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Mark Balla

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Mark Balla last won the day on February 21 2022

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About Mark Balla

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    LabVIEW, Fatherhood, FRC Robotics,

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    LabVIEW 2018
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Community Answers

  1. Hi Mark,

    Good day. I was wondering if there is a chance to view the NI WEEK 2019 presentation this time round. Appreciate this. Of Course, we understand there is no obligation on your end for this. In any case, if there are any videos, it would be highly appreciated.

    Alex, CPI. CLD, LabVIEW Champion

    1. LogMAN


      @Hagioteam1 You probably missed the announcement


  2. Since the Gingerman is no longer in downtown Austin the a consensus has been formed and many of the LV enthusiast will be meeting at BANGER'S SAUSAGE HOUSE AND BEER GARDEN Sunday evening. This is a few blocks from the convention center opposite direction of 6th street. Most people start arriving around 6:30-7 after dinner. Please come by if you are around Sunday evening. Banger's Sausage House & Beer Garden 79, 81, & 81.5 Rainey St. Austin, TX 78701 https://www.bangersaustin.com/#home
  3. I have decide that if more than one class uses a typedef than is belongs to neither so it goes in a common location. I do have to find out all the typedefs that are used before copying a class. But prefer it to the coupling of classes that is created when one of them owns the typedef. Dmitry Sagatelyan's 2018 NIWeek presentation SOLID Actor Programming had an interesting solution to this issue. He creates a application specific translation class. These classes are not intended for reuse and translate outputs from one class to inputs of another.
  4. Thanks for the update. We saw the auto download issue in testing and it appeared to be fixed for Chrome and IE for Windows. None of my testers were using Macs so it is good to get that feedback. I put a note about Firefox in the original post.
  5. Please see this link for Video downloads
  6. he information formally listed in this thread is no longer valid. The site is now offline. All the videos have been moved to dedicated event pages on the LabVIEW Wiki. https://labviewwiki.org/wiki/Events - LabVIEW Wiki https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUiBucUImKZERoTzaOtHB5g/featured - Youtube Channel
  7. I am not sure what the solution would look like but I would like to somehow combine Dereks solution with the LAVA Code repository. Ideally we would use LAVA for discussion, ranking and finding and Git for code management and collaboration.
  8. LV Champion Derek Trepanier has developed a Git solution and did 2 presentation at the CLA summit I am still working on getting all the CLA videos edited and uploaded. The new Tecnova video sharing site is a week away from going live. So to keep the momentum going I have posted Derek's presentation on the link below so others can see his perspective. https://drive.google.com/open?id=17mjooun62caeL6EcsCG2g1arpg-OoRhk
  9. Thank for the update on the crashing videos I will re format them and look into the issue. Last Friday the old server that we are using crashed and so currently it is down. No videos were lost I.T. is working on a new solution but may take a week or two. NI is also working on putting the videos on their Center of Excellence Vimeo site by June 30th I will post updates when they become available.
  10. Certified 1-5-17 placed in General Catagory
  11. Certified on 09-27-17 and placed in General category
  12. I will look to see what the ban rules are when I logon to the server tomorrow. It will only ban if a logon fails X amount of times and the ban is only temporary and no more than 24hrs. Video 205 is Fab's presentation on technical wealth. She is editing the video and I hope to have it up this week. I will post when it is ready.
  13. Please see this link for Video downloads The NIWeek 2017 Videos are uploaded to the ftp server. Please see this link for information on downloading the videos. https://lavag.org/topic/19154-ni-week-2015-videos/#comment-115444
  14. Certified 1-18-2017 Placed in General catagory
  15. Also Fabiola and Delacor asked I add their videos to the mix. Videos 201-203 are up on the ftp server and I uploaded them this morning Delacor's videos are also on their youtube channel
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