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LabVIEW 8.6 Released

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QUOTE (jgcode @ Aug 1 2008, 04:30 PM)


This is cool! I've been looking at the examples and I have one question for anyone else on the bleeding edge...

I can't for the life of me figure out why the 'Weather' data service data output renders into an html table but the 'LV Queue Server' renders straight XML. Is there something I'm missing? I want to display the raw XML output from the Weather example in my browser, I don't want an html output. Is it because the weather service is using shared variables? Is it because the variables are in a library? I don't get it.

QUOTE (Omar Mussa @ Aug 1 2008, 10:19 PM)

I actually found out something useful from an NI webcast :thumbup:

So I'm posting the link to it here:


(the solution to my problem is in this webcast)

... ok just in case you're too lazy, there is an option under 'Source Files' and the only way to get there is via the 'Configure' button on the 'Source Files' tab in the build rules of the web service.


QUOTE (jgcode @ Aug 2 2008, 11:16 AM)

Ok...you have twisted my arm :P

Downloading now....

Anybody succesfully installed LV 8.6?

I can't I get the following error:


Cannot install

NI LabVIEW 8.6 (incompatible with products already installed)

NI Measurement & Automation Explorer 4.5 (incompatible with products already installed)

I don't know why (the incompatible software isn't mentioned :headbang:



QUOTE (Ton @ Aug 2 2008, 05:53 AM)

Anybody succesfully installed LV 8.6?

I can't I get the following error:

I don't know why (the incompatible software isn't mentioned :headbang:


I had the same issue :thumbdown: . The only way I got around it was by installing LabVIEW on a virtual machine that had no other NI products installed.


QUOTE (Omar Mussa @ Aug 2 2008, 04:32 PM)

I had the same issue :thumbdown: . The only way I got around it was by installing LabVIEW on a virtual machine that had no other NI products installed.

I have the problem the other way around.

All my labview versions are virtualized using Altiris SVS. Works OK (some versions must be auto-start).

I can't get 8.6 installed under SVS or directly in the OS.

Is this the end of the NI-multi installer?



QUOTE (crelf @ Aug 2 2008, 06:36 PM)

Yep - no problems here...

I managed to install LV 8.6 on my home computer with (only) LV 8.5.1 installed. I have no NI device drivers installed.


QUOTE (sachsm @ Aug 1 2008, 01:45 PM)

Anybody know if the new RT I/O variables will have an API associated with them to allow programmatic access by name?

LV 8.6 does not have this support, but this is a common request and being considered by development.


QUOTE (TobyD @ Aug 4 2008, 01:02 PM)


Toby, what's the "updater" and where did you get it?

QUOTE (TobyD @ Aug 4 2008, 01:02 PM)

Side Note:
Any thoughts on the "cleanup block diagram" button? .......

I'm just glad they started it. Like any new piece of code, it'll just get better as the new releases come out. PCB and Schematic capture programs have been doing this for decades, so it's about time for LabVIEW. A zoom-in would be nice too.

Also.. how far back will 8.6 save? to 8.5? 8.2? 8.0?



I have installed LabVIEW v8.6 PDS.Thought

Hi Everybody,

Have installed LabVIEW 8.6.In spite of my limited understanding of Advanced Progrmaming :rolleyes: ,I thought of having a look at a few upgrades.

I had also seen that the update in the function "In Range and Coerce—Supports the fixed-point data type", but detailed help still says

"Note :You cannot use this function with fixed-point numbers" (Havent tried validating it)

Have attached a pdf "A few updated features in LabVIEW 8.6.pdf", where in i have added snapshots of the features.

Might be useful for a quick grahical view of a few upgrades.

Download File:post-7061-1218006832.pdf




QUOTE (AnalogKid2DigitalMan @ Aug 6 2008, 10:40 AM)

LV 8.6 Known Issues (so soon?)

I suspect these are carry-over known issues from < 8.6 or found during beta trials but not fixed for the released version...


QUOTE (b_subhasis @ Aug 6 2008, 02:26 AM)


I'm glad to see http://zone.ni.com/devzone/cda/tut/p/id/7423' target="_blank">Quick Drop made your list. :) You mention in your document that you can drop the object by pressing 'Enter'. That is true, however, there's another, even faster way to use Quick Drop. After you have typed the shortcut or object name (or typed enough of it that auto-complete has finished it for you), if you click in the VI to dismiss Quick Drop, it will drop the object you selected where you clicked. No 'Enter' necessary, and you can skip the step of having the object on your cursor. I like to call this method 'Super Quick Drop'.



QUOTE (Val Brown @ Aug 6 2008, 03:38 PM)

OK, so I've done the download and installed but NONE of my toolkits were installed.

Any helpful ideas???

One of the things they've talked up in the release is that all the toolkits are also re-released on the DVD. If you just download LabVIEW without installing the associated toolkits, my guess is it probably won't recognize your previously installed ones.

At one of the panels I was at today, someone asked if multiple versions of toolkits will now be supported. The guy running the panel said yes. But did not go into details. Again I'm guessing these multiple "versions" mean you're installing the new toolkits into your 8.6 Folder. I don't think you'll be able to just re-install existing kits into 8.6 as well as where it currently resides...but it might be worth a shot. Otherwise, you'll probably have to uninstall them from your older release and re-install them to 8.6 Which will likely be a problem if you still want to develop or support pre 8.6 code.


QUOTE (Val Brown @ Aug 6 2008, 01:38 PM)

OK, so I've done the download and installed but NONE of my toolkits were installed. :throwpc:

Any helpful ideas???

Was it a DVD-sized download? It seems the dvd includes everything and the kitchen sink.

I usually wait for the package in the mail since LV-RT is never available for download.



QUOTE (Neville D @ Aug 6 2008, 02:46 PM)


I did the download mentioned here on the forum and it was pretty large (571 MBs) but...Perhaps it isn't the entire DVD but it wasn't clear to me from the download.

I'm really hoping to get this done while I'm here at NI Week because I live in Canada (the mail is slow there) and I go on another trip as soon as NI Week is done so, if I don't get it done now, I won't see the upgrade for about 3 weeks.

QUOTE (Val Brown @ Aug 6 2008, 02:54 PM)

I did the download mentioned here on the forum and it was pretty large (571 MBs) but...Perhaps it isn't the entire DVD but it wasn't clear to me from the download.

I'm really hoping to get this done while I'm here at NI Week because I live in Canada (the mail is slow there) and I go on another trip as soon as NI Week is done so, if I don't get it done now, I won't see the upgrade for about 3 weeks.

Looks like I'm going to have to download each of the toolkits and install them separately. :thumbdown:


QUOTE (normandinf @ Aug 6 2008, 04:25 PM)

The first DVD is 7.2GB (DL)...

Yeah, I've gotten it all worked out except for the Adaptive Filtering Toolkit. Somehow that doesn't seem to be licensed so...

The process was that I did have to download each of the toolkits and then install and activate them sequentially.


QUOTE (Darren @ Aug 6 2008, 10:03 PM)

I'm glad to see http://zone.ni.com/devzone/cda/tut/p/id/7423' target="_blank">Quick Drop made your list. :) You mention in your document that you can drop the object by pressing 'Enter'. That is true, however, there's another, even faster way to use Quick Drop. After you have typed the shortcut or object name (or typed enough of it that auto-complete has finished it for you), if you click in the VI to dismiss Quick Drop, it will drop the object you selected where you clicked. No 'Enter' necessary, and you can skip the step of having the object on your cursor. I like to call this method 'Super Quick Drop'.


Nice tip Darren :thumbup: , this is the first LV 8.6 occasional nugget :shifty: .

by the way, one question about quick drop - I haven't tried to install LV 8.6 yet - can we customize the key combination to launch it ?


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