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Antoine Chalons

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Everything posted by Antoine Chalons

  1. Ha, today a new customer (a university) is requiring us to deploy our software on a Linux computer (not NI Linux RT). So we have a Linux machine on which we have LabVIEW and VIPM, we compile our application on this computer and then we need to deploy to another Linux computer that doesn't have either LabVIEW nor VIPM installed. If we simply manually place the so files from File Group 6 into a folder - which folder by the way? -, is it going to be enough to make it work? Cheers!
  2. Graftek Imaging the website does give a few words about the history : https://graftek.biz/aboutus
  3. Ok, thanks a lot for the detailed explanations. I'll stick with the ogsetup.exe
  4. Perfect, it's quite easy to do and it works just fine for me. My use case is that I want to update my rtexe on an NI Linux RT target, previous version didn't use OpenG Zip, new version does. And to update the target I have a computer that only has NI Max. Is there a way to build my rtexe from LabVIEW in such a way that it includes the dependencies of the OpenG Zip package to make the deployement easier?
  5. If I understand well it means, LabVIEW 32-bit is needed on the computer to be able to deploy the package to a RT target, right? What would be the way to deploy this package to a Linux RT Target from a Windows computer that has NI Max but not LabVIEW? Is it possible to extract the EXE you mention from the package, run it and then deploy from MAX?
  6. I have a "rule" something quite basic like "VisionSystemRef_CameraName_BufferType_Index" For the buffer type I have a typedef with a few options : - "Acq" for acquisition only buffer, I never do any processing on these, they are used only to store an image that has just been acquired from a camera - "Save" buffers reserved to store images that will be saved to disk - "Proc" for processing - "Disp" buffers reserved for images to be displayed on the UI So I use the "image copy" VI a lot do to transfer image data from a buffer to another
  7. Cool! What tool have you used to import the whole SVN repo with all the revision into the Git repo? Is it a feature in Github?
  8. I can download the files from this thread just fine. I'll try sending you a private message with the VI
  9. When I had to pick one, the options I considered were : DQMH AF JKI SMO G# ALOHA my own that would be much better than all of the above combined I picked DQMH because I love the API tester the scripting tools, also I feel there is a somewhat large community adoption and support.
  10. NI offfers an electrical power toolkit : http://zone.ni.com/reference/en-XX/help/373375G-01/
  11. Oh yes, I did burn my fingers with that one, I believe you get then sorted on their last modification date or something alike. Edit : oh, and by the way : https://forums.ni.com/t5/LabVIEW-Idea-Exchange/Add-Explicit-Decoration-References-to-LabVIEW/idi-p/975701
  12. I agree with Rolf, I think most people are not as strict as you are. And while we're at it, what version of english should be used? American english or British english or any other flavour. I thought about this when I read capitalising spelt with "z" 😂
  13. maybe this thread can help you, at the end it give the list of forbidden characters.
  14. Great idea! Although I attended your NIWeek presentation in 2017 VIMs are still not a reflex for me... I need to dig in!
  15. Anyone knows if there is a way to do a RegExp search on a maps?
  16. Ok, great. I guess we would need Ton's permission if we wanted to set up an online repo - GitHub for instance - for this package, right?
  17. Would you consider making this open source?
  18. That's enough for my need, thank you very much for being so quick to make the fix!
  19. Is there a way to change the MCL column width once the XControl is dropped on a front panel? Great tool!
  20. I use evernote to keep track of a lot of things in my life, both personal and professional. When I see articles / posts / code that I really want to keep, I copy the content into a note. If it's less important I just copy the link into a note. And I use tags to facilitate latter search.
  21. The being simple doesn't mean it's going to execute fast, I think there is more to optimise in the code inside the loop than anything else. That said, one thing that might help (again depending on what's in the loop) is to change the while loop for a timed loop to which you can give the highest priority. Also if you have some NI Hardware available you could use the clock as the reference for the loop, but that would probably improve jitter more than raw speed.
  22. Dating will always be a problem for software engineers.
  23. I reported this issue to NI, they created a CAR 732888. LabVIEW should handle broken stuff in ~\LabVIEW XXXX\project\ subfolders.
  24. It's, if you need any help in trying to reproduce this behaviour you can PM me.
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