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Everything posted by mcduff

  1. @dadreamer Can you please save the VI for an earlier version, say 2020? What you did may help me with a different DLL but a similar problem. Thanks.
  2. This is way out of my league, and not sure if I understand correctly, but this link shows how to get the pointer to a LabVIEW array. Not sure if you have seen this already.
  3. This is a quick way to do a X-Y Plot, no arrays of x and y data, or bundles of x and y points. To the OP try something like this
  4. Possible Workaround
  5. Cross-posted on the dark side https://forums.ni.com/t5/LabVIEW/How-I-plot-the-timestamp-in-the-graph-of-the-x-axis-and/td-p/4204975
  6. mcduff


    Hallo Përshëndetje (Per-shen-DEAT-ye) مرحبا (marhabaan) Salam Kaixo Demat Здравейте (Zdraveĭte) Hola Moni Bonghjornu Bok Ahoj Hej Hallo Hello Saluton Tere Kamusta Hei Bonjour მიესალმები (miesalmebi) Hallo Χαίρε (chai-ray) Hello שלום (shalom) नमस्ते (namaste) Helló Dia dhuit 안녕하세요 Ciao ສະບາຍດີ (sabaidi) Salve Sveiki Bongu नमस्ते (namaste) سلام (salam) Olá Buna Talofa Mhoro Ahoj Zdravo Hola Hodi வணக்கம் (vanakaam) Merhaba chào bạn Helo העלא (hela) Sawubona
  7. The issues that I have found are frustrating are the following: Staff go on field test with their laptops in another timezone, and forget to change the timezone. Although the metadata is in UTC, when they look at the time in their file stamps(time created, etc,), they get all confused. Timezone caching, bit me on a field test, luckily I noticed. Started the program, realized I had not changed the TZ, and then wondered why my timed start did not update correctly.
  8. Not sure if this is related, but I have had an issue where if the LabVIEW program had been running and the timezone was changed, the time in LabVIEW would not be updated until the program was restarted. It appears LabVIEW caches the the timezone information and the beginning of the program and never receives an event that the timezone has ben updated. I wonder if it does the same for DST. And yes, I use UTC times for saving metadata in the file, but the users of the program like a local time stamp on the file name such that it matches their notebook log.
  9. It looks like the external dll call has an extra buffer allocation, don't know if it is real or not, just what NI is reporting, whereas, the native implementation does not. See below. That may account for the speed difference. EDIT: Execution Trace toolkit shows the same.
  10. FYI, cross-posted on the dark side https://forums.ni.com/t5/LabVIEW/USB-6215-10-Hz-triggering-with-2-TTL-signals/td-p/4181960?profile.language=en
  11. Maybe not a new feature, but somewhere in the talk they mentioned a 2021 LabVIEW license would give you access to Windows, Linux, and Mac versions, no separate purchases required.
  12. Don't disagree at all with the increase of computational power, but JPL has rules for code. I think having a set of rules helps to reduce possible errors.
  13. You thought it out more than me. The test will be when I get 2021.
  14. Just reporting that I used the DMC image control, had the box checked, and did NOT have a black image display. (LabVIEW 2020SP1, 64bit, Win10) No commentary on whether to check/uncheck box. Just suggesting a possible work around for folks who may want to check the box.
  15. Not commenting on whether to allow future versions ... However, if it is checked and you want to use an image control that won't change colors in the EXE version, the Image Control in the DMC controls package available on VIPM does not suffer from this problem.
  16. MAT files are now just H5 files(HDF). Look at the library https://h5labview.sourceforge.io/ and find the example for writing a MAT file. You just need to add a special header in the beginning. I assume the dlls needed will work on Windows server, but am not sure.
  17. Maybe this link on the dark side may help: https://forums.ni.com/t5/Example-Code/Determine-Clicked-Array-Element-Index-in-LabVIEW/ta-p/3536340?profile.language=en (Some limitations in the code, may have to change for newer style arrays) mcduff
  18. The following will replace a row or column subset or complete row or column of a 2D array using native functions and no loops or IPEs. If your subset array is 1D all you need to do is reshape it before a replace operation. ReplaceRowColumnSubset.vi
  19. Probably slower than your method, but it is possible using primitives, and it is quite messy also. See below.
  20. Maybe this thread can help, if you haven't seen it before mcduff
  21. The Matio library uses the old .mat file format; the new .mat format is based on HDF. Try one of HDF libraries to read your .mat, or re-save your file using the old version. mcduff
  22. It appears that NI is a hardware company rather than a software company. LabVIEW is developed to drive sales of hardware. This is similar to Apple, OS X, iOS, etc, are all developed to drive sales of hardware. mcduff
  23. Please correct my misunderstanding, the biggest difference between Maps and Variant attributes are Maps: Keys can be anything (all keys the same type), but all "attributes" need to be the same type. Variant: Keys need to be strings, but "attributes" can be different types. The structure seems similar, although slightly different. mcduff
  24. @Aristos Queue I haven't used NXG yet, but I heard that a future feature was the ability to drop other code snippets in the the block diagram. For example, I heard that it would be possible to drop some C code, Matlab "script" code, or python code directly in the block diagram. Is that still going to be a feature? Cheers, mcduff
  25. There is important aspect to the Front Panel defer updates nodes, this is from the help When you set this property to TRUE, LabVIEW redraws any front panel objects with pending changes then defers all new requests for front panel updates. For example, controls and indicators do not redraw when you change their properties or values. If the operating system requests a redraw, such as if the window is no longer behind another window, LabVIEW redraws the front panel with the current properties instead of the original properties. If FALSE, LabVIEW immediately redraws the changed elements of the front panel. So when you use it, it actually causes the front panel to redraw twice.
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