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  3. 0.6.0 version now on VIPM: https://www.vipm.io/package/jdp_science_postgresql/ This involves significant improvements, as well as Examples that work with a public postgres server (and thus work without needing Postgres installed). I am hoping this is close to a 1.0 version.
  4. Just wanted to point out that with my old perpetual LabVIEW license I could activate LV 2022 Q3 but the application builder was not available. It turned out that there is a "bug" (strange, strange, strange!) that for some reason did not show Application Builder in NI license manager so I could not even enter my serial. If this is the case you should download and copy the extra files as described here, so as in my case I was then able to finally activate Application Builder for LV 2022 Q3 via NI license manager. https://knowledge.ni.com/KnowledgeArticleDetails?id=kA03q000000oziMCAQ&l=de-DE
  5. Thanks for your help regarding my issue about writing override accessor VI. I decided to remove my question because I don't think it is helpful for community. I try to remove the interface class and recreate a new parent class again. At this time, I can changed all inheritance to new parent class as it supposed to be. I don't understand why I cannot do it before.

  6. Promising! But I am waiting for Jake to be able to produce VI snippets. Asked for a for loop and all I got was simple ASCII art. +------------------------+ | +------------------+ | | | [ ] | 0->1->2 | | | | For Loop | | // 5 iterations | +------------------+ | | Iterations | +------------------------+
  7. Nobody has met me, right? I might be A.I. without the I
  8. I'm reading the book effective labview programming by Thomas Bress and the content is very inspiring to me, I'm trying to find the source code that accompanies the book but the website provided with the book doesn't seem to be maintained anymore, has anyone inside the forum ever downloaded it? It would be very helpful if you could share it, thanks a lot.
  9. Is ShaunR actually a robot? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UymlSE7ax1o
  10. Ask it how I can get past the sign-up CAPTCHA to use it?
  11. Wow, thanks! This is exactly what I was looking for!
  12. Earlier
  13. I have had this in my toolbox for a long time to do what you are asking. It is part of a QuickDrop plugin I made to "fix up" a VI, similar to Darren's Nattify plugin. Size Diagram Window.vi
  14. The 'Arrange VI Window' Quick Drop keyboard shortcut does this. With the diagram open, Press Ctrl-Space, then once Quick Drop appears, press Ctrl-F. If you want to look at the code that accomplishes this, see here... it should be a good resource for writing your own tool: [LabVIEW 20xx]\resource\dialog\QuickDrop\plugins\_Arrange VIWin SubVIs\Arrange VIWin - Arrange BD.vi
  15. Hi, So I have this project with a lot of vi's which are saved with block diagram windows somewhat larger than the actual block diagram. I am looking for a way to programmatically go through all these vi's and resize the block diagram window size to the size of the actual block diagram (plus some margin). Has anyone done this? I'm looking at the different properties: BDWin.Bounds, Diagram.Bounds, but I can't really make heads or tails of it.
  16. People will decorate their office with retro software boxes, and game boxes. So yes various LabVIEW manuals, books, and old software gets you a bit of nerd cred. I have a box of Windows 3.1 on my shelf next to my copy of LabVIEW for everyone, LabVIEW 7.0, and my bound thesis.
  17. You can get the latest WW257x drivers directly from the manufacturer at taborelec.com. Use the contact link and request them.
  18. I have an original set of LabVIEW version 1.2 floppy disks (released in 1989), that includes instrumentation VIs (GPIB & serial port), NB LabDriver 3 VI library examples, DSP analysis VIs, etc. Do people actually collect these?
  19. In my experience SQLite will be much slower than TDMS. My recommendation is to reshape whatever array you have into a 1D array and then that can be your waveform. Store the image dimensions in metadata. Indexing is not challenging. You can get the the waveform size out of the channel properties (NI_ChannelLength) and divide that by how many pixels are in each image to get how many images are in your TDMS. You can pull out a given image index by multiplying the image index by the image pixel count and feeding that into the offset input for TDMS read and using the pixel count for the count input. Everything takes in i64s so you don't have to worry about large indexes. You just reshape the 1D array the read.
  20. 该文件中有四行头文件 (4 rows of header in this file) 下面是一个程序,它将读取四个标题行,然后每次读取其余的 100 行 read csv per chunk of 100 rows.vi
  21. 拆分了一段,大一点数据传输困难,服务器老是断开,导致无法上传,麻烦您试试。 采样数据 2024_10_20 08_27_28_0.csv
  22. 您可以按行读取文件 如果您提供文件的一小部分,我可以帮助您编写一个 vi 来逐行加载文件
  23. 本人想读取一个CSV大型文件,数据很大,如何才能读取某一段时间内的数据,任意时间段数据,直接打开整个数据是打不开的。
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