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Everything posted by Yair

  1. OK - https://forums.ni.com/t5/LabVIEW-Idea-Exchange/Make-the-All-Supported-Properties-property-return-nested/idi-p/4001207https://forums.ni.com/t5/LabVIEW-Idea-Exchange/Make-the-All-Supported-Properties-property-return-nested/idi-p/4001207
  2. Darren, any chance of getting the All Supported Properties property of the Property class (i.e. the property node) to actually return all the supported properties for the current class of the property node, including all of the nested ones? As it is today, that property only returns the top level properties (so it would show a Label property if the node is linked to a class inheriting from Control, but not all the subproperties coming from the Label class). If that's too hard for support reasons, maybe at least adding a new property which will actually return all of them?
  3. I don't use the variant probes, but a quick look at the code (browseVariant.vi) shows that it uses deprecated VIs in the refnum case. It looks like even the new NI VIs (at least in 2015) don't do the whole job (they seem to return the class name of the wire you had before you convert to a variant, rather than the actual class on the wire), so I think you will need a combination of NI's Get Type Information.vi to know that it's a class and OpenG's LVOOP Return Class Name__ogtk.vi to get the class name:
  4. Short version - you're running a 32 bit process on a 64 bit OS which causes a mess as to how to correctly run LPR. Here are a couple of relevant links: https://knowledgebase.progress.com/articles/Article/Running-OS-COMMAND-LPR-EXE-from-within-32-bit-OpenEdge-the-Procedure-Editor-fails-on-64-bit-Windows https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/winprog64/file-system-redirector The first one suggests a solution, although I haven't tried it myself.
  5. Looks like there's a problem in creating new accounts. See this thread - https://forums.ni.com/t5/BreakPoint/Creating-LAVA-Account/m-p/3909178#M31279 I also tried on Windows 10/FF 66 and didn't even get the CAPTCHA, just no response after filling in the details and clicking Create my Account.
  6. Thanks, that looks like it should work. Where did you find the ID part of the URL? That only works if you use one of the apps Anchor supports. I wanted this for people who use other apps, like me.
  7. Can you publish the RSS feed for the podcast so that people using other apps can also subscribe? My understanding is that the process for finding it is described here, under the "Redirect from your old host" section - https://help.anchor.fm/hc/en-us/articles/115001185692-Step-2-Redirecting-your-RSS-feed-to-Anchor
  8. I forgot to mention those. I actually started with those events, but my understanding was that the desire is to discard actions on the items, not opening and closing, and for those the open/close events don't really help (unless you plan on registering for both the open/close? event and for the mouse down? event and hope that LV will always process events in the order of the frames and then you can try relying on the lack of the first event to discard the second). Like I said, I assume making it an indicator would do the job.
  9. I don't know if there's a way to figure out if the click was specifically on the expand symbol (other than starting to calculate yourself, which could get messy with nested elements), but can you just make the tree an indicator instead of a control? This will allow you to expand, but not to select. If the selection option is needed, Shaun's code from above should work. I'm not sure about dragging and other features.
  10. The difference is in the second Q&R function, where version 2 converts the remainder to U16 instead of the quotient.
  11. The funny thing is that I actually ran into this myself more than once, but I keep forgetting that it's not like flattening the array using the LV flattening functions and that you need to inline the bytes yourself using a cluster. I seem to recall making that mistake more than once and then having to fix it after testing.
  12. Whether you have separate elements or a cluster or a 1D array of clusters with a single element should probably not matter, as they are all the same in memory. I'm pretty sure the part you're missing is the char Data[1024] line - this means an array of 1024 bytes is expected (possibly so that it can be written into) and you're not allocating that memory. Try initializing the array to a size of 1024 bytes.
  13. Yeah, doesn't look like a good option here, as there's no VS installed there and it looks like it's against the license to take that utility on its own. Looking at some links from searching for that showed this, which seems to indicate you should be able to call System.EnterpriseServices.Internal.Publish.GacInstall to add an assembly to the cache, but a quick test both with through PowerShell and through LV, both run as admin, failed to install it to the GAC (the method doesn't actually return an error. Instead, the error is logged to the system event log and has no actual useful details). I think that for this specific project I will either copy the EXE into the DLL's folder or copy the DLL and all its dependencies into the EXE's folder. Ugly, but probably workable for this specific case and less of a hassle than the other options. I would have to check with the client what their preference is, but I doubt it's worth spending any more time on at the moment.
  14. I have the same question. I have some third party DLLs installed into the program files folder. As far as I can tell they are unsigned and not in the GAC (the public key token is null). I can call the DLLs, but when I build an EXE, it shows the browse dialog if the DLL is not in the application folder. Selecting the DLL then does load the program correctly. I would rather not copy the EXE to the DLLs folder or copy all of them (to get all the dependencies) to the application's folder. Creating a config file with a codebase element didn't seem to help either, probably because the assembly is unsigned. Does anyone know of a way to point to a non-GAC DLL which is not under the folder of the EXE?
  15. AllObjs[] uses the Z order, not the tabbing order. My understanding is that this is because it can include objects which can't be tabbed to, like decorations, so they're not part of the tabbing order. The same applies to SelectionList[] properties (although those also group items you selected together in a higher hierarchy).
  16. I haven't tried now and my exprience with trees is limited, but a quick look shows two possible options: The Top Left Visible Cell property, combined with the Number of Rows property, which will definitely work, but will require some computation to determine what it should be. The Open/Close.Ensure Visible method, which should probably work.
  17. No experience with this, but I have good experience with manually converting video formats using the conversion tools from Pazera. I don't know if they have a command line option, but you could probably also automate it through AutoHotKey for a real hodge-podge of stuff.
  18. The answer is generally to convert it to a stack based algorithm. Rather than calling the same function, push the data into a queue and dequeue it until the queue is empty.
  19. Probably. LV's general approach to references is that they are cleaned up when the hierarchy they were created in goes idle or out of scope. The hierarchy is determined by the top level VI, so if you're running a VI to create the connection and that VI stops and you're then running the second VI, the value of the reference is still there, as you can see, but the underlying resource has been cleaned up because the VI has stopped. Since you didn't show any code showing how you're testing this, I can't know for sure, but I'm guessing that's your issue. Another potential issue would be that your code is still running, but the reference was created in a hierarchy (i.e. a dynamically called VI) which did stop running.
  20. Brian, you should realize you're doing something wrong when Mike has more of a beard than you do.
  21. As I said a few years back, I now use Inoreader for RSS and am quite happy with it (enough to pay to remove the ads) - That said, I have never used RSS for LAVA, because I don't find it very practical to have all the topics mixed together in a single feed. The fact that the unread list allows me to see all replies from a single topic as a single line means it's much easier to compartmentalize.
  22. Even more specifically, the unread content page - https://lavag.org/discover/unread/ This will group threads to a single line and content will disappear from it once you read it.
  23. Not really. But then, it's not today anymore, it's tomorrow.
  24. Yair

    VI macros?

    Well, trolling ShaunR is certainly a worthy endeavour... Plus, you never know. jeffk could just be AQ who managed to get IT to give him a new email address so he can register a new NI account.
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