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Antoine Chalons

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Everything posted by Antoine Chalons

  1. QUOTE (PaulG. @ Jan 28 2009, 03:42 PM) Have they ? I didn't know about that.. does it mean they have reasons not to support comments ? QUOTE (PaulG. @ Jan 28 2009, 03:42 PM) I usually ad comments to my config files after I've created them but it would be convenient to be able to read/write comments in my code. I hadn't even thought of being able to read/write comment , but it's true it would be nice. I was merely hopping that if I put comments like this : [SECTION_1] key_1=10 ; this is a comment for key_1 LabVIEW wouldn't turn it into that : [SECTION_1] key_1=10 ; this is a comment for key_1=""
  2. LabVIEW Config Files functions don't support comments such as described here, I wish they do in the futur.
  3. I have noticed that some analysis functions - from the spectral analysis palette not to mention it - are pretty inefficient both in terms of speed and memory usage. Sometimes, a 2h refactoring on these can dramatically reduce memory usage and increase calculation speed by up to 30x . which leads me to ask the same question as AQ : what kind of analysis are you doing ?
  4. QUOTE (BOBILLIER @ Jan 27 2009, 06:14 PM) Nice tool ! The "move up" and "move down" functions don't work in LV 8.6
  5. hi, you must have done something to move it because by default it comes centered on the graph area I couldn't find the right setting so a made a small method to center it using the property pointed by dblk22vball. hope this helps you
  6. QUOTE (Phillip Brooks @ Jan 27 2009, 01:10 PM) LabVIEW 8.x does not support the Front Panel Window:Origin property in the VI class. If you use thisproperty in LabVIEW 8.x, the property applies only to the upper-leftmost pane. Use the Origin propertyin the Pane class instead. Thanks for bringing that to my attention
  7. Hi again, I use this VI in my <labview>\wizard folder to reset FP Origin. Hope this helps.
  8. QUOTE (Matthew Zaleski @ Jan 26 2009, 10:40 PM) Hi, I'm not really sure in which version FP.Origin "disappeared", I think LV 8.. but if you open in LV 8+ a VI who had this property it will work. So you need to find an "old VI" that was using it ; I use it so I know it still works in LV 8.6 but you can't even fin it if you activate scripting. Tomorrow I can post a VI with it from work if nobody does it before
  9. QUOTE (jfazekas @ Jan 26 2009, 07:43 PM) Hi, Your signature says you have LV 8.5 but your VI is saved in LV 8.6.. can you save back and repost in LV 8.5 please ?
  10. QUOTE (JoergLee @ Jan 26 2009, 09:18 AM) Hi, You probably saw that there is a property called "History Text" but it is read-only.. You also have a method to "Clear History". I don't think you can programmatically edit the revision history.. Sorry
  11. I saw that too but only on LV 8.20 and a restart of LV fixed it. Never seen it in 8.5 neither 8.6..
  12. QUOTE (Eugen Graf @ Jan 22 2009, 11:24 PM) If - like Ton said - you make the difference between scripting and private methods then yes. But private methods come with scripting and can be helpful in your applications
  13. Thanks alot Stephen for all this informations ! :worship: Maybe this should be wikied, no ?
  14. Hi, Still playing around with scripting to make utility VIs to put in my <LabVIEW x.x>\wizard folder.. I'm trying to launch the VI properties Windows for a selected VI (accessible by pressing ctrl + i) , is there a method for that ?
  15. QUOTE (normandinf @ Jan 21 2009, 02:46 PM) I wrote some code to do that in a project a while ago. Basically using the graph ref to get the graph width in pixel and then decimate the data (not exactly decimating, but taking min/max/median on a certain chunk of data ) to avoid dumping 10^9 point plot into a 200 pix wide graph. I'm planing to clean it and propose it to LAVAcr but don't hold your breath.. there is too much snow in the alps for me to spend my WEs on that before a while
  16. QUOTE (neBulus @ Jan 22 2009, 03:35 PM) I agree with Ben ! And I would relate this to a the comments on http://pasquarette.wordpress.com/2009/01/07/customer-affinity-how-are-we-doing/' rel='nofollow' target="_blank">this blog post from John Pasquarette. "for partners looking to build products, or connect their products to LabVIEW - I think we are pretty weak. We can do a better job working with these kinds of partners to get better access to our user base, market their products, provide frameworks for assuring that their products have a defined level of quality, reliability, and usability that matches up with LabVIEW users' expectations, etc." I'm wandering if VIPM would be work without scripting, would it :question:
  17. QUOTE (Ton @ Jan 22 2009, 02:03 PM) Hmmm... looks like I re-invented the wheel Thanks for the hint I learnt a bunch of thing I was ignoring doing this utility VI but I feel I still haven't discovered everything.. I used to think that a "project" was a LabVIEW context, but now I see it more as a group of contexts. The "links & relationships" between the LV app, projects and contexts is still a bit hazy for me, I'd have to dig into that when I get a moment. ..But if anyone has it clear in his mind I'd appriciate some explanations
  18. Hi, I'm trying to make small utility VI that can set front panel properties of other VIs in memory. No special issue with that. I then wanted to put this utility VI in my Tool menu and here it begins to be a little trickier.. I found out that when the my utility VI is launched from the menu it doesn't execute in the LV context called "Main Application Instance" but in the LV context called "NI.LV.Dialog". So I thought "ok.. let's modify my utility VI so that it gets the VIs opened in the "Main Application Instance" context", the thing is I can't find the way to do that Anyone can help ? EDIT : Just found a solution with a coworker (thanks Falko).
  19. QUOTE (professor_rumsdiegeige @ Jan 21 2009, 06:33 PM) Maybe this can help : http://lavag.org/old_files/monthly_01_2009/post-7452-1232564875.png' target="_blank">
  20. Great news ! :thumbup: I can't wait...
  21. QUOTE (Phillip Brooks @ Jan 20 2009, 04:50 PM) Cool :thumbup: Thanks for showing that !
  22. QUOTE (tilli @ Jan 20 2009, 04:14 PM) Hi, I modified your VI and "factorized" it into a for loop. basically you want to do 5 time the same operation but with different argument, that's what the VI now does. Feel free to ask anything if it's hazy. Hope this helps
  23. QUOTE (Darren @ Jan 9 2009, 10:05 PM) Here is a VI that gets VI name, icon and description and puts these into a picture control. I'm not sure it can be put into the help windows using functions from the Help palette or maybe by saving the picture into a file and feed the file into the windows but I think it's not really nice...
  24. Hi, This is a bit suprising... I first reproduced your VI in LV 7.1 but without the "YScale.Marker.Visible" setting and it was working fine (the second Y scale was on the side of the graph). Then I added the "YScale.Marker.Visible" and had the behaviour you have. Do you really need to show/hide the marker ? I also made the VI in LV 8.6, and here the Yscale on the right hand side always comes on the side of the graph, no matter if you hide/show the marker as well or not. Hope this helps
  25. QUOTE (Poom-Thailand @ Jan 16 2009, 11:49 AM) Hi, The "IMAQ image.ctl" file is located here : C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW 8.5\vi.lib\vision\Image Controls.llb\IMAQ image.ctl The "IMAQ create" function is located here : C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW 8.5\vi.lib\Vision\Basics.llb\IMAQ Create Hope this helps.
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