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Antoine Chalons

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Everything posted by Antoine Chalons

  1. The back decoration is not the same in your post and on zazzle... :-o I imagine this is, as François reported, because zazzle automatically put the front decoration on the back because the back image was found to be copyright protected..
  2. NI also has a page for job seekers
  3. Hi I've just started a discussion on NI community / LabVIEW API to put requests for new properties/methods.
  4. I'll ask NI to expose this property! I am used to change the colour of my case structures when I change the case sensitiveness :-o
  5. with a little work this could be added to the RCF as "enable / disable auto grow on all structures" on a VI and its hierarchy.
  6. Hmmm.. Is it a joke... I was looking for an old thread about SMS and LabVIEW (I remembered I saw one on LAVA 1.0) - I first tried to search Send SMS in LAVA 2.0, no interesting results... - Then I googled site:lavag.org Send SMS, it found the thread I wanted but when clicking the link, it would only get me to LAVA 2.0 main forum page, google cache got some data though. - Then I saw this thread, and tried "Send SMS", and got the thread I was looking for... :-s So basically we should ALWAYS put brackets for the search to work fine.. I'm a bit confused!
  7. Oh.. maybe I just don't use it properly but I can't get what I'm looking for with the LAVA search.. Bless google! I found this thread in google cache. Maybe it's been moved to LAVA 2.0.. but I couldn't find it :-S Hope this helps EDIT: right.. I've just figured how to use LAVA search... just dial "Send SMS" (with the brakets) in the search field, and the result are fine
  8. With some limitations*, the skype sdk can send SMS. *: a skype account with skype credit must be open by the user on the computer. More info about limitations. Hope this helps
  9. hmm I didn't know about that method.. Does anyone know what is this parameter "host window"? There is no documentation in LabVIEW about it and apparently the only acceptable value is "0" ; if I put more than zero then I can't open the BD anymore, I have to close the VI and re-open it to be able to see the BD..
  10. Antoine Chalons


  11. Hi, I use this when I need to open the BD of a specific VI. I think you can then use the property "BlockDiagram.OSWindow" to get the ref and then use it with the user32.dll to make the window frontmost. See attached VI who does the same for a FP. ViBox_860_User32_BringVIsFPToFront.vi Hope this helps
  12. You can only do that at edit time (not at runtime) and if the VI on which you want to create a control is not running, use scripting for this, see here. Another solution that can be a workaround at runtime is to hide/show your control, that means you have to create all your controls at edit time though.. To hide/show a control, right clic on it, select "create >> property node >> visible" and link either true or false. Hope this helps
  13. Hi, On my work PC I use WinXP's defragmenter, I launch it once a while before going for lunch so I don't really care about how slow/fast it can be. If you look for an alternative solution, I recommend having a look at AlternativeTo.net I quite like this website and the voting system like in StackOverFlow, here for Windows defrag softs. Hope this helps
  14. Hi, LAVA 1.0 had tagging, I quite liked it. Is there any plan to introduce tags on LAVA 2.0 ? Cheers
  15. That looks nice! How about posting this to the LAVA CR or Peer Code Review? I am interested in seeing the project.. Haven't jumped in OO Programming yet and having example projects could really help me take the leap.
  16. Hello, Are you sure there is no error before you call the Run VI method? You can try to disconnect the error input on this method and see if then the VI is ran.
  17. Well.. yes.. fortunately I have only 2 FP windows to manage at the same time (I have alot in fact but only 2 are displayed at the same time and I need to be able to choose which one is on top), so when the "secondary" FP window comes to top (over the main window), it first get the hWnd of the foreground window so that it can set back the main window to foreground when it has to go back to "second layer". It just bugs me that it's not cross-platform
  18. Thanks, technically this is does exactly what I need.. I was just hopping we could do the same using VI Server in order to be more cross-platform :-o
  19. Hi, I have a few front panels which are top level VIs (tasks running in parallel) and I'd like to be able to manage their position, not (X,Y) position on the monitor, but which FP "first/second/third/etc" on top. I know I can bring a specific FP window on top, but I also would like to be able to bring a FP window "from top to bottom", can this be done in LV VI Server or do we have to use some "SetWindow..." from the user32.dll ? Thanks in advance for any help
  20. 2,223 downloads

    Copyright © 2008, Antoine Châlons All rights reserved. Author: Antoine Châlons -- see readme file for contact information Description: These VIs embed ActiveX methods and properties to control Skype from LabVIEW. List of functions : - Launch / shut-down Skype - Retrieve contact list - Get profile info - Set user status - Get / set user mood - start / stop Skype call - Skype chat with contact(s) - Send Skype SMS Dependencies & Installation: To work it requires to have Skype4COM installed (version 1.0.31 or newer), you can get it from https://developer.skype.com/Download. To install Skype4Com run the following command : regsvr32 skype4com.dll To allow a program to use the ActiveX Skype interface you have to enable it in Skype: 1. Skype Options 2. Advanced 3. Manage others programs' access to Skype 4. Select your program (LabVIEW.exe) and click change if the text 'Not allowed to use Skype' is shown After that you can talk to Skype, otherwise you will get a question inside Skype that asks you to allow or deny your application. Support: This code was written with LabVIEW 8.6 Change Log: 1.0.0: Initial release of the code. 1.0.1: Additional installation information.
  21. Name: Skype SDK Submitter: LAVA 1.0 Content Submitted: 04 Jul 2009 Category: Remote Control, Monitoring and the Internet LabVIEW Version: 8.6 Version: 1.0.1 License Type: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Potentially make this available on the VI Package Network?: Undecided Copyright © 2008, Antoine Châlons All rights reserved. Author: Antoine Châlons -- see readme file for contact information Description: These VIs embed ActiveX methods and properties to control Skype from LabVIEW. List of functions : - Launch / shut-down Skype - Retrieve contact list - Get profile info - Set user status - Get / set user mood - start / stop Skype call - Skype chat with contact(s) - Send Skype SMS Dependencies & Installation: To work it requires to have Skype4COM installed (version 1.0.31 or newer), you can get it from https://developer.skype.com/Download. To install Skype4Com run the following command : regsvr32 skype4com.dll To allow a program to use the ActiveX Skype interface you have to enable it in Skype: 1. Skype Options 2. Advanced 3. Manage others programs' access to Skype 4. Select your program (LabVIEW.exe) and click change if the text 'Not allowed to use Skype' is shown After that you can talk to Skype, otherwise you will get a question inside Skype that asks you to allow or deny your application. Support: This code was written with LabVIEW 8.6 Change Log: 1.0.0: Initial release of the code. 1.0.1: Additional installation information. Click here to download this file
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