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Rubiks Cube Solver By Neil Pate
- 5,093
This project is a 100% G based Rubiks Cube solver that I coded quite a while ago (2007) and then forgot about. I must have saved it it more recently in LV2011. The algorithm is based on the 7-step method, which is totally sub-optimal for solving a cube, but relatively simple to understand. Please note this code is not representative of my current coding ability, I just upload it in case anybody is interested. If I get time I would like to do a 3D representation of the cube and allow -
JSON LabVIEW By drjdpowell
- 13,586
JSON is a data interchange format (sometimes compared to XML, but simpler). There are multiple projects to create a JSON package for LabVIEW. This is yet another one motivated by this hijacked conversation originally about a different project to convert JSON into LabVIEW Variants. This project uses a set of LVOOP classes to match the recursive structure of JSON, rather than variants. It allows conversation to and from JSON. All functionality is available through two polymorphic VIs: Set and G -
LabVIEW Task Manager (LVTM) By TimVargo
- 3,614
LabVIEW Task Manager v1.10.0 (for LV2013+) This code is Open-Source, and free of charge Authors: Ravi Beniwal, Tim Vargo LabVIEW Versions Supported: LabVIEW Versions Tested on: Dependencies: GPower Error & Warning = lava_lib_tree_control_api >= 1.0.1-1 NI SmartBalloon = OpenG Application Control Library >= OpenG Comparison Library >= OpenG Array Library >= Open -
Chess Game By o u a d j i
- 2,786
(latest version 5.5 - November 3, 2015 - LabVIEW 2010) Chess Game with artificial intelligence 100% LabVIEW AI : algorithm MinMax + Alpha-Beta pruning two game levels : "novice" and "Jedi" editing interface (edit on/off) a) moving mode : left-clic on the starting square, left-clic on the destination square b) positioning mode : right-clic on a square opens a context menu to choice the piece. This engine 5.5 is stronger than the previous engine 5.0 (Jedi level) unzip