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Everything posted by crossrulz

  1. Or for those looking for the Developer Suite: http://search.ni.com/nisearch/app/main/p/bot/no/ap/tech/lang/en/pg/1/sn/n1:2018_Spring,n8:142,ssnav:pdl/
  2. Sounds more like you need a NOT, not an OR. And what's wrong with using logic gates?
  3. DVRs were introduced in 2009. I skipped from 8.6 to 2011, but I do remember having tons of issues with 2009. But we all know that the best "must have" feature of any LabVIEW version was the new icons that showed the version starting with 2014! Other notables: Vivado compiler for LabVIEW FPGA (2014), Channels (2016), Malleable VIs (2017).
  4. Duplicate thread: ASCII into Hex
  5. Do as ensegre shows or just use a normal string constant and set the display style to "Hex". Then type in those hex values. I also highly recommend you set the Visible Items->Display Style to make it more obvious that you are looking at the hex values and not ASCII characters.
  6. How are we supposed to know? You still have not told us what you expect as an output with a specific input. As far as what is different between the two pieces of code you have there, you need to wire up an I32 constant to the top of the Type Cast, not a string. It will adapt.
  7. You need to be A LOT more specific. I have seen at least 5 different definitions of "hex". Do you have an example of your data coming in and what you expect out? Doing this with a VI whose controls and indicators have set default values is by far the best way.
  8. If you want to use Conditional Terminals, I would do something like this.
  9. I have been using the default with a few additional abstractions I wrote. And, yes, that does have a DLL call in the end, so won't work with RT. All of my applications lately are on PC, so no issues there. If going RT, I would look into the JKI XML and the GXML libraries. From my quick looking, those are completely written in LabVIEW.
  10. I am using the DOM parsing, especially since I need to interface with other places that generate XML and my structure can change based on several factors. So it is easier to maintain the 1 library. I do want to find some time to investigate the JKI XML toolkit to see if it will simplify some things, but I am swamped through at least July.
  11. I have been using ini files for all of my applications. But I recently ran into needing of a hierarchy for a few of my settings. So I am transitioning to XML. I am currently in the in-between stage of using both an ini and a XML file for my settings (a lot of libraries to update to change to full XML, but no time to do it). I have been using XML Notepad for editing my XML files, making them super easy to make. Ultra Edit also has some nice features to edit XML files, most notable for me has been the column editing. SQLite might be a bit overkill because I want to be able to update settings with a text editor. Otherwise, I would need to create a database editor for each and every application. That would not be good for my plugins. I am sure there are ways, but probably more complicated than it is worth.
  12. Thread in question. Once the stomping was fixed in the Delete From Array (supposedly in 2014), that became a lot faster than any other method.
  13. Download the vipc from here: LabVIEW Task Manager (LVTM)
  14. There is also the Data Queue VI in the PtByPt palettes. Personally, I found a fixed sized lossy queue to work very well as a circular buffer.
  15. You can resize the loop itself and then move things around as needed.
  16. You could use something like Hex Edit to look at your file. Personally, I am a fan of Ultra Edit, which has a hexadecimal view.
  17. You could also try clearing the class mutation history and see what that does.
  18. AristosQueue swears that they are useful. He mentions it in almost every event I have seen him at.
  19. The only real issue I have had with 2017 was The distribute object tools often crashes LabVIEW 2017
  20. In LabVIEW 2017, there is the Malleable VI (vim). This will adapt to the input type. In previous versions, this was a hidden feature called "macros".
  21. There were several improvements that were made due to the Champions griping enough and actually got some R&D ears. I do not remember if those made it into 2017 or if they were pushed to SP1. The new feature in 2017 that annoys me is the autowiring when you drag code into an out of a structure. You can turn that off by pressing W during the drag.
  22. A few things need to be discussed here: 1. Does your message protocol have a Termination Character? This is common for ASCII messages and is typically a Line Feed. If you are using a binary message protocol or your message does not have a termination character, then you need to turn it off (boolean input at the top of Configure Serial Port). 2. If you know how many bytes you are to receive in a message, then tell the VISA Read to read that many bytes. If the termination character is involved, then you tell it to read more than you expect and the termination character will stop the read. Regardless, because you are using a command-response protocol (the instrument only sends you data when you request it) you should let the timeout tell you there is no data.
  23. Discussion on the NI forums: LabView vulnerability allows hackers to hack your computer And the patch that is due out sometime: Incomplete RSRC Validation in LabVIEW
  24. Not that I am aware of. But yourscheme is not much better. You really should have descriptive names for your VIs.
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