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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/06/2020 in all areas

  1. My experiment with NXG is now over. A simple web page has taken about 5x longer than I had planned for. Some of this is due to me underestimating the nuances of the web module but most of it has been me fighting the new IDE. The other night instead of happily diving into some after dinner software development fun I was actually filled with dread at the thought of having to open NXG and finish what I started, it really is that unpleasant to use. For me, NXG is nowhere near usable in a real project that I expect to have to develop, maintain and make money off. Some stuff seems to work, but everything has this toy feel about it. It is ugly, sluggish, unintuitive and absolutely repulsive to develop with. Sorry that sounds harsh, but it has been in development for over 8 years and has an incredibly strong pedigree to compare against. NI have taken almost everything that made current gen so special and thrown it in the bin. NXG is clearly being managed and developed by people who have never actually become intimately familiar with LabVIEW. I will check back in a few years time but at this point I am extremely disappointed and now need to think very strongly about where my professional systems development career is going. Current Gen is going to be sunsetted at some point and will fade into irrelevance due to its closed source nature (not that open sourcing something of its complexity would help now, it is too late for that). I could wait a few years if I had confidence that the ship was sailing in the right direction, but apart from AQ who consistently has the courage to actually even reply to these threads there is virtually nothing coming back from NI and I feel that the HMS NXG-itanic is sailing full steam ahead towards its doom. NI is run by extremely clever people who have no doubt done their sums and analyses and are charting the course for NXG that they think will bring them the most success in the long-run. I have a strong appreciation for just how big an undertaking something like NXG is, but given where it is after 8 years of development it just seems that I am not the target market and there is not too much I can do about it. Happily, given how robust NI hardware and current gen LabVIEW actually are I suspect there will be quite a bit of work supporting old systems for at least another decade (perhaps more).
    4 points
  2. NXG actually seems quite good at figuring out what I am looking for with quick drop; I just type the name of the primitive and it appears. This is good as I cannot identify anything because the new icons all look totally weird to me...
    3 points
  3. Your argument is inconsistent. If it's not a priority then making a change to remove it is allocating resource to "the least important". Leaving it in would be the least impactful. However. If you are going to change it then you might as well make it a "Preference" since that is clearly what it is. You don't seem to have a preference or, at least, are indifferent. So why advocate taking away a feature that other people obviously feel strongly about?
    2 points
  4. I threw this together, and maybe someone will find it useful. I needed to be able to interact with cmd.exe a bit more than the native system exec.vi primitive offers. I used .NET to get the job done. Some notable capabilities: - User can see standard output and standard error in real-time - User can write a command to standard input - User can query if the process has completed - User can abort the process by sending a ctrl-C command Aborting the process was the trickiest part. I found a solution at the following article: http://stanislavs.org/stopping-command-line-applications-programatically-with-ctrl-c-events-from-net/#comment-2880 The ping demo illustrates this capability. In order to abort ping.exe from the command-line, the user needs to send a ctrl-c command. We achieve this by invoking KERNEL32 to attach a console to the process ID and then sending a ctrl-C command to the process. This is a clean solution that safely aborts ping.exe. The best part about this solution is that it doesn't require for any console prompts to be visible. An alternate solution was to start the cmd.exe process with a visible window, and then to issue a MainWindowClose command, but this required for a window to be visible. I put this code together to allow for me to better interact with HandbrakeCLI and FFMPEG. Enjoi NET_Proc.zip
    1 point
  5. Oh. Sorry. Missed that bit. That's a different kettle of kippers then.
    1 point
  6. Send one my way and I have a prelimenary library done in a few days. 😀
    1 point
  7. From the Data tab you can enable logging but I don't think you can export the trace after the fact for some reason. The wall of text is very intimidating but I'll try to give some advice. The way I see most people use DETT is by logging some giant 10,000 line trace and then they just dive into it hoping to find something useful. I usually find that this strategy is a giant waste of time. Ideally you have some specific thing you want to check with DETT (am I leaking references, I shouldn't be reaching this case but am I actually enqueuing that) at this point you can go into View > Filter Settings to filter out all of the garbage, leaving yourself a much more manageable trace to look through.
    1 point
  8. This is what happens when you change the UI scaling while NXG launches (because what else is there to do?) And icons can be a little frustrating at times... Icons make me happy.mp4
    1 point
  9. 1,481 downloads

    Windows Environment Variable Reader Writer Vc Copyright © 2006, Brian Hoover All rights reserved. Author: Brian Hoover **see email address in readme txt** Description:: Purpose: This Vi was made so that you can easily view and create environment variables from within Windows XP. Features: You are able to read all environment variables which you have available to you at the command prompt by typing "set". It also can write environment variables by writing them to the registry in the following location: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Environment Also for added safty it will check the name you are trying to use, and won't allow its creation if a variable with that name already exists. Usage: To use this VI you need to be using Labview version 8.20. With Labview 8.20 installed open the VariableReadWrite.vi file, then click run. While it's running open the View Variables tab and click "Refresh Variables" to view all your command prompt variables. Two String arrays are created, the Name of the variables, and their values. A text window is also displaying what the user would see if they typed "set" at a command prompt. To create a variable open the Create Variables tab and fill in the information for Variable Name and Variable Value; then click Create Variable. Please note that you may need to log off then back on for the new variable to take effect. If needed there is a "Run Regedit" button which will open the registry. From here you can see the newly created variables in the location mentioned in the Features section. When you are done click stop to end the program. Version History: 1.0.0: Initial release of the code.
    1 point
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