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Everything posted by drjdpowell

  1. Thoughts on Futures, as I understand them (and without reexamining Daklu’s implementation): 1) Isn’t the point of futures to block (not poll), just like synchronous operations, but to delay the block until the information is needed, rather than when it is requested? It’s “lazy blocking”. And very similar to standard LabVIEW data flow (blocking till all inputs available). 2) One use of Futures I can think of is if I wish to request information from several processes, and perform some action only when I receive all replies. I can send all the requests and pass the array of futures to a spawned “Wait on all Futures” process/actor that sends a single bundled-reply message back to the original process when all the futures are filled. This would be much easier than having to record each reply and checking to see if I have all of them. — James
  2. Note: you don’t have to open the front panel to “Run” it. Just skip “FP.open”.
  3. It will only work with by-value objects in limited cases. Every wire branch leads to a separate object. For example, in your last attachment, you have an “ImplementorInit” VI that returns five entirely independent “Implementer” objects; two in Child 1(at parent and child levels), two in Child 2, and an overall object that holds Children 1 and 2. If these were five references to a single by-ref object then you would be able to work on that object from any of your methods. But by-value you are working with different objects; changing one has no effect on the others. In the code I posted, I’m trying to keep all the by-value objects together, with no copies, so any method in one interface can call methods on any or all of the over interfaces. Child2 can access and modify the Child1. Child1 can access and modify Child2. — James BTW: Daklu has an interface framework in the code repository. He uses a by-ref object (using a DVR).
  4. Are your examples meant to involve by-value or by-reference objects? I can see how they work for by-reference objects, but they wouldn’t work with by-value objects (since your making copies at every wire branch).
  5. It wasn’t/isn’t clear to me what this idea is asking for that the conditional disable structure doesn’t already do. Could you give an example?
  6. Interesting. I didn’t know N2O had enough greenhouse potential to be an issue despite it’s small concentration. But it’s still isn’t significant, as the greenhouse effect of the N2O from vehicles is only a bit over 1% of the effect of CO2 from the same vehicles (if I read this correctly).
  7. An experimental modification: Run “Example B.vi" Interface B.zip
  8. The noxious gases that the catalytic converter works on are only a very small fraction of the gases produced, so it doesn’t make a meaningful difference. Also, the sun’s UV light will eventually complete the oxidation of the carbon in those gases to CO2. Too slowly to affect ground-level pollution, but fast on a timescale of climate change.
  9. To be Devil’s advocate, isn’t the need to put the word “unrelated” in there a bit of a problem? I’m not familiar with OOP interfaces, but isn’t the idea that interfaces are different ways of treating the same object? Representing a single object as a collection of different objects with no connections between them might work sometimes, but the instant you have a relationship (say, Child2 needs to call a method on Child1 in order to execute “Child2Info.vi”) then you have a problem. — James Fuzzy Idea: How about a design in which QueryInterface, instead of returning a copy of Child2 from Child1, takes a Child1(containing Child2) and returns a Child2(containing Child1)? I.e. the collective object is always the same (and each child can access the other), but the apparent identity switches between different interfaces.
  10. Minor point: catalytic converters don’t increase the amount of greenhouse gases, so this can’t be an example of “unintended consequences”.
  11. Latest version, with a bit of the documentation filled in. It now also works under Mac OS X (it links to the standard copy of SQLite3 included as a part of OS X): SQLite LabVIEW.zip
  12. I usually set my programs with the ability switch between using the sub panel, and opening separate windows (this is very easy to do). Then I debug with separate windows.
  13. Any further comments on this package? Or any comments on whether this is right for OpenG? I could alternately try and release it under “Team LAVA”. I could also use the help of people who use LabVIEW for Macs or Linux to try and test it with SQLite compiled for those platforms. It should work quite easily. It would be a shame to have a Windows-only package. — James
  14. UFTP is interesting as a UDP-based file transfer system (with the interesting use case of a broadcast to multiple receivers over a satellite link). moralyan should have a look.
  15. Could you explain why in a short paragraph, please?
  16. I googled it too and that was my conclusion. There were clearly tasks that cried out for UDP, broadcasting time-critical small pieces of information, but there was nothing suggesting one had to use UDP for sending large files.
  17. Oh, I didn’t know your were talking about Panes. I’ve not done that; just User Menus from controls inside a sub panel, which work fine.
  18. I usually save data as XY sets in a TDMS file, so different data sources can be at different rates and offsets. But if I wanted all data at the same time points, I would probably have a single queue to a “data logger” that all processes would send messages to (one queue, not many, with the source of the message as part of the message). Then the “Data logger” process could do any necessary resampling. This, IMO, has some advantages over using a Functional Global, though the advantages are pretty minor, at least for the typical use case of a steady data rate (where buffering is not needed). — James
  19. I’ve used User Menus in VIs in sub panels before without problem. Perhaps I’m misunderstanding the issue.
  20. Hello, I’m uploading the latest version of my framework, even though it isn’t polished, as I’m unlikely to have any time to polish it for months (baby on the way). It includes all the extra stuff since the last version, including the Actor Manager, and TCP-network versions of the Queue and User Event Messengers. It is in LabVIEW 2011. — James Messenging.zip
  21. Short answer: started (and had the first app using it) before I knew LapDog existed. Keep meaning to see if I can reformat the message part into a LapDog extension. Or make the messenger part interoperate with your "Message Queue”.
  22. Thanks for the insight. I’m going to leave creating SQL functions for another day.
  23. Some don’t, some do. But the ones that don’t are cheap enough to throw in the trash and get a different brand.
  24. No, but it has been suggested.
  25. I have a reusable “Actor” that does the same thing: It’s one of the more useful things to have in the toolkit. Doesn’t sound that great to me. Personally, all my “Queues” (actually anything to which I can send a message, via queue, User Event, TCP server, notifier, etc.; my parent class is called “Send") use the same base “MSG” class, and I keep track of what is what by holding them in a cluster in shift register, and unbundling by name when I want to send something to one. I never put them in an array unless I mean to send the same message to everybody. So I never search through an array of “Send” objects. In fact, the container I use for multiple “Send”s, called “Observer”, deliberately doesn’t provide the ability to access individual elements. — James
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