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Everything posted by asbo

  1. Differential for signals 5 and 6 and RSE for signals 1-4. If you're going to use a 10x divider make sure that USB DAQ will have enough precision on those signals to be valid/useful still.
  2. http://catb.org/esr/faqs/smart-questions.html
  3. I thoroughly enjoy talks like this. I downloaded a copy to sit through later.
  4. I try to be very fair and take every post at face value.
  5. Depending on the size of your point data, does it make sense to use LVOOP? I have no benchmarks to point to, but I imagine for small data, the overhead of LVOOP will outweigh the performance of, say, a cluster of {prev, data, next} that you don't get the nice OOP-ness with. There will probably be more legwork with that route (and you may have to be more careful with memory allocations) but I think for the performance spec you're looking to hit, the simple route may be more effective.
  6. Looks like it's related to LabVIEW RT. You don't give any information about what you're trying to do.
  7. Right here:
  8. On the contrary, you completely remove a .NET dependency. This uses native Win32 API calls, so it's almost certainly faster too.
  9. The upside (IMO) to the CR is the support for versioning. It'd be a little messier as forum posts, but discourse would be a little more complicated.
  10. I was thinking we could just make a new category in the code repository? That's essentially what we're talking about, after all, it just happens to be a specific implementation instead of reuse code.
  11. View New Content and that little dot are solely the way I browse LAVA.
  12. You missed out! This was mentioned in the LAVA upgrade thread when we first switched over to the new board software.
  13. Why not just search the string from right-to-left? Throw in a string reverse and all should be well. I've never seen localization options beyond period or comma, nor do I have an opinion on supporting other decimal characters.
  14. I can only address this portion of your question: yes, this can be changed dynamically. However, it may break the run arrow if you try and use this to circumvent the parent/child requirement.
  15. A lease time of 2-3 hours from your DHCP server could break this too, if the PXI got juggled to a different IP and the DNS simply hadn't propagated to the PC yet.
  16. Sounds like the LW developers are full or malarkey, then...
  17. I haven't used LabWindows, so I can't answer your first question, but I don't understand why the batch file wouldn't work...
  18. I don't have Vision installed, so I can't play with it, but maybe this is related? Why Can I Not Save an I16 Image With an IMAQ Palette (Temperature, Binary, etc...)? However, it deals with signed 16-bit data, not unsigned.
  19. I take it you can't include the plugins themselves on disk as VIs (BD-stripped, if you like) and just build the plugin architecture into the executable?
  20. The most immediate downside I see to this is that if you use Quick Drop or the search functionality, you won't be able to see whether the VI in question is OpenG or not. Whether or not this is catastrophic is up for debate. /derailment encouraging
  21. Yep, this is the need-lock property. A must-have for non-merge-able files. I can't tell you off-hand how to make every new file inherit the property, but it's possible.
  22. I did have a look through a couple of the links, and there were VIs posted. They may not be complete, but they're a great starting point. I also saw a toolkit (the shareware one you saw, I think) which does support it. I haven't heard of any free, complete options, however.
  23. Ah ha! If my verbiage didn't make it obvious, I thought it was also somewhere else. You can see how often I've needed one. It does look much better in Icon view (which is what I use anyway, now that I pay attention to what I'm saying). The reorganization does help, either way.
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