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Everything posted by asbo

  1. I would hazard a guess that do a repair or uninstall/reinstall on LabVIEW will remedy the issue. How many machines does it present on?
  2. Do you have any detailed information about what "optimizing data update"s actually does?
  3. Can you send your data in chunks? You really don't want to set your datagram size to megabytes.
  4. The crash does not repro in LV2011 on Win7 x64.
  5. There is not a way to do this. If you populate one element of a cluster, the rest must have values. If you leave them unspecified, it will default to whatever is set for that field. Using this behavior, you can set the default to sentinel values (e.g., NaN for a DBL) which allows you to detect "defaultness".
  6. Agreed, shell32.dll is not a dot NET assembly. I think there's an assembly viewer tool that comes with Visual Studio which would could point at any given DLL to check with, but I don't know of anything that comes with Windows off-hand.
  7. Makes me wonder if we're allowed semicolons in our usernames...
  8. You're such a tease, AQ.
  9. That was how I felt about Richard's retort. I read his list of unforgivable flaws and every single of one of them has a solution I would have easily handled six months after starting LV. I didn't read the rest of the page, but I get the impression he comes from a distinctly non-G background and simply has no desire to change his mind.
  10. I think this is a bad example usage of the feedback node. I would just use Add Array Elements and call it a day. Or if you feel like being complicated, keep the equality comparison and use the Boolean to (0, 1) node and iterative sum that.
  11. I agree with your conclusion. I don't think these can ever be out of order because LV has to recognize the click (Mouse Down) before it can react (Shortcut Menu). Off topic, but shouldn't your username be while(imstuck)? Is imstuck iterable?
  12. I suspect that there's a recompile in there too, so account for that.
  13. My very first Launch was ~25ms and the rest (even at the top-level, weird) were 1-2ms outside of a project. Once it's in a project, I get 300-350ms at top-level, and 0-2ms elsewhere. Thinkpad T510 with Win7 x64 in LV2011 32-bit.
  14. You made a perfectly good repro VI and didn't upload it? For shame...
  15. I'm told I don't have privileges to "perform that action." Do you need to be part of a specific group?
  16. It's likely a software problem, but you didn't actually say what Device Manager reported as the problem. Do a repair on your DAQmx install, it sounds like something is corrupt or broken.
  17. On the one hand, I see this as really smart - I can't how many times I'll look something up, get distracted about something else, and then forget about it. On the other, sometimes I really did have only thirty seconds of interest in the NI 9234. shrug
  18. Since it's a wiki, wouldn't it make sense to move its content to labviewwiki.org and use LAVA for its forums?
  19. Are you constantly acquiring data irrespective of RPM? If you are, use the logger to track windows of time which are validate and then "mask out" the data during windows when the logger is disabled. I think that having a separate channel of t0's is unintuitive and potentially awkward to use. However, I think the correct way is probably to have new groups/channels per instance, unless this adds too much overhead due to event frequency. It also depends on how the data is going to be analyzed. If you're talking about someone using the TDMS viewer to check this data, I would almost think that discrete groups would be more clear, or that writing a custom viewer to tie the waveforms together coherently might be a better solution - you might be trying to solve the problem in the wrong place. Be sure to consider scenarios where this RPM value could bounce back and forth quickly and the effect the will play in logging.
  20. Asynchronous Worker sprang to mind, but having not used it yet I don't know if it's actually async.
  21. Any particular reason to go with ARM? For example, I've used PIC micros in the past and there's heaps of resources from Microchip et al.
  22. Wow. That is seriously open source software.
  23. I'm excited to see this toolkit released. I agree that the ideal route would be to use a conditional structure to specify the correct binary - then each platform can benefit from their specific build. Does licensing actually allow you to include the binaries with the toolkit? I know that some software is prohibitive of that.
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