under the impression that LV 2019 maps were like C++ maps as @smithd described, where the value type is chosen by the programmer and fixed at edit time, and no variant conversion was involved. All was fine and well. However, when I read AQ's comment ("Variant attributes and maps use the same — identical — underlying data structure.... the conversion time to/from variant for the value tends to dominate for any real application"), I misunderstood him so an uncertainty crept into my mind. I thought, "Hang on... could it be that LV maps are simply a nice wrapper around the old variant storage structure? That same structure that always stores data as variants? If so, that means maps require variant conversion which makes them less awesome than I originally thought!" The subsequent replies showed that I had nothing to worry about. Also, if I had thought it through more carefully, it would've been obvious that the LV 2019 map can't possibly be a simple wrapper around variant attributes because the old structure doesn't support non-string keys. --------------- TL;DR: I misunderstood AQ and didn't think clearly, so I got worried that LV maps had a flaw. The worry was unfounded. Maps remain awesome. -------------- Anyway, even if maps did require variant conversions, that wouldn't make maps any worse than variant attributes. The map API is a lot cleaner^ than the variant attribute API so maps would've still been the better choice. Since maps don't require variant conversions, that makes them far more awesome than variant attributes. ^One exception: I have to write a bit more code to get the list of map keys, compared to Get Variant Attribute with an unwired "name" input
  11. My apologies. I just wanted to make 101% sure that "Variant attributes and maps use the same — identical — underlying data structure" does not mean "maps store data as variants just like variant attributes". I'm now 101% sure; thanks for replying.
  12. I think that's because @Neil Pate was doing the Right Thingâ„¢ by enabling "Separate Compiled Code from Source". Unseparated VIs will ask to be re-saved if opened in a newer version.
  13. Does that mean a LabVIEW map converts the data to/from variants behind the scenes, even though the datatype is fixed at edit-time?
  14. Thanks, @Aristos Queue! I'll be tuning in. Quick note about branding: The event title is currently "Intro to G Interfaces in LabView 2020" (I peeked at the event on Microsoft Teams)
  15. One feature I miss dearly in NXG is the ability to create type definitions inside classes. Want a typedef'ed enum inside a class's namespace? LabVIEW CG says "No problem", LabVIEW NXG says "No can do". For example, I could previously have multiple enums called "State" in my project because each copy is in a different class/library: ClassA.lvclass:State.ctl and ClassB.lvclass:State.ctl. However, NXG forces globally unique names for enums/clusters. * I last checked in NXG 3.0 -- perhaps the ability will exist in NXG 5.0? I think this trend started a few years ago: https://forums.ni.com/t5/LabVIEW-Idea-Exchange/Restore-High-Contrast-Icons/idi-p/3363355
  16. It's a common problem in LabVIEW. Here's one potential "fix": https://forums.ni.com/t5/LabVIEW/Building-LV8-5-application-EXE-error-1502/m-p/2387406 Another potential "fix" is to close all your Windows explorer windows, restart LabVIEW, and try again. Yet another one is to restart LabVIEW and clear your compiled object cache.
  17. Multiple instances of the same LV executable spawn multiple processes in Windows 10 (tested on 2017 SP1 32-bit), which means they (and their DLLs) have separate memory spaces even if they use the same version of the LabVIEW RTE. My test used a 3rd-party DLL which contains a global "quit()" function; calling the global "quit()" on 1 instance did not affect the other instance, which confirms the separation of memory. Other things I'd check: Does the crash occur if you only run 1 instance of your test with simulated random data? Does the crash occur if you run your multi-instance test on a different PC? Does the crash occur if you run one instance built with LV 201(x) and another instance built with LV 201(x+y) on the same PC? (Preferably with older versions of LabVIEW, before NI introduced backward-compatible LV RTEs) How does the DLL cope with invalid data? (e.g. divide by 0, Inf, NaN) Are you 100% sure that the DLL doesn't attempt any inter-process communication, network access, file access (including the temp folder), etc.?
  18. Taylorh140's result is correct. He was talking about SGL values. When you're using a 32-bit SGL, 1.4013E-45 is the smallest possible positive value. In other words, 1.4013E-45 is the next SGL value after 0. When you're using a 64-bit DBL, 4.94066E-324 is the smallest possible positive value.
  19. I don't know if this is related to your issue or not, but there are known problems with some brand new AMD Ryzen CPUs: https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2019/10/how-a-months-old-amd-microcode-bug-destroyed-my-weekend/ See if updating your BIOS helps at all. (Even if it doesn't solve this problem, I'd imagine you want a functional RNG on your PC!)
  20. Judging by your screenshots, there is a problem with the DNS server that your Chrome and Firefox are trying to use. IT might have configured your Internet Explorer's DNS settings differently. I recommend asking IT for help -- describe your issue to them and show them your screenshots. Mention that the DNS server works reliably for Internet Explorer but not for Chrome/Firefox. (I'll qualify my previous question: "What happens if you try on a different computer that is not managed by your IT department?")
  21. LAVA opens fine for me in Edge 80.0, Chrome 80.0, and Firefox 74.0. What happens if you try on a different computer? What happens if you try in Incognito/Private mode?
  22. I don't know if a "proper" way exists, hence https://forums.ni.com/t5/NI-Package-Management-Idea/Add-ability-to-reclaim-space-taken-by-cached-packages/idi-p/4024241 I've been manually deleting the *.nipkg files, and the very old folders in C:\ProgramData\National Instruments\Update Service\Installers, without ill effects to my day-to-day work. I think NI Package Builder or LabVIEW Application Builder can't bundle a dependency if its package or local installer is gone, however.
  23. You mean like how a Java compiler prepares only small chunks of code linked together by the JVM?
  24. I don't understand: Doesn't your test software need to be validated too? And IKVM.NET is a generic wrapper of Java in .NET -- it is not a direct interface for the Bluetooth driver. Why won't this need to be validated? In any case, someone else forked IKVM: https://www.windwardstudios.com/blog/ikvm-is-alive-well
  25. There are some examples online about using CANopen in LabVIEW: https://forums.ni.com/t5/Example-Code/CANopen-Reference-Example-for-the-NI-9853-C-Series-CAN-Module/ta-p/3996129?profile.language=en
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