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Everything posted by LogMAN

  1. Yes this has been done before. I believe BlueVariantView is what you are looking for. It creates a recursive tree of any data type: JSONtext on the other hand illustrates how to turn your data back into a data type.
  2. In the context of this VI, "empty string" refers to the JSON terminal. If you don't provide any input, it will return null. Otherwise, it returns an error.
  3. You probably mean https://labviewwiki.org/wiki/User_Groups. I saw your suggestion on the talk page and was going to split it between List of LabVIEW user groups - LabVIEW Wiki and User group - LabVIEW Wiki. Apparently "user groups" is okay, but "user group" is not 🤷‍♂️
  4. Thanks! Second that! The new wiki is also much more responsive, so editing has become a much more enjoyable experience That said, here is another issue I stumbled upon: When attempting to edit https://labviewwiki.org/wiki/User_group (or the associated talk page), the server responds with "Server Error 403 Forbidden" and blocks the IP.
  5. There are quite a few pages affected. Find below a complete list of the ones found with a quick script. Affected conferences are: Americas CLA Summit 2019 GLA Summit 2020 NIWeek 2019 NIWeek 2020 If the channel cannot be restored, it would be great to have the videos for upload to a new channel that is not linked to the domain if anyone still got them. Just ping me and I'll upload them if you don't want to put them on your own channel. Otherwise, feel free to update the pages with the new video IDs. https://labviewwiki.org/wiki/Americas_CLA_Summit_2019/Architecting_for_Your_Customers https://labviewwiki.org/wiki/Americas_CLA_Summit_2019/Automating_IDE_Setup https://labviewwiki.org/wiki/Americas_CLA_Summit_2019/Building_Distributed_Systems_with_LabVIEW_and_ZeroMQ https://labviewwiki.org/wiki/Americas_CLA_Summit_2019/Complex_AF_-_Avoid_the_Pitfalls_of_Bad_Asynchronous_Programming https://labviewwiki.org/wiki/Americas_CLA_Summit_2019/Composed_Event_Logger_-_How_integrating_a_SOLID_Event_Logger_into_your_Applications_Reduces_Time_Spent_Debugging_Problems https://labviewwiki.org/wiki/Americas_CLA_Summit_2019/Decoupling_LabVIEW_and_Continuous_Integration https://labviewwiki.org/wiki/Americas_CLA_Summit_2019/Design_for_Research_(A_Case_Study_of_Building_a_Research_Metal_3D_Printer) https://labviewwiki.org/wiki/Americas_CLA_Summit_2019/Encapsulating_and_Reusing_your_UI_Code https://labviewwiki.org/wiki/Americas_CLA_Summit_2019/Expert_Panel:_Overcoming_Performance_Challenges https://labviewwiki.org/wiki/Americas_CLA_Summit_2019/Future_Proofing_Begins_With_Your_People_-_Lessons_Learned_from_My_Life_on_the_Outside https://labviewwiki.org/wiki/Americas_CLA_Summit_2019/Futureproofing_Software_with_Clean_Architecture https://labviewwiki.org/wiki/Americas_CLA_Summit_2019/G_Interfaces https://labviewwiki.org/wiki/Americas_CLA_Summit_2019/GCentral:_Removing_Barriers_to_a_Collaborative_Community https://labviewwiki.org/wiki/Americas_CLA_Summit_2019/Help!_I'm_out_of_letters_in_Quick_Drop! https://labviewwiki.org/wiki/Americas_CLA_Summit_2019/High-Throughput_Video_Processing_to_Score_Heart_Rate_Responses_to_Xenobiotics_in_Wild-type_Embryonic_Zebrafish https://labviewwiki.org/wiki/Americas_CLA_Summit_2019/How_YOU_can_design_amazing_looking_UIs https://labviewwiki.org/wiki/Americas_CLA_Summit_2019/Imperative_to_Functional_Programming https://labviewwiki.org/wiki/Americas_CLA_Summit_2019/Introduction_to_the_LabVIEW_Wiki https://labviewwiki.org/wiki/Americas_CLA_Summit_2019/Item_Manager_Framework_-_Future_Proofing_with_Dependency_Injection https://labviewwiki.org/wiki/Americas_CLA_Summit_2019/Keynote:_How_to_Leave_a_Legacy_Without_Leaving_Legacy_Software https://labviewwiki.org/wiki/Americas_CLA_Summit_2019/Keynote:_Practical_Methods_for_Software_Engineering_Idealism https://labviewwiki.org/wiki/Americas_CLA_Summit_2019/LabVIEW_Performance_Tuning_Twenty_Years_Later https://labviewwiki.org/wiki/Americas_CLA_Summit_2019/Making_Modern_UIs_with_LabVIEW https://labviewwiki.org/wiki/Americas_CLA_Summit_2019/NI_Presents:_Reusable_Add-on_Libraries https://labviewwiki.org/wiki/Americas_CLA_Summit_2019/NI_Presents:_WebVIs https://labviewwiki.org/wiki/Americas_CLA_Summit_2019/One_Library_To_Rule_Them_All https://labviewwiki.org/wiki/Americas_CLA_Summit_2019/Party_in_Front,_Business_in_Back:_Programming_The_Reverse_Mullet https://labviewwiki.org/wiki/Americas_CLA_Summit_2019/PPLs_and_a_Better_Office_Experience https://labviewwiki.org/wiki/Americas_CLA_Summit_2019/Quick!_Drop_Your_VI_Execution_Time! 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https://labviewwiki.org/wiki/NIWeek_2019/Sharing_LabVIEW_Code:_What_Tools_Are_Good_For_What%3f https://labviewwiki.org/wiki/NIWeek_2019/Software_Engineering_in_LabVIEW:_A_Look_at_Tools_and_Processes https://labviewwiki.org/wiki/NIWeek_2019/These_Innovative_Tricks_for_ProjectRequirements_Will_Change_Your_Life https://labviewwiki.org/wiki/NIWeek_2019/Using_and_Abusing_Channel_Wires:_An_Exercise_in_Flexibility https://labviewwiki.org/wiki/NIWeek_2019/VI_Analyzer:_The_Unsung_Hero_of_Software_Quality_Control https://labviewwiki.org/wiki/NIWeek_2019/What's_New_on_LabVIEW_2019_and_NXG https://labviewwiki.org/wiki/NIWeek_2019/Who_Are_You_Developing_Your_HAL/MAL_For%3f_You_Or_The_Test_Engineer https://labviewwiki.org/wiki/VIWeek_2020/8_Reasons_for_encapsulating_your_next_device_driver_inside_a_DQMH_module https://labviewwiki.org/wiki/VIWeek_2020/CEF_(configuration_editor_framework) https://labviewwiki.org/wiki/VIWeek_2020/Confessions_of_a_Retired_Superhero https://labviewwiki.org/wiki/VIWeek_2020/Fast_and_Simple_Unit_Testing_with_Caraya_1.0 https://labviewwiki.org/wiki/VIWeek_2020/Mock_Object_Framework https://labviewwiki.org/wiki/VIWeek_2020/Philosophy_of_Coding_-_How_to_be_a_CraftsPerson https://labviewwiki.org/wiki/VIWeek_2020/The_Core_Framework https://labviewwiki.org/wiki/VIWeek_2020/Using_a_Message_Broker_with_DQMH_Actors_for_High_Speed/Throughput_Data_logging https://labviewwiki.org/wiki/VIWeek_2020/VIWeek_–_Open_Your_Instruments_With_A_G_Interfaces_HAL_In_LV2020_(No_Lever_Tool_Required!!)
  6. I did a quick test in a private MediaWiki instance and got it to work using the fix available on GitHub: Switch jquery.cookie to mediawiki.cookie by paladox · Pull Request #1 · debtcompliance/TreeAndMenu · GitHub
  7. Thanks. The extension has not been updated since 2021. It is, however, listed as "stable". There is another issue, the list of recent changes is not updating: https://labviewwiki.org/wiki/Special:RecentChanges The most recent change listed is from December 27th, 2024.
  8. Happy New Year! This is great! It certainly feels more responsive and modern. File deletion now also works, which means that we can finally get rid of old inappropriate files The TreeAndMenu extension is missing, however, which breaks certain pages: LabVIEW VI Analyzer Toolkit - LabVIEW Wiki Events - LabVIEW Wiki
  9. The examples you provide are invalid JSON, which makes it difficult to understand what you are actually trying to do. In your VI, the input data is a 2D array of string but the JSON output is completely different. Your first step should be to define the types you need to produce the expected JSON output. Afterwards you can map your input data to the output data and simply convert it to JSON. The structure of the inner-most object in your JSON appears to be the following: { "Type":"ABC", "IP":"", "Port":111, "Still":1, "Register":"Register", "Address":12345, "SizeLength":1, "FET":2, "Size":"big", "Conversion":"small" } In LabVIEW, this can be represented by a cluster: When you convert this cluster to JSON, you'll get the output above. Now, the next level of your structure is a bit strange but can be solved in a similar manner. I assume that "1", "2", and "3" are instances of the object above: { "1": {}, "2": {}, "3": {} } So essentially, this is a cluster containing clusters: The approach for the next level is practically the same: { "TCP": {} } And finally, there can be multiple instances of that, which, again, works the same: { "EQ1": {}, "EQ2": {} } This is the final form as far as I can tell. Now you can use either JSONtext or LabVIEW's built-in Flatten To JSON function to convert it to JSON {"EQ1":{"TCP":{"1":{"Type":"ABC","IP":"","Port":111,"Still":1,"Register":"Register","Address":12345,"SizeLength":1,"FET":2,"Size":"big","Conversion":"small"},"2":{"Type":"ABC","IP":"","Port":111,"Still":1,"Register":"Register","Address":12345,"SizeLength":1,"FET":2,"Size":"big","Conversion":"small"},"3":{"Type":"ABC","IP":"","Port":111,"Still":1,"Register":"Register","Address":12345,"SizeLength":1,"FET":2,"Size":"big","Conversion":"small"}}},"EQ2":{"TCP":{"1":{"Type":"ABC","IP":"","Port":111,"Still":1,"Register":"Register","Address":12345,"SizeLength":1,"FET":2,"Size":"big","Conversion":"small"},"2":{"Type":"ABC","IP":"","Port":111,"Still":1,"Register":"Register","Address":12345,"SizeLength":1,"FET":2,"Size":"big","Conversion":"small"},"3":{"Type":"ABC","IP":"","Port":111,"Still":1,"Register":"Register","Address":12345,"SizeLength":1,"FET":2,"Size":"big","Conversion":"small"}}}} The mapping of your input data should be straight forward.
  10. Glad to hear you got it working! The reason it doesn't update is explained in the documentation: https://www.ni.com/docs/en-US/bundle/labview/page/loading-net-assemblies.html#d62572e60
  11. Welcome to the LAVA! Wire your struct to a Property Node to access public properties and fields. You can set it to either read or write a value. Please be careful when changing signatures. LabVIEW does not automatically detect when the type of an argument changes. You'll have to manually update all calling sites to match the new signature which can lead to bad behavior. That said, calling by ref or by value both work. Here is a complete example for both of them: namespace DemoLib { public struct MyStruct { public string Message { get; set; } public int Number { get; set; } } public class MyClass { public string GetMessage(MyStruct data) { return data.Message; } public int GetNumber(MyStruct data) { return data.Number; } public string CreateMessageByRef(ref MyStruct data) { data.Message = "Hello from CreateMessageByRef"; return data.Message; } public int CreateNumberByRef(ref MyStruct data) { data.Number = 42; return data.Number; } } } Example.vi
  12. Given a parent node, using Forward Browse should give you a list of child nodes, including their node ID: https://www.ni.com/docs/en-US/bundle/labview-opc-ua-toolkit-api-ref/page/opcuavis/opcua_forward_browse.html
  13. I just went through the examples and everything appears to be working. Edit: Running on Windows 11, using LabVIEW 2019 (32-bit) As someone who is familiar with your SQLite library, it feels very familiar Thanks for sharing!
  14. Welcome to the forums! Yes this is exactly how the good old perpetual license works. Even without SSP the license is valid indefinitely. At my work we also stayed with LabVIEW 2019 for our codebase. The old licenses are still valid and haven’t been renewed. We have an additional subscription license for support reasons, though.
  15. A couple of ideas: Include a license file that clearly explains what they can and cannot do (e.g., no distribution, no use without a valid license, 30 day trial period, etc.) Use a hardware dongle to prevent copies (you can just encrypt the executable, which can then only be started when the dongle is present. No programming required.) If the application is not licensed (e.g., during a 30 day trial period Automatically shutdown the application after 30 minutes Limit the number of data points they can collect (e.g., limit file size to 1 Mib or 100k samples) Turn off certain features (e.g., limit the types of reports that can be produced) Of course, it depends on what value the application represents and how "useful" it is outside your partnership. At some point, however, you will have to trust them enough to not misuse your software outside what is being agreed. If you don't trust them enough to uphold such an agreement, it is probably better not to go into a partnership...
  16. Yes this happens sometimes. It typically fixes itself after reloading a few times. To be fair, it never happened when actively browsing or editing pages. For me it mostly happens in the morning when I access it for the first time. And it manifests as a DNS lookup error.
  17. I'm not familiar with FPGAs so this might not work, but there is a Timed Loop in LabVIEW: https://www.ni.com/docs/en-US/bundle/labview-api-ref/page/structures/timed-loop.html Edit: Just noticed this note in the article linked above: This might be relevant too: https://knowledge.ni.com/KnowledgeArticleDetails?id=kA00Z000000P8sWSAS&l=en-US
  18. Yes! It is so much better now. Excellent work!
  19. Unfortunately, it seems that the site upgrade did not fix the spam issue. Are there any new options at your disposal?
  20. Completely agree. I wonder how the number of people with internet access affect the data. In the past the percentage of technology-agnostic people was probably higher on average than nowadays. Especially for niche topics like LabVIEW. It also makes a difference whether you look at global data or just a specific area. For example, interest for LabVIEW in China and USA are somewhat distinct: China USA There are also distinct changes to the slope when Google decides to improve their categorization systems. We may also see a sudden decline for languages with the adoption of AI assistants as most developers don't need to search the internet anymore and instead rely on the answers produced by the Copilot integrated in their IDEs. Maybe this is what's happening to the Python chart?
  21. These statistics can be very misleading as they show interest over time and cannot easily be compared. For example, this is a comparison between LabVIEW (blue), Simulink (yellow), and Node-RED (red): Here is another comparison between PHP (blue), C++ (red), C (yellow), JavaScript (green), and C# (purple): Relatively, each of these languages shows considerable less interest over time and converge towards a similar value. Unfortunately, we can't get the full picture as we do not have earlier data. Otherwise, it would probably show pretty much the same curve as Python does. We are just further along the curve (the hype is over 🙁). For the sake of completeness, this is the graph for Python: While everyone is clearly interested in Python, this doesn't mean that any of the other languages is suddenly going to be obsolete or non-functional. People (and businesses) will always follow the hype train, of course. Though, we should certainly not fall victim to ignorance as clearly the LabVIEW community is not quite as enthusiastic as it used to be. I wonder if we should pitch a Python port of LabVIEW to NI... 😈
  22. Oh that's hilarious 🤣
  23. Well, yes. There is only so much we can do on the client side. It also appears that some of the bots have recently figured out how to reply to their own posts. It is probably just a matter of time before our notification areas get bombarded...
  24. I have opted to custom uBlock filters for certain keywords and specific user accounts to hide those entries from the activity stream. Not a perfect solution but it makes the page somewhat usable... at least I don't have to see that wall of crap all the time.
  25. I can confirm that LabVIEW 2018 SP1 f4 (32-bit) automatically selects LabVIEW Runtime 2018 SP1 f5 when "automatically select recommended installers" is checked and LabVIEW Runtime 2018 SP1 f5 is installed. Though, it does not ask for the installer source. There used to be SFX installers that were extracted to "C:\National Instruments Downloads". When such an installer was used, the destination folder must not be deleted as it is used as a source location when creating installers in LabVIEW. Perhaps you installed the runtime engine through an old SFX installer and deleted those files at some point?
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