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Antoine Chalons

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Everything posted by Antoine Chalons

  1. Hi, I had the same issue a few times with LV 8.6, at the time I had the feeling it was due to editing VIs in the LV.Dialog context ; I was debugging some utility VIs I made (VIs started from the File menu). The solution for me was simply to close LabVIEW, relaunch and my build process would work again.
  2. There is a tree API that you can find here, it's really helpfull.
  3. do you know something we don't?
  4. When I'm not Antoine Chalons, I'm TiTou (my nickname) NI Forum / NI Community
  5. Cool! Welcome to the club! I strongly suggest you join the LabVIEW API group on NI community (if you haven't yet), it's full of interesting discussions, ideas and examples. Have fun.
  6. Hi Jon, Time has passed and LabVIEW API has been officially released by NI, see here.
  7. Hi all, /Advertising mode=on I've posted a few ideas on the LabVIEW Idea Exchange if you think they're worth, please vote - "Open Private Callees" and "Open Public Callees" options from the project window - "Open all Callers" option from the project window - More exclusion settings for the VI Hierarchy - Bad wire gets cleared automatically when it can (when you re-wire, the bad part is removed) /Advertising mode=off
  8. Ok, so you'll have to use VI server, here is q quick n easy idea : have a main VI in which you select a list of other VIs and when you clic "start", the VIs selected in the list are launched one after the other until the list is empty ; and to launch the next VI, you wait untill the current has finished executing. Is this what you need? Hope this helps
  9. Hi, If you are begining with LabVIEW I suggest you use a Tab Control to do that. Here is a small example : Hope this helps tab example.vi
  10. How do you build your plugin llb? Since your plugin is called on a RT target, you need to make sure each VI used in the plugins will be found at run time so you should try to include user.lib, vi.lib, etc when you build your plugin llb. To be find the "VI Linker Error" you need to install and activate the LabVIEW API : see here. Hooe this helps
  11. I didn't know about that, that's cool! Thanks
  12. Hi, You are digging out a fairly old post (17 fev 2006)... Can you tell a bit more about what you are doing. Apparently you're trying to launch a VI dinamically, and this VI for some reason is not runnable. Is this VI part of an llb? Do you try to launch it from an EXE you developped in LabVIEW or from some code that hasn't been compiled? A thing that can help you figure out the issue is doing this : Hope this helps
  13. Sorry again.. this also what I do (index through all visible line/colums) to set cell font. On a side note, you can make this process much faster by setting to 'true' the "Defer Panel Upade" on the front panel that contains the control. hope this helps
  14. I don't think there is another to do that.
  15. Hi, Delete the enum you created, place your mouse cursor over the "Justification" property node, right click and select "create > constant", then chose the type of justification you want. Same as before, in fact the cluster containing row index and column index is a typedef so if you link a cluster that you create, even if the type is fine you will see the coercion dot. If you create a constant from the property node then that will constant from the typedef and therefore you won't have the red dot. Hope this helps
  16. I did volunteer - at the ancient time of LAVA 1.0 - and was accepted as a moderator, and I did spend time everyday to move posts to appropriate sections, I was also making the effort of sending a PM to inform the poster and to - kindly - ask him to try to select the appropriate section himself in the future. I don't know exactly how, when and why, but my right to do that went away. I imagine the move to LAVA 2.0 is a big part of the reason. I still volunteer to be a LAVA mod' EDIT : and I can prove it
  17. I have to admit I never found out how to do that... I guess I should have read the documentation that goes with the Skype4COM but I only needed to send SMS so I didn't go much further than that. Sorry I can't help you on that.
  18. There is another skype SDK - that I made - in the LAVAcr.
  19. I remember having problems with FireWire camera on Win XP SP3 and NI said there was no fix at the time (june 2008), the solution was to install Win XP SP2. If I remember correctly the issue was that the FireWire driver wouldn't work at 800Mbits but only at 400. Hope this can help
  20. When you create a new VI from template (*.vit) that is in an auto-populating folder (by right-clicking on the vit in the project explorer), no matter where you save the newly created VI, in the project explorer this newly created VI will appear in the auto-populating folder in which the original vit is. That's annoying.
  21. Say my customer has a Vision Builder AI licence (full featured), he's using it himself to control whatever he fancies and he asks me to develop a LabVIEW application to run on the same computer. The computer has VBAI installed and activated (so LabVIEW RTE is the computer) but not the LabVIEW development environment. So I can build an LabVIEW exe and ship it, that works. Now questions... Q1 : is there any function from the Vision palette that will not work if used in my exe? my first assumption : VBAI is there so Vision Acquisition Software RTE (VAS) and Vision Development Module RTE (VDM) are there as well, so answer should be no. actual answer : Some will work, some will not. And if you want everything to work you need to install (and activate) VDM RTE. Q2 : am I allowed - as far as NI licences are concerned - to use the few functions from the Vision palette that don't require to add the VDM RTE in the exe I will ship? the easy way : who cares, use what works and don't tell anyone. my first assumption : no clue, licence matters are definitely not my cup of tea. my second assumption : ask different people at NI you'll get different unofficial answers (that means nothing written). This is just an assumption, I haven't tried. Anyone has a clue? Edit : Vision Development Module costs $3599 Vision Development Module RTE costs $419
  22. Hi, I have tried to avoid this too but couldn't find out the solution so I've learnt to live with it. If someone knows a way then I'm interested. Sorry, can't help you.
  23. oops.. sorry, wrong image :S this one is better
  24. Hi raj, indeed the image was lost during the LAVA upgrade. Here is the method :
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