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Can anyone please tell what a DVR [ Data value reference ] is ? I want to know at what situation it will be used and what are the advantages we get by using DVR. I am really confused in this topic . If someone has any code in which they have worked with DVRs. kindly share it to me.


Thank you.

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I don't have good examples to share, but here are a few helpful links for you:


A Data Value Reference (DVR) is shared memory location where the location to the data is passed on the wire as a reference rather than passing the data. It keeps memory copies from being created by using In Place Element Structures to read and write to the data. DVRs are automatically locked from other writers while a process is writing to it and has the option for multiple parallel reads. 

-- https://labviewwiki.org/wiki/Data_Communication#Data_Value_Reference_.28DVR.29

NI has an article dedicated to DVRs, which also explains the fundamental idea: http://www.ni.com/product-documentation/9386/en/

Here is a short video that explains how to use a DVR and some of the pitfalls: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VIWzjnkqz1Q

Of course, you'll find lots of topics related to DVRs on this forum.

Edited by LogMAN
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